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i would liek to set up my own server but i cant seem to find a good tutorial and i hate not having admin.. LOL. my OS is ubuntu 11.10. any help would be awesome.
also, could someone tell me how much it would use up for a 24/7 server (8 players) and a server i only use when im online (also 8 players)?
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Hi there,

Everything is already explained here and there.

If you want to launch a server when you're online, you can create a launcher (right click on the desktop) and paste that in the command argument:
sh -c "cd /home/lysios/.AssaultCube_1.1.0.4;./server.sh;"
  • cd /home/lysios/.AssaultCube_1.1.0.4 is the path to your AC installation directory
  • ./server.sh is the command to launch the server

Then, you'll just have to start the game and you'll see your server.


Edit, if you want to make one single launcher for your server and client:
sh -c "cd /home/lysios/.AC_1.1.0.4;./assaultcube.sh & ./server.sh;"
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If you want to launch a server when you're online, you can create a launcher (right click on the desktop) and paste that in the command argument:

thank you for helping xD its much appreciated, but i dont quite get what you mean by this.. sorry
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HowToAddaLauncher - Community Ubuntu Documentation

Name = Assaultcube
Command = sh -c "cd PATH_TO_AC_INSTALLATION && sh server.sh"
Comment = AssaultCube is a FREE, multiplayer, first-person shooter game, based on the CUBE engine.
Taking place in realistic environments, with fast, arcade gameplay, it's addictive and fun!

Name you can set to what ever you like, same goes for Comment.
But Command need to be to your AC installation and server.sh file.

Mine server looks like this:

Name: Biohazard Server
Command: sh -c "cd ~/.games/ && sh server.sh"
Comment: AssaultCube Server
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(29 Feb 12, 06:58PM)Spicy_Orange1 Wrote: thank you for helping xD its much appreciated, but i dont quite get what you mean by this.. sorry

It was the answer for your last demand but I misunderstood you ^^
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ok, OpenSource, i got to the launcher creating bit, but you lost me on the where to put the command. english please xD. and not worry LySioS, i appreciate you trying :)

also, OpenSource, do you run ubuntu?
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Yes, i use Ubuntu.
But i use 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx)
I always stick to LTS versions.

And 11.10 has Unity, thats something i dont like. You can of course replace it with GNOME, KDE or something else, but by default? Canonical made a big mistake there imo.

If you tell us where you have your AC folder then we could try to give you the command to use.
Like, did you put in in your home folder or any where else?
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ok, the reason why i asked is because 11.10 doesnt allow you to add launchers and i have to download a small app to be able to use it. and also, what is the difference between LTS and 11.10? i thought it was the higher, the better.

i used ubuntu software centre to download assault cube and now it has many folders each containing a couple little things, but no folder saying
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LTS is Long Term Support.
As you can see by this pic
it will be supporter just as long as 11.04, talking about desktop version and not server version.
Read more about LTS in the link to LTS in my post above.

Maybe someone with a higher version then mine should try and help you as i have not tested 11.04 much and have no clue about what version or files/folders for Assaultcube that are downloaded via Software Center.

I can of course give it a shot.

Go to the folder where you have server.sh file.
Right-click -> properties.
Under "basic" tab there should be a "Location".
What does it say?
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i dont have a folder called that, or anything like that..
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On unity, it's kind of painful.

Create a launcher on your desktop and put that in the command line:

The config files of your server are in this folder:
You'll have to be admin to edit them ...
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