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Newbie in the house!
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Welcome brah! Make yourself confortable and have fun fragging!
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welcome :)
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Welcome, if you need anything or have a doubt just PM me ;)
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Welcome mate, I myself am into the metal scene, but more the punk side of rock ;)

Rise Against ftw
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Good to see new blood out there, welcome friend enjoy your time here.
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Welcome, avenge sevenfold is great :D

Have fun with AC
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* lucky looks at his username

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thanks for the warm welcome everyone ^^ AVENGE SEVENFOLD FTW!!!

and im sorry our names are so similar lucky :o but anyone's name that has luck in it has to be a friend of mine ;)
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Define heavy metal.
And welcome, be sure to hang out on #pbclan on gamesurge.net/chat. We have cookies.
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RPG's +FPS's +
Avenged Sevenfold= I Love You.

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haha :D Love you too Nightmare ;) (no homo)

Heavy Metal such as Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, and ofc, AC|DC! ((P.S. I love cookies!))
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You were a Left 4 Dead player? :D
I played competitive Left 4 Dead since 09', did you ever play Frustrians, CEVO or maybe even Rotoblin cfg's? :) Haha, maybe know who Visceral or Surgical is? ;D
Either way, good luck luckyg666',

- the Euro L4D Community Destroyer <3
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The best L4D players of like, all time lmao!!!
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Welcome to the forum and the game.
Please enjoy your stay.
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(17 Dec 11, 04:35PM)luckg666 Wrote: Avenge Sevenfold

Avenged Sevenfold! (ftw!)


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(17 Dec 11, 08:13PM)luckg666 Wrote: The best L4D players of like, all time lmao!!!

Haha, mid skill mate ;)
Visceral was always a bit overrated - Surg1cal ftw.
However Euro are the kings of L4D for life. #tankSmiths <3.
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inb4 |A7X| clan
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(17 Dec 11, 10:42PM)Nightmare Wrote: inb4 |A7X| clan


/ontopic: Welcome luckg666. I'm kinda new-ish to AC too, but I know quite a bit about the game so if you want any help or wanna ask anything PM me :) also want a noob-to-noob talk or a talk about metal (I myself am a big fan, although more deathmetal/blackmetal stuff) I'm here too. Hope to cya ingame mate, if you get good enough you should consider applying for a clan ;)
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(17 Dec 11, 07:24PM)luckg666 Wrote: Heavy Metal such as Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, and ofc, AC|DC! ((P.S. I love cookies!))

Nice old school stuff there <3
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Surp! :)
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(18 Dec 11, 10:48AM)Vanqu!sh Wrote: /ontopic: Welcome luckg666. I'm kinda new-ish to AC too, but I know quite a bit about the game so if you want any help or wanna ask anything PM me :) also want a noob-to-noob talk or a talk about metal (I myself am a big fan, although more deathmetal/blackmetal stuff) I'm here too. Hope to cya ingame mate, if you get good enough you should consider applying for a clan ;)

Cant wait for the metal talk :D you all are so caring here haha I can tell I'm going to enjoy my stay. I don't think im ready for a clan yet though <:o I was in an ?inter? (means interclan match right?) yesterday and totally suxd lol.
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a clan is the best way to learn ;)
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For a new guy this dude is pretty good. He can pull off some HS and body shots with a sniper. gj man you are a quick learner :D
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Hey thanks lucky :) i think the thing I love most about AC is the head shots haha its so funny when someone comes around the corner and all of a sudden... BAM SPLAT BOOM!!!! they fall into a million pieces and a deep voice goes, "Head Shot."
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I like it more when someone splatters me when I turn a corner... wait... well, you know what I mean XD.
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Lol, yeah lucky, I believe we've already introduced him to HyPE and eQ, along with BC| ;)

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Welcome man hope to see you some day feel at home like most of us do :D

Bring me the horizon ftw!!!
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I cant believe I'm already apply to my first clan eQ.! Its only been a week and a half and I'm already fitting in so well :) thanks for making me feel awesome guys.
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