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How do i run an AC server as a service in SSH?
How do i run an AC server as a service in SSH?
can u please help me
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Start 'screen', run assaultcube.sh. That's pretty much it. Next time you connect, do 'screen -x' to get to server output.
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Screen is the best option for running a server, but if you want to auto start the AC server on boot

try http://www.coretechnologies.com/products/AlwaysUp/ or http://www.tacktech.com/display.cfm?ttid=197 for windows

or read https://www.linux.com/news/enterprise/sy...cd-scripts for linux

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So it's possible to run an AC server using a free web host? Seems unlikely but alright.
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He meant on an SSH Web Host.

Unless I was wrong and you can host from a web host
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I doubt the host would let you. My guess is that they dont let any other outgoing ports than the specific web related ones. As well as other preventative measures.
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I had to read this thread a couple of times to make sure i was really seeing what i am seeing here. The SSH you refer to jg99 would that be the SSH offered by your new friends myhosting. If so i believe they are offering space and web hosting with the standard ports open ie 80 for example. If you really were allowed to run AC on their server you would need the ports opened on their firewall and server as well as the admin priviledges to install a program ie AC (this is not the same as copying files to a web directory for hosting) Speaking as a corporate IT man myself, I would have nothing to do with anyone who wanted to open ports through my firewall to my server as it would leave it vulnerable.

I would speak to myhosting maybe they will be more open to the idea than I would be with my networks.

remeber SSH is just a program giving you access to an area set aside for you on a remote server allowing you to execute commands and move files.
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James, do what jack said.

Anderson: SSH is a secure shell protocol which usually uses ports in the 2 tens. Programs are used to access this protocol, not an 'area'.
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Oh, the confusion...
Of course SSH is a protocol, but clients implementing this protocol are often just called "ssh" as well.
Programs don't "access" a protocol. They use it, implement it, or whatever.
Now, you indeed use a client which implements the SSH protocol to access a server, and since with those kinds of hosting you don't get an entire server for yourself, you access only a specific "area" of said server.
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I got a VPS, i need to know how to install ac, and to run the servers
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(03 Jan 12, 02:16AM)Jg99 Wrote: I got a VPS, i need to know how to install ac, and to run the servers

That would've been something worth researching before you spent money for a VPS. I would contact customer service and depending on what they say, someone here would most likely be able to help you out.

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Just mess around with it for some time. I bought one and somewhat mess around with it. If money is an issue for you then you should have done a free trial somewhere. In my case money isn't the problem and its that i have no idea what I am doing.
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I got my servers running and they are perfect :) thanks for help guys!
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Somebody please test whether tunneling an AC server would work on a web host. :D :D :D
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spank it and it will come... to life that is!
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(04 Jan 12, 10:38PM)MorganKell Wrote: spank it and it will come... to life that is!

^ +1.
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Can someone tell me what SSH, i feel embarrased :P
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Super Secret Headquarters.
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(05 Jan 12, 05:49AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Super Secret Headquarters.

Makes Sense... Lol
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For newbs:

Any easy way to access another computer/server, controlling it from the command line (text - so no games)
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