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I know its a long shot but i would be very grateful if someone could let me know where all the secret passageways are. Thanks........
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Find them yourself ;)
Ps... Did you check the wardrobe?
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Let's count them!
[Image: one_two.png]
(<3 xkcd)

But seriously:
Secret passages in/to what? >:}D
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There is one, at the beginning, right behind you, but ill post a link so you can see it better:

Click here
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Here's one:

[Image: moaningmyrtlebathroom.jpg]
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(13 Feb 12, 12:42AM)Misty Wrote: Here's one:

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(13 Feb 12, 12:30AM)sam147 Wrote: I know its a long shot but i would be very grateful if someone could let me know where all the secret passageways are. Thanks........

[Image: youmustbenewherewillywor.jpg]

if you're talking about official maps, there really aren't any secret passages or anything like that. if youre talking about maps like @camper and HeadShotCity well........this isn't really the right forum lol
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Yeah sam147, the secret paths are decided by anyone who cares to edit/build the map and then use the /sendmap feature to make it selected on a server ( I dont know about the server host part).
So, imagine, I upload a nice gema (mermaid_gema), which is a kind of labyrinth style map, and decide that I want to reach the flag before anyone else. I could edit it and add some secret pathways, then /sendmap mermaid_gema to the server and wait until is voted, or vote it myself and win and yet fail at the same time.
Same applies to fragging positions in @camper maps, but this ones have evolved over time and are a compendium of all that Brazilians do in AC the lost time spent in AC put into 1 map.
BTW, welcome brah!
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Ur all funny as fuk, most likely american inbreds lol... forget i asked it
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Nooooooooooooooo, man , dont mix racial issues with a marvelous game. If you just had been more specific, you would have gotten an easier and more understandable answer.
What all people wanted to say is that maps with secret pathways (except maybe some nice gemas [the maze like maps]) are not very much loved by the community (or people who stick to the forums and care to voice their opinion).
It can be discussed long , but its more likely to find a n00b hacker teamkiller brazilian bunch in a @camper map than in normal maps, but in Ac learning curve, there are things you need to learn by yourself, a lot of them... XD
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in official maps, there aren't any secret passages, but there are secrets to being good at assaultcube.
Here is a super secret guide on how to move faster and stuff:

(it's not really a secret)
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Paul i was not being racist, inbreds in England might mean a different thing to where you live. Thanks for the info and why does everyone say noob on it?
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Lol inb4 Nightmare's "Flame On!"
Nvm I got it covered:
[Image: Flame-Flame_on.jpg]

Meh I'll take the bone.
Spoiler alert: There's an aboveground tunnel above ac_douze.
Now go fetch.
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lol sam147, im spanish and my english is not at its peak level (that would be over 9000) so I thought inbreed to be something racist. (could it be a genetic underling?)
Also, I dont know what you refer to with
(13 Feb 12, 01:49AM)sam147 Wrote: why does everyone say noob on it?
do you mean that , meanwhile playing, everyone say n00b in the in game chat? LOL. If thats it, then im completely lmao, if not, im completely flipping out. But, anyway, I didnt understand what you wanted to say. Please rephrase so I can help ya!

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Doesn't matter noob
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lol. I again dont seem to grasp the connection you are trying to make. Maybe, if you used commas...
Doesn´t matter, n00b.
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(13 Feb 12, 02:12AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: lol sam147, im spanish and my english is not at its peak level (that would be over 9000) so I thought inbreed to be something racist. (could it be a genetic underling?)
Also, I dont know what you refer to with

Inbred means your parents were related, so he just insulted anyone who read it and happens to be american, so yes, it is kind of racist.
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(13 Feb 12, 02:12AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: I thought inbreed to be something racist. (could it be a genetic underling?)

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No its not racist, you brutes, by inbreeds he means your mamas and your papas are relatives (you know, rednecks tend to like their cousins) and caus of that you all have poor genetic material and are, therefore, slow. Hard not to agree after reading this thread.

But now, sam147 dude, secret passageways?!? You kind brought that upon yourself. In case you don't know, all player can create and play their on maps, so its impossible to say where these passageways are, caus there are way too many maps around. I suggest that you don't play in maps that have secret passageways, they are usually very poor!

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Inbred is people(brother+sister, mother+father, cousin+cousin, etc making babies and getting married. He called all americans inbreds :|
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What a great way to start off on the forums. Welcome kind sir.
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(13 Feb 12, 02:56AM)ResTEasY Wrote: Inbred is people(brother+sister, mother+father, cousin+cousin, etc making babies and getting married. He called all americans inbreds :|

He did not:

(13 Feb 12, 01:34AM)sam147 Wrote: Ur all funny as fuk, most likely american inbreds lol... forget i asked it

He was just bashing you people and your families with one single word, smart I give him that and I found it kinda funny too. Not everything is about racism, he was just telling you dudes off.
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(13 Feb 12, 03:16AM)ElCrema Wrote: He was just bashing you people and your families with one single word, smart I give him that and I found it kinda funny too.

With bad grammar, comical misspelling and arbitrary (or non-existent) punctuation. Sounds like he's well-educated.

And while we're talking about inbreeding, I'd like to mention European royal families...
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Let's stop this flame war and close this thread.
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Why is noob being called a noob and not pRO ;)
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(13 Feb 12, 03:38AM)MasterKaen Wrote: I'd like to mention European royal families...

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(13 Feb 12, 03:49AM)Kakarrot Wrote: Let's stop this flame war and close this thread.
No! This must be expanded:
(13 Feb 12, 03:38AM)MasterKaen Wrote: And while we're talking about inbreeding, I'd like to mention European royal families...
Maybe sam147 and I might learn something, you guys are welcome to the free knowledge provided by the internet (also see:MasterKaen). What about inbreeding? Are this kind of things the result?

[Image: Tommen_Baratheon.jpg]
[Image: 250px-Myrcella_Baratheon.jpg]
[Image: 188207338_7fca5de9d5.jpg?v=0]
[Image: 145px-Horus_standing.svg.png]
[Image: siona.jpg]
Last is Siona Atreides, bonus points for naming the third one!
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Lol Bukz xD

I see what Crema means though, y'all are over-analyzing this a bit.
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I would be offended if someone didn't think americans were inbred.

Also (and more on topic), secret passageways aren't in many official maps and are fairly pointless to discover imo. If you really want to know, contact the mapmakers and ask them yourself.
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What you could do is, just edit the official maps, and put secret passageways.
Then we could make the maps u made official.

Wait, that might get you blacklisted?
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