AC 1.1.1 Weapon Discussion
So the new version of AC 1.1.1 is coming out shortly and if there is still time to change it slightly, I have a couple ideas that I think would help the game.

1. Reduce power of shotgun slightly. There would be no such thing as a "splatter". The max damage received would be 90 hp. Reasonable because it stops complaining from non-shotgun users about instant deaths, but also does not stir an up-cry from others who use the shotgun as their primary weapon.

2. Make sniper damage 85 or 90 Other more skilled players have complained that sniping combo (1 shot sniper, two pistol) is still not fast enough to be competitive with their enemy's AR skills.

3. Lower recoil on ARs To those AR regulars who took offense to the previous suggestion, I think that a good counter would be to take away a small amount recoil for better shooting. I'm not saying it should be as steady as the smg. Not even half that. But AR'ing and sniping would be nearly equal alternatives if both suggestions were to take place, making game play more even and basically turn the game into this: a game dependent almost entirely on teamwork and tactical skills.

4. Make smg damage 18 This would simply be to keep up with the improvements in the AR and sniper rifle. The recoil would be the same. The cartridge size would be the same. Just one less shot needed, therefore still being an equal to the other weapons.

5. Increase Carbine firing rate It may seems that the carbine is the odd weapon out. Even in this current version, the carbine is one of the least desirable choices for a primary, although B} puts in a nice effort to keep it in use ;). Currently, the firing rate of the Carbine stands at 720 milliseconds. I think if it was dropped down to 500, it would be a more competitive weapon.

I know that the new version will be out very very shortly. Idk maybe its already out. I haven't been paying attention to the forums...Anyways...just some suggestions. If this wasn't done in the new version and it's already released, maybe in the next version? Thoughts and comments welcome
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The weapon stats are pretty much figured, I think
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Vote for sniper!
Vote for SMG!

* V-Man nods to Crema
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MerCyKiL Wrote:the new version of AC 1.1.1 is coming out shortly
lol what?

MerCyKiL Wrote:There would be no such thing as a "splatter".
I abhor such a statement :o Though I wish with full health/a lot of armor it wouldn't splatter you (not sure if this is in SVN or not)

Quote:Other more skilled players have complained that sniping combo (1 shot sniper, two pistol)

I really miss the combo... Wish it'd still work without armor.

MerCyKiL Wrote:Lower recoil on ARs
I think SVN does this and I like it (since last time I played bots)

MerCyKiL Wrote:Increase Carbine firing rate
That'd be a death sentence for other players :o

MerCyKiL Wrote:Even in this current version, the carbine is one of the least desirable choices for a primary
lol what?
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Just thinking of this in think that is what you mean) would seem it would truly balance teh game.
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(11 Jan 12, 12:54AM)Felix-The-Ghost Wrote:
MerCyKiL Wrote:the new version of AC 1.1.1 is coming out shortly
lol what?
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(11 Jan 12, 02:03AM)Link Wrote: ... think that is what you mean)...
1.1.1 is the next version.
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Details and stuff
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(10 Jan 12, 11:48PM)V-Man Wrote: Vote for sniper!
Vote for SMG!

* V-Man nods to Crema

It's always the same :P
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wait...svn is out already? where can i get such a thing?
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SVN is the repository containing the latest code. In order to play you'll have to checkout the repo and build from source. Unless they have nightly builds, but I haven't seen any links for such a thing.
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No nightly builds, more like every once and awhile builds. The most nightly build you get is off of the kiwi SVN server, but then again the binary isn't released.
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(10 Jan 12, 11:13PM)MerCyKiL Wrote: 1. Reduce power of shotgun slightly. There would be no such thing as a "splatter". The max damage received would be 90 hp. Reasonable because it stops complaining from non-shotgun users about instant deaths, but also does not stir an up-cry from others who use the shotgun as their primary weapon.

Shotgun is already too weak in clan matches, although 90 damage might be acceptable if the shotgun had a decent range.

(10 Jan 12, 11:13PM)MerCyKiL Wrote: 2. Make sniper damage 85 or 90 Other more skilled players have complained that sniping combo (1 shot sniper, two pistol) is still not fast enough to be competitive with their enemy's AR skills.

With 85 damage the sniper would be able to kill in 400ms versus SMG and AR's minimum of 480ms. In addition, a single shot would take three health packs to restore a players health to an amount that would allow them to survive another shot meaning that a single shot would be practically a guarantee the player would die on their second encounter. I'm a bad sniper but even I could consistently hit one sniper shot on each encounter.

If you look at the game now, a top sniper competes well with a top AR; there just aren't many top snipers. This speaks about the inherent learning curve with the sniper but the fact there are some players who rival ARs proves it's not overpowered. Anyway, in SVN, the AR will be slightly weaker (2 lower damage) and the sniper a little stronger (lower spread, 10-round pistol). If anything we'll probably see sniper slightly overpowered.

(10 Jan 12, 11:13PM)MerCyKiL Wrote: 3. Lower recoil on ARs To those AR regulars who took offense to the previous suggestion, I think that a good counter would be to take away a small amount recoil for better shooting. I'm not saying it should be as steady as the smg. Not even half that. But AR'ing and sniping would be nearly equal alternatives if both suggestions were to take place, making game play more even and basically turn the game into this: a game dependent almost entirely on teamwork and tactical skills.

Lower recoil requires less skill. I agree a bit more range with all the weapons would be nice, but the only thing that stops this is spread. Recoil is fine to manage already, spread is impossible.

(10 Jan 12, 11:13PM)MerCyKiL Wrote: 4. Make smg damage 18 This would simply be to keep up with the improvements in the AR and sniper rifle. The recoil would be the same. The cartridge size would be the same. Just one less shot needed, therefore still being an equal to the other weapons.

SMG would take 400ms to kill an unshielded player vs AR's 480ms. SMG has already been increased in SVN to a level where it takes an on par amount to kill compared to the AR, but that amount is 15.5 (technically alternatively 15 and 16) damage.

(10 Jan 12, 11:13PM)MerCyKiL Wrote: 5. Increase Carbine firing rate It may seems that the carbine is the odd weapon out. Even in this current version, the carbine is one of the least desirable choices for a primary, although B} puts in a nice effort to keep it in use ;). Currently, the firing rate of the Carbine stands at 720 milliseconds. I think if it was dropped down to 500, it would be a more competitive weapon.

That's not a bad idea. I'd like to see it ignore shield too and I think 500ms is a bit low.

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shotgun splats at full health and armor? o.o;
kkkkkkkk. I always get should-be point blank splats and they don't die, so I assume armor hax. :3 oh well. I'll work on that aim from 1 cube away, maybe I miss a lot from there.

@ thread topic.
with current svn, I'm not too big on the first four thoughts.
for Carbine, I still would love to see 50 damage & negate armor.
or a fire rate boost as you thought up. :D
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(11 Jan 12, 12:02PM)Roflcopter Wrote: Shotgun is already too weak in clan matches, although 90 damage might be acceptable if the shotgun had a decent range.

F1 for that.

(10 Jan 12, 11:13PM)MerCyKiL Wrote: Make sniper damage 85 or 90 Other more skilled players have complained that sniping combo (1 shot sniper, two pistol) is still not fast enough to be competitive with their enemy's AR skills.

I think the sniper is fine as it is. I've played clan matches, inters and 1v1s with many competitive snipers who can play against me with AR. The sniper can easily own pretty much anybody regardless of weapon if it's used correctly atm, it's just like rofl said:
(11 Jan 12, 12:02PM)Roflcopter Wrote: a top sniper competes well with a top AR; there just aren't many top snipers.

But I do like your carbine idea! Not so much about it ignoring armour, but the increased firing rate would be awesome. I might even start using it again...

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(10 Jan 12, 11:13PM)MerCyKiL Wrote: So the new version of AC 1.1.1 is coming out shortly and if there is still time to change it slightly, I have a couple ideas that I think would help the game.

1. Reduce power of shotgun slightly. There would be no such thing as a "splatter". The max damage received would be 90 hp. Reasonable because it stops complaining from non-shotgun users about instant deaths, but also does not stir an up-cry from others who use the shotgun as their primary weapon.

Now this is just my take, but if you are capable of walking up to a player within a certain range, say two or three cubes, you should be able to get a splatter. The shotgun could take a slight decrease in power yes, but it should be able to compete with other guns that have a faster reload time.

(10 Jan 12, 11:13PM)MerCyKiL Wrote: 2. Make sniper damage 85 or 90 Other more skilled players have complained that sniping combo (1 shot sniper, two pistol) is still not fast enough to be competitive with their enemy's AR skills.

I would be game for the one shot sniper, one shot pistol to come back, but the idea of having the sniper at 90 while decreasing the power of everything else is a little out of balance :P

(10 Jan 12, 11:13PM)MerCyKiL Wrote: 3. Lower recoil on ARs To those AR regulars who took offense to the previous suggestion, I think that a good counter would be to take away a small amount recoil for better shooting. I'm not saying it should be as steady as the smg. Not even half that. But AR'ing and sniping would be nearly equal alternatives if both suggestions were to take place, making game play more even and basically turn the game into this: a game dependent almost entirely on teamwork and tactical skills.


(10 Jan 12, 11:13PM)MerCyKiL Wrote: 5. Increase Carbine firing rate It may seems that the carbine is the odd weapon out. Even in this current version, the carbine is one of the least desirable choices for a primary, although B} puts in a nice effort to keep it in use ;). Currently, the firing rate of the Carbine stands at 720 milliseconds. I think if it was dropped down to 500, it would be a more competitive weapon.

Now, the carbine fires pretty rapidly in my book for the damage it does and the range it can do it at. Any increase would practically make it automatic.

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I am agree with the SMG, but only 17 (to be affected by the helmet/kevlars)

And agree for the sniper but only if:
1Sniperhit+1pistolhit = 100 to be affected by the helmet too
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(11 Jan 12, 09:00PM).ExodusS* Wrote: I am agree with the SMG, but only 17 (to be affected by the helmet/kevlars)

And agree for the sniper but only if:
1Sniperhit+1pistolhit = 100 to be affected by the helmet too

actually that sounds better...forgot to take the armour into consideration
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I would say don't change the carbine. If you make it faster, it would become the next noobcannon. I would say that the carbine may even be OVER powered, as two shots with carbine vs. two shots with sniper, the carbine wins. You need to remember that it takes a couple scroll clicks to get to the sniper from the pistol if you have nades. The carbine would beat the sniper easily if using only main weapons. It would beat the shotgun at medium range, as well as the AR and SMG, if you take spread and recoil into consideration. I honestly like to use the carbine with V-Man's smoothzoom script instead of the sniper, which is just as effective for my skill level. It might not give me as much zoom, but it still works well. I think that the pistol, even though a secondary weapon, should have it's damage bumped up, rather than bump up the damage on the sniper, or meet in the middle and bump the sniper a little bit, and the pistol a little bit. The shotgun should maybe deal 95 so as to still be a beginner friendly weapon, and to possibly get rid of it as being a noobcannon. To sum it up: don't shorten carbine reload time, slightly raise pistol and sniper, lower noobcannon to 95. Did I just call the shotty a noobcannon subconsciously?
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(10 Jan 12, 11:13PM)MerCyKiL Wrote: 3. Lower recoil on ARs To those AR regulars who took offense to the previous suggestion, I think that a good counter would be to take away a small amount recoil for better shooting. I'm not saying it should be as steady as the smg. Not even half that. But AR'ing and sniping would be nearly equal alternatives if both suggestions were to take place, making game play more even and basically turn the game into this: a game dependent almost entirely on teamwork and tactical skills.
Why the heck would you even want to reduce the AR's recoil??? I thought we were trying to make the AR a tad weaker, not stronger.
From my point of view the game shouldn't entirely be teamwork and tactical skills, but also the guns should be made in a way that they must be mastered if you want it to be useful, like 1.1's sniper or 1.0.4's smg.
Other games like CoD don't need such mastering with the weapons for the very reason that there are quite many options of guns to use, unlike AC which has only 5 weapons and instead of making them all just easy to use they should be made for the player to actually train and work his/her ass if he wants to be useful.

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in my opinion not all weapons are meant to be all for primary use. If you had a smg, and you die and see enemy take your flag, you change to sniper or carbine to kill them long range, then you can take a defensive stand till you die again to change back to smg.
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Why not add landmines? maybe 5 max, and takes about a second to reload, and only deals 150ish? I know it's random, but it says 1.1.1 weapon discussion. Maybe add different hitboxes for different body parts, such as one for arms and legs, arms slowing camera movement, legs slowing regular movement and lowering jump distance? Maybe just for about 3-5 seconds. Or maybe just lowered damage amounts. It would reward accuracy better. Maybe make the headshots with weapons other than sniper do a little more damage? Maybe add in a bear trap, which is max 3 uses, and you can only place one at a time, or a reload time of 10 seconds which does maybe 15-25 damage, as well as makes a player immobile for about one second, and slows for 2-3 seconds. Maybe also make a vertical distance limit of entities as well, maybe half of the current ones, except for ones that can be place very close together? I think that more variety of weapons would also help the imbalance. For the bear trap, add a choice for nades or bear trap? I have too many ideas, don't I?
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(11 Jan 12, 02:12AM)Orynge Wrote:
(11 Jan 12, 02:03AM)Link Wrote: ... think that is what you mean)...
1.1.1 is the next version.
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yeah don't change the carabine, play with it a long time before! :p
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(14 Jan 12, 12:42PM).ExodusS* Wrote: yeah don't change the carabine, play with it a long time before! :p

Go beat =MyS= with your team using carbine. ;)
If you lose, then it needs something more. :3
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(14 Jan 12, 05:21PM)Nightmare Wrote:
(14 Jan 12, 12:42PM).ExodusS* Wrote: yeah don't change the carabine, play with it a long time before! :p
Go beat =MyS= with your team using carbine. ;)
If you lose, then it needs something more. :3
You misspelled skill.

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(14 Jan 12, 03:36AM).JK. Wrote: I You need to remember that it takes a couple scroll clicks to get to the sniper from the pistol if you have nades.

Scroll the other way?
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.JK. Wrote:I You need to remember that it takes a couple scroll clicks to get to the sniper from the pistol if you have nades.

Yeah, that bothers me too. Luckily you can just switch to any other weapon where altfire isn't zoom and right-click :P
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Umm.... number keys? Or just set up your own binds, e.g. bind pistol to shift etc.
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