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Oldvillage download
hey anyone know where i can get a copy of ac_oldvillage? if you dont remember it, it was an often played map about two years ago before map restrictions set in. (i think the hanze clan played it quite a bit). i tried to download the assaultcube 09-10 mappack but its not online anymore? searched akimbo. no luck. suggestions anyone?
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Here ya go:
[Image: MXZzXl.jpg]

ac_old By: StupP

[Image: cQwXal.jpg]

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That's not oldvillage...
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MerCyKiL, you want oldvillage (sometimes oldevillage iirc), no ac_ prefix.
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LOL, It says ac_old village.
I played this map recently, in TyD forgotten, thats why I remembered.
Is this maps name really ac_prefix? LOL, Im a big n00b.
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He wants another map titled oldvillage.

IIRC it can't be played in 1.1 due to restrictions.
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get it from me sometime, kuz i got most of the old maps
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i have found the map.

[Image: oldvillage.th.jpg]

here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/?onqu0fv76cbuivv
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I think I remember why it doesn't meet map requirements :P
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So many good memories of this map, I still think AC died the moment map restrictions came in.
It was a great map, it had nice long range gameplay without sacrificing close range and breaking the core AC gameplay or breaking the engine and causing walls to blink.

But it has big open areas, so it must be terrible and game breaking! And rifle@camper somehow passes the restrictions, so it must be a decent map! :P

Aaaanyways, I still have my 1.04 files over on another computer, I can grab the map for ya's in the morning if someone doesn't already upload it by then.

EDIT: Oh, never mind, it's already here.
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This was the only fun tosok map to really play in pubs.
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What a bout a real 24/7 server with the Hanze' maprot?

I mean without map restrictions and a very strict maprot:
-Wintertown (maybe?)
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(23 Jan 12, 12:43PM).ExodusS* Wrote: What a bout a real 24/7 server with the Hanze' maprot?

I mean without map restrictions and a very strict maprot:
-Wintertown (maybe?)

+1 for .ExodusS*

(and thanks for teh map :) )
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(23 Jan 12, 12:43PM).ExodusS* Wrote: What a bout a real 24/7 server with the Hanze' maprot?

I mean without map restrictions and a very strict maprot:
-Wintertown (maybe?)

I would support it, but is that possible?
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(23 Jan 12, 03:05PM)titiPT Wrote: ...
From what I understand:
- If the source code was edited, yes.
- It couldn't go on the masterserver.
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yea its possible, even if its not shown on the masterserver like Orynge said. the same thing happens with the TBR headshot server, which is modded for headshots only and no other damage possible :)
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(23 Jan 12, 12:43PM).ExodusS* Wrote: What a bout a real 24/7 server with the Hanze' maprot?

I mean without map restrictions and a very strict maprot:
-Wintertown (maybe?)

(24 Jan 12, 01:02AM)MerCyKiL Wrote: yea its possible [...]

No, it isn't. Map restrictions is server and client side. I have asked for the client side restrictions to be removed, but who knows :P

To do this, you would have to play in coop, or play with a modded client.
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*cries because of no hope*
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you can't even play on single player?
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(24 Jan 12, 03:34AM)W@rr!0r Wrote: you can't even play on single player?
Not with bots in 1.1.
You could with bots in 1.0.
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(24 Jan 12, 01:04AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: I have asked for the client side restrictions to be removed, but who knows :P

Ronald Reagan for AC President!

What is the point of client side restrictions, except to make it harder to host a modded server? Is there something that can be measured by the client but not by the server? Is it to stop those maps from being created in the first place?
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(24 Jan 12, 04:35AM)Lantry Wrote:
(24 Jan 12, 01:04AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: I have asked for the client side restrictions to be removed, but who knows :P

Ronald Reagan for AC President!

What is the point of client side restrictions, except to make it harder to host a modded server? Is there something that can be measured by the client but not by the server? Is it to stop those maps from being created in the first place?

pretty much my point in my arguement i had with teh mods a while back. really the only thing that i think these restrictions do good is stopping someone from typing /newmap 7 and playing it on multiplayer. other than that and gemas, i think every map has good qualities, whether big or small
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This is one of my maps (ac_old) map with the message (ac_old_village) and you'll find this and most other 21 maps in this pack I posted some time in akimbo.

Download Map Pack

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(24 Jan 12, 04:52PM)Stüpp Wrote: This is one of my maps (ac_old) map with the message (ac_old_village)

The map is oldvillage not ac_old or ac_old_village and mapmsg says OldVillage by Hanze, wildcard.

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(24 Jan 12, 04:52PM)Stüpp Wrote: This is one of my maps (ac_old) map with the message (ac_old_village) and you'll find this and most other 21 maps in this pack I posted some time in akimbo.

Download Map Pack

Thank you I have been looking for a map pack!!! :D

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It's a problem this confusion of names, I made some mistakes creating some maps with names that already exist; this eliminates some maps that are extinct in the servers.
But until now did not know or even played in another map with the same name.
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(24 Jan 12, 04:16AM)Orynge Wrote: Not with bots in 1.1.
You could with bots in 1.0.
[Image: 20120126_03_28_23_oldvillage_BTDM.jpg]
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tdm? what is this?
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(25 Jan 12, 03:51PM)Stüpp Wrote: It's a problem this confusion of names, I made some mistakes creating some maps with names that already exist; this eliminates some maps that are extinct in the servers.
But until now did not know or even played in another map with the same name.

This problem has already been solved!!!!
don't use the "ac_" prefix, use your own individual one!
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its one of the reasons i actually started playing ac :P
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