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Hello, I made this server, so people in North America can enjoy a server, with out laggers.

If you did not cheat or abuse, and you're blacklisted, its because this server uses a range ban to block IP's out of North America. I made this server to deliver low-latency servers to people in North America, as an experiment
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IMHO I hate these servers, you cant play wherever you want.
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yea, its custom maps, but just to reduce lag, its an experiment
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Ok if its for north american only it is very nice to set it up. Although my ping is 200-300+ i still dont like the SC servers ;P
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ur location, and ur internet speed, cause this server is on my VPS in Chicago
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(31 Jan 12, 01:15AM)Jg99 Wrote: ur location, and ur internet speed, cause this server is on my VPS in Chicago

ye i know ;) i meant although my ping is very well on SC servers i still dont like em ;)

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Hey guys! How about to make a time for maps a little shorter? Now there are unrealistic framework. Even a noob can finished for 20 mins. :)
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Not everyone runs 20 minutes rounds.
Its all up to server owner.

Or are you maybe talking about all maps on SilverCloud server only?

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I set the maprot. i can have any time i want to.
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Im still banned ill send you my ip guessing this server is for canada too
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it should be, idk why the f*ck ur blocked, let me get u a deban pass.
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Thanks bud :) i sent you my ip if that helps.
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Laggers should be embraced by the community, not hated upon.
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Guys watch out this server has a broken grenade hack anti cheat. :( dissapointed.
(24 Feb 12, 10:18AM)XFA Wrote: Laggers should be embraced by the community, not hated upon.

An huh?
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(25 Feb 12, 01:25AM)ProSmoke Wrote: Guys watch out this server has a broken grenade hack anti cheat. :( dissapointed.
Dont say stuff like that when you dont have proof!
Give us a demo.
Trying to get a server removed from master server like this without evidence should be a crime.
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anticheat banned him for nade hack, so i bl'd him, cause it said he had far gib (grenade)
and it was on my servers that arent modded, my acstats servers and gema server use modded server tho
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fyi, unless you repeatedly see tons of those notices in quick succession, you probably shouldn't bl. "far gib (grenade)" could just be lag, the server knows this so it doesn't kick on it.
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Give us evidence!!!
Provide demo at least.

This is fucked up, and anyone reporting a cheater/hacker without evidence will NEVER make community respect them

Reports without proof will not be added to my server or BoB ladder server.
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And the sad part is there is no way of me getting unbanned seeing how i dont have a time machine to get the demo. I never remember this happeninh.
(25 Feb 12, 03:07AM)DES|OpenSource Wrote:
(25 Feb 12, 01:25AM)ProSmoke Wrote: Guys watch out this server has a broken grenade hack anti cheat. :( dissapointed.
Dont say stuff like that when you dont have proof!
Give us a demo.
Trying to get a server removed from master server like this without evidence should be a crime.
I dont understand sorry. I was in the wrong for getting wrongfully banned?

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First, If you get banned on a server - NOTICE NAME.
Yes, you cant get demo if banned form server but a lot of server host provide a website you can get demo from.
And you can still ask some friends to log onto server and get demo.

Blacklist reports without proof (demo) will never be accepted by most server owners.
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Jg is power tripping?
[Image: 239-oh-look-its-this-thread-again.jpg]
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LOL kaen XD
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Nice one Jg
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dude, i dont even run this server anymore, since my vps got canceled
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Does Anyone Know How to Open Mikrotik Routers?

I try Everything...
So Do i must make a new Cfg Files?
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I am the community. What will it be today? The blue pill or the red pill? Why do I have this sudden desire to watch the Matrix?
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dude close this topic.
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Never!! I am Sitting Kell, Chief of Mega Indian Tribe hail from SilverCloud Mountains. White man will never shut us down!!
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Due to request by the OP, I'll close this thread.
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(29 Apr 12, 07:47PM)MorganKell Wrote: Never!! I am Sitting Kell, Chief of Mega Indian Tribe hail from SilverCloud Mountains. White man will never shut us down!!

I own silvercloud.
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