28 Feb 12, 08:32AM
Title conveys the thesis: I'm out.
In my nearly six months of playing AC I almost had fun. I came very close to it. I even set up some servers and tried to help people out, because I thought (briefly) that there was a community of nice players who wanted to foster an environment of friendly competition and escape from the stresses of real life (in short, who wanted to play a game).
When I started clanning, my eyes were quickly opened. I was introduced to a cesspool of hyper-competitive trolls. Narcissistic personality disorder afflicted self-imports, compensating for their ineptitude at real life by basing their ego on their ability to play a video game. I was in denial at first, and persisted with the misled conviction that this was the loud minority, and that I would eventually find a sanctum of rational people who play for fun.
Not to say the community is entirely composed of these people, there are, in fact, some very very nice and interesting cubers around. But they number less than 10 as far as I can tell. By and large it is permeated with either clueless noobs who provide no interesting competition, or obsessed ego-maniacs whose sense of personal worth is grossly inflated.
Now that we're parting ways, I can finally express the thoughts I've been withholding for the sake of my own reputation.
I'd like to single out a few prime examples of assholery:
aptly named because they are apparently good at oNe thing: using a mouse and keyboard at the same time. Included in this skillset is the ability to espouse disparagement safely behind a computer screen where no personal harm can come to them, serving to fortify their ever swelling e-penises.
(whom I smugly refer to as dyhk-heads)
In truth, dyh is largely a friendly clan. Two members, however, are salient in their dedication to trolling. Whop, and Resteasy. I've seen these guys go to great lengths to work themselves up into a trollgasm. Even so far as to faux-apply while aliasing to their target clan(s) and generally inducing the ire of every sensible person whom they come in contact with.
Honestly, I needn't make this case. Browse the forums, play some inters, socially inept behavior abounds.
The list goes on, but I'll spare you the rest of my Q_Q and close.
Devs, I'm sorry you're putting so much effort into something that is so egregiously under-appreciated by the users, but simple games for simple minds.
B}, eQ., .:Sj, [SODA], HyPE, you guys are cool as ice cubes. If I miss anyone it'll be you guys. Everyone else, please imbibe the sweat from my testicles. I'll be playing nethack if you need me.
When I started clanning, my eyes were quickly opened. I was introduced to a cesspool of hyper-competitive trolls. Narcissistic personality disorder afflicted self-imports, compensating for their ineptitude at real life by basing their ego on their ability to play a video game. I was in denial at first, and persisted with the misled conviction that this was the loud minority, and that I would eventually find a sanctum of rational people who play for fun.
Not to say the community is entirely composed of these people, there are, in fact, some very very nice and interesting cubers around. But they number less than 10 as far as I can tell. By and large it is permeated with either clueless noobs who provide no interesting competition, or obsessed ego-maniacs whose sense of personal worth is grossly inflated.
Now that we're parting ways, I can finally express the thoughts I've been withholding for the sake of my own reputation.
I'd like to single out a few prime examples of assholery:
aptly named because they are apparently good at oNe thing: using a mouse and keyboard at the same time. Included in this skillset is the ability to espouse disparagement safely behind a computer screen where no personal harm can come to them, serving to fortify their ever swelling e-penises.
(whom I smugly refer to as dyhk-heads)
In truth, dyh is largely a friendly clan. Two members, however, are salient in their dedication to trolling. Whop, and Resteasy. I've seen these guys go to great lengths to work themselves up into a trollgasm. Even so far as to faux-apply while aliasing to their target clan(s) and generally inducing the ire of every sensible person whom they come in contact with.
Honestly, I needn't make this case. Browse the forums, play some inters, socially inept behavior abounds.
The list goes on, but I'll spare you the rest of my Q_Q and close.
Devs, I'm sorry you're putting so much effort into something that is so egregiously under-appreciated by the users, but simple games for simple minds.
B}, eQ., .:Sj, [SODA], HyPE, you guys are cool as ice cubes. If I miss anyone it'll be you guys. Everyone else, please imbibe the sweat from my testicles. I'll be playing nethack if you need me.