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AssaultCube runs slow on my computer
Two and a half years ago I used to play AssaultCube on an older computer, and it ran great. I now try to play AssaultCube on my newer computer, and it's really slow. What should I do? Here are my specs:

Windows 7 Service Pack 1, 32 bit
Intel Celeron CPU
2 GB of RAM

If you need more spec information, just tell me how to look it up.
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right-click on your desktop and select "Graphics Properties..."
The dialog box that appears should give useful info about your graphics card.
- What brand is it?
- How much memory does it have?
- Are there any "special features" turned on?
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Do you have a laptop, desktop, or one of those all in one things?
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ac runs good on my laptop, but not my desktop (they are both not very old)
Intel celeron sucks for gaming. thats wat my dell desktop runs.
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It's the default Windows 7 specs.

Windows Update.
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Be carefull with Windows update and graphics drivers! at work i had several people complain that their laptops (brandnew Dell) were slow and not able to run all kinds of simple programs older mchines could. I did the normal things inclueding windows update especially as Win7 had alrady identified a performance issue with the Nvidia kernal. Well Win update said all was latest specs, but still the problem persisited. Now sure it was the graphics drivers I went to the Nvidia site and DL the updater, well it found that my version 1.100.260 need to be updated to 2.600.300, the change was nothing short of a miracle, all Laptops now run really fast.

Morale of this story, dont trust Windows updates!
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Sorry for taking so long to reply! After reading your posts, I decided to go on Intel's website and it gave me the correct drivers.

AssaultCube now runs at 200 FPS, but the graphics are really basic, LMAO! Thank you everybody!
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Quote:I decided to go on Intel's website and it gave me the correct drivers
I think Windows Update is supposed to do this for you.

Quote:AssaultCube now runs at 200 FPS, but the graphics are really basic,
Is your graphics option set to low?

[Image: ac_mines_CTF_SMG_large01.jpg]
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I don't know what Windows Update was supposed to do, but it somehow gave me drivers for Windows Vista instead of Windows 7.

My graphics option was set to "horrible", so I turned it all the way up. The game looks much better. Thank you for your help!

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I had to update multiple times -- it didn't give me what I needed first (like there were prerequisite updates to download the newer updates)

Glad you got it working :)
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(18 Jan 12, 07:42PM)Felix-The-Ghost Wrote: I had to update multiple times -- it didn't give me what I needed first (like there were prerequisite updates to download the newer updates)

Glad you got it working :)

Nice ;)
The biggest problem is: Didnt installed DirectX 3D graphics
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hey bro. /maxfps 1000
;) Will go above 200 with that.
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(19 Jan 12, 03:08AM)gambino Wrote: hey bro. /maxfps 1000
;) Will go above 200 with that.

I just tried it. The game won't accept any FPS above 200.
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Try turning off everything in the background. This game isn't too hardware intensive.
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(24 Jan 12, 11:30AM)1ceMaster Wrote: Try turning off everything in the background. This game isn't too hardware intensive.
Some people don't have good computers.
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Monday: turning computer on.
Tuesday: Computer is up and ready for work. Pressing calculator shortcut.
Wednesday: Calculator ready for action. Pressing 2*3 [Enter]
Thursday: ... waiting for calculator to be done.
Friday: ...Still waiting...
Saturday: Getting drunk looking at computer waiting for it to multiply...
Sunday: Hung over, not gonna wait for computer to multiply anymore - force quit.
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Maybe if you used decimals (float multiplication) that joke would've went over better, since computers used to have floating point co-processors] :P
I don't think you could play AC (or a lot of anything) on that though :P
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Intresting because my fps is 45-65 and I use I think v-mans fps menu thing.
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(11 Jan 12, 02:14AM)RavenLover Wrote: Two and a half years ago I used to play AssaultCube on an older computer, and it ran great. I now try to play AssaultCube on my newer computer, and it's really slow. What should I do? Here are my specs:

Windows 7 Service Pack 1, 32 bit
Intel Celeron CPU
2 GB of RAM

If you need more spec information, just tell me how to look it up.

Man, these settings do not know how you can run your own seven, with their settings would be more appropriate other OS.

So I can think of something worse if it was your internet dial-up.

With your settings would be best Win XP or Linux!
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