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Quantitative Values on Unhits
(30 Dec 11, 11:03AM)Luc@s Wrote: you're so arrogant...


His last post clears it up, its just sorta funny
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it's not a silly accusation cuz it's kinda the lower this number is the better this player ingame is... cuz he actually gets those 480ms to get a kill... im not saying others with higher numbers aren't good...but it's kinda obvious that this hit-reg fix they have is apperently private or something cuz obvioulsy not every1 has it....
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(30 Dec 11, 11:39PM)Milandrag Wrote: it's not a silly accusation cuz it's kinda the lower this number is the better this player ingame is... cuz he actually gets those 480ms to get a kill... im not saying others with higher numbers aren't good...but it's kinda obvious that this hit-reg fix they have is apperently private or something cuz obvioulsy not every1 has it....

Well fixed servers completely remove the problem for all players on them. The hit-reg fix isn't private at all, I detailed it in another thread.

We haven't tried any public players but my guess is it affects them worse.


Amazing someone managed no unhits at all.
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I win...still manage to get kills with that much of a drop lol gj dialup
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Last ones for today:

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Especially on some players i get a very bad hitreg, for example Newbie, Gazda, some {BoB}`s and ofc brazils and australians.

Idk why, but i really feel a difference when shooting them.
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I would very much like to try the server.
(31 Dec 11, 01:00PM)Elite Wrote: Especially on some players i get a very bad hitreg, for example Newbie, Gazda, some {BoB}`s and ofc brazils and australians.

Idk why, but i really feel a difference when shooting them.
Yes, i remember playing melone, shooting him - while my crosshair was on him - and seeing no registered shots (or at least very few). It happens with someone other players as well.
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I'd love to try this.

Sometimes I get a good hitreg (I aim and shoot and the shots hit), sometimes almost NONE of my bullets hit. I have no idea why that is, but if you could let me test out the server sometime I'd be appreciative :)
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(31 Dec 11, 02:21PM)Vanqu!sh Wrote: I'd love to try this.

Sometimes I get a good hitreg (I aim and shoot and the shots hit), sometimes almost NONE of my bullets hit. I have no idea why that is, but if you could let me test out the server sometime I'd be appreciative :)

same :)

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(30 Dec 11, 11:16PM)Milandrag Wrote: is it just me or is it really that almost only w00p,MyS,legacy,epic w/e.... guys have the most low numbers? :?
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(31 Dec 11, 01:00PM)Elite Wrote: Especially on some players i get a very bad hitreg, for example Newbie, Gazda, some {BoB}`s and ofc brazils and australians.

Idk why, but i really feel a difference when shooting them.

Unhits should be the same, on average, shooting at all players. What you're probably noticing is a combination of bad luck (several unhits in a row) and the player's lower percentage of unhits (so they kill you quicker).

I am on AfterShock Gaming's IRC from now for some time. Come there if you want to get your own results. It requires playing ten minutes with either SMG or AR.
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(31 Dec 11, 01:00PM)Elite Wrote: Especially on some players i get a very bad hitreg, for example Newbie, Gazda, some {BoB}`s and ofc brazils and australians.

Idk why, but i really feel a difference when shooting them.

Maybe this test should incorporate the distance between players as well, to see if hitreg is affected by it?
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Start testing this on SVN.
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(31 Dec 11, 11:16PM)V-Man Wrote: Start testing this on SVN.

Couldn't achieve a single unhit so far. I think it's truly fixed in SVN -- at least for us green ping and PJ players.

Now if someone could test the anticheat and fix the hitsound drops...

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Wait... so...
You hit, but now it's dropping the hitsound??
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(31 Dec 11, 11:55PM)V-Man Wrote: but now it's dropping the hitsound??

wat bullshit is this
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(31 Dec 11, 11:55PM)V-Man Wrote: Wait... so...
You hit, but now it's dropping the hitsound??

Isn't this the long known but elusive multiple sounds at once bug?
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(31 Dec 11, 11:39PM)Roflcopter Wrote: Couldn't achieve a single unhit so far. I think it's truly fixed in SVN -- at least for us green ping and PJ players.

Awe, the drops are the only reason I could kill anyone of Hi-Skill.

+1 automatic weapons
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(01 Jan 12, 02:07AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Isn't this the long known but elusive multiple sounds at once bug?

I would guess it's a result of sounds bunching up too much due to small lag spikes. It isn't present without lag and the bullets certainly hit. I am not bothered by it really though.
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I've been using Win XP 64-bit and the amount of sounds that are dropped, both in and out of multiplayer is disturbing.
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(01 Jan 12, 05:49AM)Bukz Wrote: I've been using Win XP 64-bit and the amount of sounds that are dropped, both in and out of multiplayer is disturbing.

Probably driver-specific then. I also wonder whether having more or less simultaneous sounds helps.

Assuming it is to do with sounds starting too close together, could hitsounds be kind of stacked up and only popped off the stack and played at slightly delayed intervals one at a time? Of course just a counter of the remaining number of hitsounds to play would be necessary.
I've worked on this briefly and it does work to space out hitsounds nicely. I can pass the patch to a developer if they're interested. Not really sure how I should organize one part of the code since I'm not familiar with the source.
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Does /maxsoundsatonce 50 ease this?
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(31 Dec 11, 01:00PM)Elite Wrote: Especially on some players i get a very bad hitreg, for example Newbie, Gazda, some {BoB}`s and ofc brazils and australians.

Idk why, but i really feel a difference when shooting them.


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I think this is one of the most useful posts in AC so far... Thank you Larry... I would actually add more variables... Is our hitreg drop affected by the connection of players we play against or our own fps, or both or something else :)
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I once read that hit detection occurred more frequently when using WiFi, so I bought a PLC...
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Can you add average ping and PJ to the mix?
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soooo with all the unhits.. Re-do all the tourneys, clan matches and inters lol
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[Image: 12832762.jpg]
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Maybe I'm not just bad D:
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