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Screenshot help.
Ok I've noticed recently that whenever I press F12 to take a screenshot, my AC client shuts down. I don't have any mods (don't know how to lol), and I only have one script which tells you how much damage your nades do, so I don't think the problem is because of something I've done.

It says "Win32 Error" or something. It takes the ss anyway, but it's still annoying, especially in the middle of a 1v1 or something.

Does anyone know why this is happening?
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Try doing: /screenshottype 2
if that doesn't fix it, take screenshots when you aren't in fullscreen.
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To clarify, it's an issue with the jpeg algorithm on some hardware at some resolutions. Using .bmp or .png will fix it.
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Ronald_Reagan I tried that. It didn't crash my computer but it didn't take a screenshot either, which was saddening I guess.

Jamz, you say "some hardware at some resolutions". thinking about it, I have only had this problem since I adjusted the screen width/height from 800x600 to 1000x600, does this mean if I changed it back the problem would be gone?
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/screenshottype 2 will change screenshot format.
Type it and use /screenshot or F12 to take screenshot.
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Yes, changing it back to 800x600 will probably fix it, but setting it to screenshottype 2 (png) should also fix it. I'm surprised you even got 1000x600 to work. I can't seem to do non-standard sizes.
Try some other resolutions, but if you really want 1000x600, use screenshottype 0 and compress them yourself later.
I'm sure OpenSource means F12, BTW.
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Yes, of course it was F12.
Post edited. :)
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More info:

Since getting a new laptop + new monitor, my AC also crashed when I tried to screenshot. (So either "jpeg algorithm on some hardware" issue with my new laptop, or resolution issue with my new monitor [1400 x 900] ^^ )

RR suggested me to switch to /screenshottype 2 and it works fine now (=
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This worked! Thanks :D
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