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The AssaultCube Dictionary
Definition: A player (esp. noob) who's tactic is to dwell in a well
Etymology: Old AssaultCuban well, small watery reservoir, camper, one who hides, deriv. PAC (Proto-AssaultCuban) camp, to stay

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Gema Server
Definition: A place to gather with friends and complete an obstacle course in various different ways, e.g: Fast; with style, failing...
Etymology: Old Assaultcuban Gema, practice map, server, a person who serves, deriv. PAC (Proto-AssaultCuban) 'to serve'

Glad to help. The etymology part I copied blatantly from you and invented the rest , XD.
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haha, you did? I did notice :P

Definition: To squat upon the face of the deceased
Etymology: (Middle First Person Shooterish) Tea, to humiliate, bag, face
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I'm pretty sure teabag origins... relate to the physical appearance of teabags... compared to... male... things.
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Hack, n. hacks, pl.
1) An unconventional or unforseen solution to a problem; work-around; It's a quick hack, but it works.
2) A person who spuriously touts himself as being good at AssaultCube; That server owner is a hack who doesn't know how to edit the maprot. see noob
3) (hacker) A person who finds unconventional solutions to problems, esp. in programming and scripting; It takes a good hacker to wade through the AssaultCube Deep Magic.
Hack, v. hacking, hacked, hacks
1) To work around a problem in an unconventional way; I hacked out this server fix while the devs try to find the real problem.
2) (vulgar slang) To use an unacceptable solution to a problem, as in AssaultCube (more properly cheat); F1 F1 HE HACKING!!!!1
Etymology: From the English Middle Nuclear Age; refers to physically striking a network cable using a sharp implement as a drastic solution to a network problem.

Noob, n. noobs, pl. also newb, n00b, newbie
1) (usu. newb) A new player, esp. one that has never played AssaultCube before; Let's play nice with the newbs so they decide to stick around.
2) (usu. n00b) A player who plays as though he is perpetually new as in def. 1; That n00b won't stop teamkilling me.
Noob, v. noobing, n00bing, noobed, n00bed, noobs, n00bs
1) To perform actions that do not have an immediately obvious purpose, or which have no actual purpose; I'm just noobing around on IRC.
2) To perform actions that are pernicious and potentially damaging; I can't believe how badly you n00bed up that match.
Etymology: From the English Early Information Age newbie, deriv. Modern English new, "new," and English Early Nuclear Age suffix -bie, "person."
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Tker (TEE KAY er)
- A silly player who kills his teammates on a lengthy basis

Etymology: From Cubic English teamkiller, deriv. Modern English team, "team"; and killer, "killer".
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- A sniper hit in the head of the opponent.

Etymology: Shortform of "headshot", deriv. modern English head, "head"; and shot, "shot" (Noun)

Example: "I hs you"; "Nice hs"
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- A person who tried to accuse someone else of cheating but wasnt cheating

Etymology: sound of mouse and "-er" (Noun)

Example: " (insert Squeaker's name here) votes to kick Jamz Reason: Headshot cheat "

Yes, with REAL Jamz..... No, not a real vote :P
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- A New player, or bad veteran player who only plays CTF ac_douze because they can't do well otherwise. When they launch the AssaultCube client, they search for any servers not running ac_douze, join the server, then spamvote ac_douze until it gets F1'ed. Once every server has been douzed, they join a 20 player ctf douze game to polish up their 10% shotgun accuracy. After months of douzing, they join the forums raging at map restrictions because they can't make a /newmap 9 sized douze. They enjoy to put on a fake clan tag to show off how cool they are, '|69|KanyeWest' and like impersonating other clans, '|DES|Pi|Da_Dogg'. They also usually have horrible and/or offensive nicknames.(PoopMaster / KKK4Life/Rick_Perry_2012). Douzebags are estimated to be around 50% of the current AssaultCube population.

Etymology: Derived from the word "Douchebag" mixed with douze.

Example: "|Pr0|iLickYou has voted CTF ac_douze."
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(31 Dec 11, 04:41AM)Felix-The-Ghost Wrote: I'm pretty sure teabag origins... relate to the physical appearance of teabags... compared to... male... things.

I thought I'd be inventive. Anyway, I feel sorry for the guy who's 'male things' have the physical appearance of [Image: Tea-Bag.jpg]
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"Teabagging is a slang term for the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth and on or around the face (including the top of the head) of another person, often in a repeated in-and-out motion. The practice resembles dipping a tea bag into a cup of tea."
From here, from here.
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(31 Dec 11, 02:08AM)Hellspell Wrote: ...Teabag...
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(31 Dec 11, 04:57PM)Nightmare Wrote: Douzebag

- A New player, or bad veteran player who only plays CTF ac_douze because they can't do well otherwise. When they launch the AssaultCube client, they search for any servers not running ac_douze, join the server, then spamvote ac_douze until it gets F1'ed. Once every server has been douzed, they join a 20 player ctf douze game to polish up their 10% shotgun accuracy. After months of douzing, they join the forums raging at map restrictions because they can't make a /newmap 9 sized douze. They enjoy to put on a fake clan tag to show off how cool they are, '|69|KanyeWest' and like impersonating other clans, '|DES|Pi|Da_Dogg'. They also usually have horrible and/or offensive nicknames.(PoopMaster / KKK4Life/Rick_Perry_2012). Douzebags are estimated to be around 50% of the current AssaultCube population.

Etymology: Derived from the word "Douchebag" mixed with douze.

Example: "|Pr0|iLickYou has voted CTF ac_douze."

That was so epic hahaha

EDIT: Woo 100th post :D
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Hackusation or Hackuser

.See 'Squeeker'

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definition: one who kills
etymology: from old west gamerish "kill", to frag. Suffix "eur" believed to be have been loaned from typolish.

I actually want to know where the use of this word came from, I remember seeing the name the_killeur in assaultcube every day, and I wouldn't have thought it was the same person every time.
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(31 Dec 11, 06:21AM)Cemer Wrote: Tker (TEE KAY er)

More like Tee Kay Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
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(11 Jan 12, 06:24PM)Hellspell Wrote: killeur
definition: one who kills
etymology: from old west gamerish "kill", to frag. Suffix "eur" believed to be have been loaned from typolish.

I actually want to know where the use of this word came from, I remember seeing the name the_killeur in assaultcube every day, and I wouldn't have thought it was the same person every time.

In English you put "er", in France we put "eur". ;)
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ah you learn a new thing every day, thanks. but why don't people use le tueur instead of an english word with a french ending? is it because people think it looks cool? that was the impression I got even before you told me that
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Its probably broken english.

Deep Magic
Definition: A colloquial term used as a synonyme for the AssaultCube source.
Etymology: Post Ricky Era AssaultCuban. Comes from the confusing and often mysterious nature of the sourcecode.

Deep Majik: See Deep Magic
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(11 Jan 12, 07:44PM)Hellspell Wrote: ah you learn a new thing every day, thanks. but why don't people use le tueur instead of an english word with a french ending? is it because people think it looks cool? that was the impression I got even before you told me that

nah it's like if a 10 years old say "look at me i'm a real killer"
It looks nerd :p

And btw, names like "killer" "sniper" "fragger" are in numbers in France. :P

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See "Australian" or "Undead".
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