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First Legit 6v6 clan match?
Thought this was pretty hilarious

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6v6 TOSOK ac_snow? What monster picked that mode?
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FD did :D
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We should have had someone commentate on that :D
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Or not, would be boring as hell lol
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Nice one guys :)
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Niceeeee... Weve only done a 4x4 legit match.
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6v6 Gothic
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sorry for double post, was a lag issue. old thread should be deleted if possible, i've tried but couldn't.

this whole match a cluster F*** but was surprisingly fun to play lol
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make me remember a 5V5 against dR :p

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lol'ed about the 77 death in gothic

77 x 5seconds = 385 seconds (6min 25seconds) spend on waiting for respawn !

Yeah Exoduss strange match...To Score a flag on depot 5v5 is pretty hard !
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very nice meeting :-D
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Lol GJ!
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6v6 depot. :>

TBH, I would love to see 6v6 Elevation. :D
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10v10 gogogo
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Pretty sure B} had a 5v5 or 6v6 at one time. At least all B}s on one team. I dont remember what the other team consisted of :>
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(22 Jan 12, 05:46AM)Orynge Wrote: TBH, I would love to see 6v6 Elevation. :D
Better : 6v6 Arid :D

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The best match ever
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(04 Feb 12, 04:54PM)Honor Wrote: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/580/acp1.png/

The best match ever

i really doubt that.

this match was rly amazin'

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Here the second legit 6V6:

[Image: 20120265.jpg]
[Image: 20120266.jpg]
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I must find my old ss for a 6v6.
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