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Official Clan Match Rules
Who is for an official topic of clan_match_rules?
I think Rules for Clan Matches should be official, coz for example: Like every time when someone is lagging out between a match...do anotherone taking kevlars/health or moving around and is taking some better positions for himself and his clan.
No! All have to stop there moving if someone can´t play (like lagged out) and keep his position where he stand on! We just can stop those (and other things like that), if we´ll choose some fair rules for all and make them official.
This rules have to choose -"If someone broke the rules"- what we´ll do with him.
To orginize that will be really dificult I know, but I really wonna have official rules of CM´s...But I think if some more people wonna official cm_rules too and can orginize that , we could and should do that! What do you think about those things i said and which rules you wonna put in the rules we´ll do? :D

Your Lemonade! :P
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Would be a nice idea to create such a topic but i think the admins of the servers (where the match is) will be the organizer of a Clan Match and "Rules" (like in tournaments)
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Seems a bit to intrusive to me.

There's "Unwritten Rules of Match Engage and Disengagement" already.

Common courtesy, all that.

Nothing can be done if someone breaks those "rules"
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Nothing except not to play against the clan - ever again.
And when all clans dont wanna play your clan you need to have a look at why and change your attitude.
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Official rules won't exist until there are official results or some sort of official league. Which hopefully should be coming in the next few months.
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Official rules no, but we arent stupid and we know whats right and wrong.
So, do the right stuff and not the wrong stuff.
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No need for official rules.
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this issue could be solved with making /paused 1 voteable as has been discussed in the past imo
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/paused 1 is there already.
In demo. ;)

So maybe /gamepaused 1 will be better.
Or even better; /matchpaused 1
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So we dont really need Clan Match Rules.

Clan Match Pause Command <3
Agrees with /matchpaused 0\1

R.I.P. WhitneY
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The aG Cup already has very, very fair and robust rules. They're not perfect, but they address many issues AC faces such as
  • disconnect abuse (only required to stop if they lag out while you're winning)
  • hit-reg issues (fixed servers unless both teams agree otherwise)
  • cheaters (6 month ban from date of evidence)
  • heavy CTF camping (scoring on flags only)
  • deciding a tiebreaker (fair maps known in advance, replayed if tied)

very capably.

The lag stopping rule should only apply when wasting time is not in the interest of the lagged out player. Otherwise they get to benefit from their fault which is patently unfair.

I would go further, and make rules about lag, but the rules would be highly controversial and rather subjective. I'd also like to improve how we play the tiebreaker... instead having it played once each side. I decided not to in the end because AC is casual and I doubt most teams want to replay tiebreakers.
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Heavy camping is applicable only in some maps (depot, acque, iceroad, outpost...) so the solution is just to pick as tiebreaker the other maps, like sunset or power.
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I agree with most that has been said. Official rules aren't really needed. It should be down to the individual clans/players to follow the general etiquette of matches. If you're unsure and/or dislike them, then you can either discuss with the other team at the given time or not play them at all.

Also, +1 to /gamepause commands, obviously.
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Shouldn't we write down the former unwritten etiquette? So for people who browse here but don't know the proper etiquette.
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This is the usual etiquette that in example MyS players follow:
1 - Who ask for a match can pick first
2 - If the teams agree, they can tie, otherwise a tiebreaker must be played. It must be agreed by both teams. if an agreement is not reached, then Melone starts a flame war. If you don't have melone in your team you can borrow Roflcopter or Jason.
3 - If someone disconnets without saying anything, if the match has just started the teams agree in restart. if the match is in the middle you wait. If its 2 mins remaining and the team with the disconnected player is winning, usually you are allowed to go on playing until you tie in flags.
4 - if someone leave saying that he has to go, all players leave disgusted or start tkilling each other until the server kick them!
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(16 Feb 12, 07:30PM)YourSister Wrote: 2 - If the teams agree, they can tie, otherwise a tiebreaker must be played. It must be agreed by both teams. if an agreement is not reached, then Melone starts a flame war. If you don't have melone in your team you can borrow Roflcopter or Jason.

Roflcopter is chief credit to the AC bar, specializing in tiebreaker conflict negotiation.
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(16 Feb 12, 07:30PM)YourSister Wrote: This is the usual etiquette that in example MyS players follow:
1 - Who ask for a match can pick first
2 - If the teams agree, they can tie, otherwise a tiebreaker must be played. It must be agreed by both teams. if an agreement is not reached, then Melone starts a flame war. If you don't have melone in your team you can borrow Roflcopter or Jason.
3 - If someone disconnets without saying anything, if the match has just started the teams agree in restart. if the match is in the middle you wait. If its 2 mins remaining and the team with the disconnected player is winning, usually you are allowed to go on playing until you tie in flags.
4 - if someone leave saying that he has to go, all players leave disgusted or start tkilling each other until the server kick them!

Wow cool, that´s really nice. I think if all Officiel-Clans are following those rules, shouldn´t be problems in clanmatches anymore...We just have to tell it everyone whose an Officiel-Clan in AC and say them that this rules you can follow and keep them save for ever, if you dont want discussions in clanmatches anymore...Or do them Officiel how I said and I think all will following them automaticly.

You can choose or let it how it is atm...
I hope for some more good ideas :D

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.El.: Sorry to burst your bubble, but most of YourSister's post is sarcasm. Only sensible points are 1 and 3.
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(17 Feb 12, 03:02AM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: .El.: Sorry to burst your bubble, but most of YourSister's post is sarcasm. Only sensible points are 1 and 3.

Hehe, yea i know. But i still think that this 4 points of rules can remove all problems we (will) have/had...:P
Who do think so too and wonna tell it every Officiel-Clan we have, that they should put it in there own rule-lines...? :D

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