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ac_mezzanotte By Z3R0

A medium sized urban night themed map using niebs textures.

[Image: 6779654931_0bfe088397.jpg]
[Image: 6779654925_999a34119a.jpg]
[Image: 6779654915_0baff36cc0.jpg]
[Image: 6779654937_991c4d14e5.jpg]

Download ac_mezzanotte

Feedback is welcome and much appreciated :D
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tad dark but overall, awesome job :D
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(29 Jan 12, 06:14AM)MerCyKiL Wrote: tad dark but overall, awesome job :D

mezzanotte = midnight :P
* Orynge looks at it now.

EDIT: I don't think it's too dark, IMO.
It looks like a good map for T/DM, T/SURV, T/OSOK and possibly HTF.
And, the layout is very easy to learn. Good job. :)
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as i said before, the map is kinda dark. but in the fact that mezzanotte means midnight it has to be i guess. anyways, i like the layout and the texture job you did there, maybe a little bit more details. :)
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It's been a while since I've comment on a map ...

I do like the layout and the atmosphere although a little bit more white light where you have strahlers and street lamps to contrast with the overall yellowish lightning.

I suppose that adding some sounds to it would definitely be a plus.

One last thing (this is valid for every mappers around) please add a 200x150 preview image to your package, it does help a lot when you end up like me having god knows how many maps.
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Hey guys, thanks for the comments.

About the lights, a few people have told me that it's too dark and others say its fine. I was confused :P

I may go over the lights again and add more white lights too add brightness and contrast like Cleaner suggested. Though I can't really do sound, my laptop doesn't play sound at all anymore, which is annoying ¬__¬

Thank you for the suggestions, and I'll start adding that from now on Cleaner :)
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Quit whining over dark lighting! Dark lights means sneaky mode! :O
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(29 Jan 12, 02:17PM)Snoosnoo Wrote: Quit whining over dark lighting! Dark lights means sneaky mode! :O
Just think a bit about old crummy like Tampa, Tipper and myself with degenerating eyesight, it ain't fair at all (not to mention having to drag the bulletproof zimmer frame).

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Looks like you'll have to carry a torch with you ;)
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Cchiù scuru i menzannotte un pò fari (it can't be darker than midnight) :P

Lovely map!
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Nice work, really! And i like the light, its not to dark.

Here is a alternative enlightment. Imao the original light is good.

[Image: testjgjte.jpg]

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The map is good, and IMO the lighting is good too. The whole thing just needs a little more contrast - either from lighting or from textures.
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/gamma 150
What darkness? :P
my only suggestion is to change the prefix from ac_
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Nice map.
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(29 Jan 12, 06:11PM)Lantry Wrote: my only suggestion is to change the prefix from ac_

It's not that standard a name is it? :P
I have actually got all my maps saved with a z3_ prefix. Though I always forget and use the ac_ one P:
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(29 Jan 12, 08:55PM)Z3R0 Wrote: It's not that standard a name is it? :P

right, but the reason people use the ac_ prefix in the first place is because they see other people doing it. I agree that it's very unlikely there will ever be another map named mezzanotte, but people need to start using their own prefixes, regardless of whether they think it's a common name or not, or else it will never catch on for the common names.
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Nice map! Just add more lights under the light mapmodel.
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(29 Jan 12, 09:03PM)Lantry Wrote: the reason people use the ac_ prefix in the first place is because they see other people doing it.

Wasn't it more because of in the early days material was mainly uploaded on Quadropolis and that so it could be differentiated from Sauerbraten stuff?

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(29 Jan 12, 10:43PM)DES|Cleaner Wrote:
(29 Jan 12, 09:03PM)Lantry Wrote: the reason people use the ac_ prefix in the first place is because they see other people doing it.

Wasn't it more because of in the early days material was mainly uploaded on Quadropolis and that so it could be differentiated from Sauerbraten stuff?
The first group of Illuminati is supposed to know that. Since then people basicly do what Lantry said (that's my guess of course)
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(29 Jan 12, 10:43PM)DES|Cleaner Wrote:
(29 Jan 12, 09:03PM)Lantry Wrote: the reason people use the ac_ prefix in the first place is because they see other people doing it.

Wasn't it more because of in the early days material was mainly uploaded on Quadropolis and that so it could be differentiated from Sauerbraten stuff?

yeah sorry I meant "the reason people use ac_ when they are creating their maps nowadays", not about where it all started from. sorry for the confusion!
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