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[Tutorial] How to make 2 Servers?
1!) Copy:
server.bat -> server2.bat
ac_server.exe -> ac_server2.exe
nicknameblacklist -> nicknameblacklist2
serverblacklist -> serverblacklist2
servercmdline -> servercmdline2
maprot -> maprot2 (optional)
serverpwd -> serverpwd2 (optional)

2!) Edit the server2.bat:
bin_win32\ac_server.exe -Cconfig/servercmdline.txt %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
-> bin_win32\ac_server2.exe -Cconfig/servercmdline2.txt %1 %2 %3 %4 %5

3!) Edit the servercmdline2.txt with your server information

4!) Run your Servers with the server.bat & server2.bat


"You need new ports to run a second server!"
server 1 servercmdline: -f28763 (=28763/28764)
server 2 servercmdline2: -f28765 (=28765/28766)
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... What OS is this even for? I'll assume Windos.

First off, you don't need two separate Blacklists. Never. Not for any reason.
Also, you don't need two exes, or at least I don't.
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(21 Jan 12, 08:05PM)Mai Mee Tur Wrote: ... What OS is this even for? I'll assume Windos.


If u dont need 2 exe's its ok, but u need them on windows ;)

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iDamN, I'm on Windows 7, unless there's a discrepancy between Windows 7 and Vista that I don't remember, you don't need two exes.

Now, if you're on another Windows, then you may be correct
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You dont need 2 exe files to run 2 seperate servers, you just pass different parameters to the same server.exe file. one batch file will open 1 instance of the server with 1 set of parameters and the other batch file will open a new instance of the server with the 2nd set of parameters.
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I don't know about windows, but on linux I can make the process fork (via &) so I can just use one script to launch both/all of my servers. So really you should only need separate servercmdline.txt files, and maybe separate motd and extended info files. Also, I can 100% certainly confirm that you only need one .exe

Still a good idea to post this tutorial, I'm sure it will help someone once you revise it.
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The only thing you must separate to run more than one server is the BAT file launcher (Meaning two launchers). Everything else can stay exactly the same with no problem. Multiple servers can use all of the same files including Server.exe. So in reality you only have to duplicate server.BAT or whatever you call it and change your server switches.
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(21 Jan 12, 10:33PM)X-Ray_Dog Wrote: The only thing you must separate to run more than one server is the BAT file launcher (Meaning two launchers). Everything else can stay exactly the same with no problem. Multiple servers can use all of the same files including Server.exe. So in reality you only have to duplicate server.BAT or whatever you call it and change your server switches.

You also need a separate "servercmdline.txt" as your port number is set in there.
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(22 Jan 12, 07:56PM)Billybob Wrote: You also need a separate "servercmdline.txt" as your port number is set in there.

You don't really need to, since you can pass the port as a switch in the .bat file, but I prefer to keep mine in servercmdline.txt as well because I've been brainwashed to encapsulate things.
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Ok i bet you, MasterKaen is going to be in DES|, or at least a ac Dev at some point.... Hes too clever... lol
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"MasterKaen is going to be in DES|, or at least a ac Dev at some point"

Somehow I think you got the importance of those two wrong...

No offense to DES of course
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dam it! if everyone in DES is supposed to be clever I'm in all kinds of trouble ;)
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(23 Jan 12, 08:49AM)DES|Anderson Wrote: dam it! if everyone in DES is supposed to be clever I'm in all kinds of trouble ;)


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I think Godsmack is in all kinds of trouble too Andy :P
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