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Mapmodels requests
Not that I lack ideas but recently I have mostly worked on special requests so I though I might as well make a thread for it and also because displayed ideas can bring some others.

So like on a_slow_old_man's weapons mods thread you can ask here for specially designed mapmodels.

As my fellow artist mentioned don't ask for complicated stuff, the less polys the better.

EDIT: If you can add a picture off what you want it's even better.

EDIT2: Please folks, unlike weapon mods that each and every one can pick his own up without affecting other player's gameplay with mapmodels it is totally different since the other players need to download it as well in order to see them (I know most of you know that but just in case).
So... Please ask for items that the game itself can benefit from in the first place, I am not at all against Easter Eggs but these will come second if not last on the 'To do' list and I won't take no blame for it.

Also since requests are popping like wrinkles on a DES member's faces I will edit this post with all propositions suggested and will to my appreciation/public demand add stars (*) next to it, the more stars the better.

Notice also that it takes time, that I hate monotony and thus sometimes jump from one work to some of my own inspiration... Don't be hasty it's all I ask ;)


Tombstones & grave cross DONE (although more may come)
Rats or birds . (animated crow already done by a_slow_old_man)
Flora **
Fountain **
Vertical palette DONE
Ironing board
Torch **
Xmas tree (Too late for this year but you'll have one for next)
Chandelier *
Fireplace ****
Spiral staircaise *
Vehicles *
Signs *
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Yay. I just thought about making a thread for my request: what about a tombstone and a grave cross? :)
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No problemo, on the other hand it's best to send a picture attached, they are many styles of grave crosses and tombstones.
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Have you ever thought about making animal mapmodels?
Like rats or birds? Just an idea.
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Am I the only one who would like to see mapmodels of more flora and fauna? (e.g flowerbeds, bushes, etc). Just an idea :)
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A fountain, perhaps?

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Please, please, we need vertical palettes.
Simply take the existing palette model and rotate it.
Think how the vertical tyre "leans"

horizontal tyre is to vertical tyre,
as existing palette is to...

And we need to make it official for the new version out. It does make sense not to have vertical palettes (I work in retail so I know you're not supposed to have them on the side, but... :P)

Here's a picture

That's what a really want, but it'd be cool to have toasters/irons/ironing boards (for eycandy) If you do those they gotta look "dark" or old to fit AC's theme :)
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Here come the palette, coming before the tombstone just because it was peanuts to do but also due to the fact that I am making a set of different tombstones... I though that it would look odd if you put several of them in one place and they all look alike.

About fountains, why not but they'll be dried out, water pouring is a no can do (unless someone comes up with a brilliant idea to mimic that effect).

Flora and fauna on the to do list ;)

Toaster/ ironing board would definitely look strange in AC imo, on the other hand the iron (a good looking old chromed one) could be a job for a_slow_old_man as knife replacement XD ... I can already imagine being slammed form the side of the face with that lol

Download and comment europalette2

[Image: palettestraight.png]

[Image: europalette2_1_1323765437.png]
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(13 Dec 11, 10:01AM)DES|Cleaner Wrote: also due to the fact that I am making a set of different tombstones... I though that it would look odd if you put several of them in one place and they all look alike.

i'm really looking forward to that [Image: gdfgdsgsd.png]
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I think it's not so hard (i hope), thanks a lot if you can! :)
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Christmas tree?
Chandelier? (would be very high poly so take care...)
Fireplace? (Like this)
Spiral Staircase?
Vehicles! (Because these aint good enough...)
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Quote:Toaster/ ironing board would definitely look strange in AC imo

It'd be more of an Easter Egg item, like ac_power's hanging picture (located in the middle of the map, inaccessible in normal play)

I'd really like something like that, similar to CoD's teddy bears. I have no actually ideas right now on that, though.

Awesome job on the palette! It needs to be official! (I downloaded it but haven't tried it yet)

Also, we need more signs.
Try this
Should be easy.
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Wheelchair? There is a few zimmer frame some DES members could lend you for a while XD

About the rest please read EDIT2 in first post.
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(14 Dec 11, 12:23AM)DES|Cleaner Wrote: Wheelchair? There is a few zimmer frame some DES members could lend you for a while XD

Oh thanks! xD
While were on the subject of hosptial stuff, have you thought of an X-Ray board... the ones that light up and they put the X-Rays on to look at them. That would be nice for an 'AC_Hospital' map.
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I don't know what I'd call the appliances/ironing board. I just kinda think it fits in with "home mapmodels" and you can make them worn and dirty.

On the top-right of every post is "Post: #xx"
you can link to completed mapmodels in your first post for [y]our convenience :)

For stuff that would benefit AC...
Variable lengths of hanging chain. Just make one link and duplicate it a bunch.
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Well so, as a good mapper, I may have some requests. But I'll just post one.

I wished to have an antenna mapmodel for AC, since I planned to make one with physics and the max it achieved was looking like a big laser gun, lol

I wished two mapmodels: a small antenna, to be placed on small houses and some small constructions, and a big antenna, to be placed on large or rich constructions or communications centers.

Edit: Also forgot to request a mapmodel version of both teams' CTF Flags - they would be nice to trick people :D
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A nintendo 64 with a controller plugged in. So that i can play Goldeneye on AC :3 :

[Image: 34pnerr.jpg]
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i want to request about a map and i want to see how many people can make.. its infact very easy and would be interesting..

1. lots of christmas trees in the "stadium" and only one has the flag.
2. different kinds of new passages and obstructions.
3. another map point will be many santas and only one santa is the original..

come on.. davai!
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You did a very good job with the palette :) I use all the primevil mapmodels but your palette is more realistic than his one and doesn't contrast much from the overall map like his does

[Image: FMZuA.jpg]

[Image: Xhp29.jpg]

So if you could do some better boxes than the default ones, that would be awesome! It might not be necessary, mappers are maybe more in need of flora and fauna but it would be cool though, maybe they would become official sometime ;) Primevil did some boxes but it seems he didn't release them and they looked too high quality anyway (all his work is awesome though)

[Image: view_box.jpg]
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These aren't mapmodels but plain cubes, all you just need to do is swap the textures and indeed Primevil material is usually HiRes so it's up to you to use them if your machine can handle it.

EDIT: And btw the palette is makkE's work, I've just rotated it.
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Hmm. I have a couple of suggestions, that aren't so big that you'll be stuck here forever :P

A wooden chair mapmodel would be nice, with a seperate model of a knocked over version. (since we only have an office chair...)

Some stalacmites/stalactites? (Larger glacier, basically...)

Also, front porches would be nice. An 8x8 platform that can tile side by side with a wood trim around the side, and the roof texture in the centre.
[Image: Custom%20Copper%20Porch%20Roof.JPG]
Something along these lines, with the use of ac textures of course.

If you need further explanations, I'll IRC you <3
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(14 Dec 11, 01:28AM)MykeGregory Wrote:
(14 Dec 11, 12:23AM)DES|Cleaner Wrote: Wheelchair? There is a few zimmer frame some DES members could lend you for a while XD

Oh thanks! xD
While were on the subject of hosptial stuff, have you thought of an X-Ray board... the ones that light up and they put the X-Rays on to look at them. That would be nice for an 'AC_Hospital' map.
Ac_Hospital was already done by a_slow_old_man
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May I request a tree mapmodel that super-low-end computers can handle better than the defaults?
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Maybe some flags and a flag pole? Maybe a tower like one in a nuclear plant?
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Requested from kleinkariert plus a special one in honour of a missed member...

More are on the stove but I am quite busy atm

Download and comment Tombstones

[Image: tomb_1_1325188872.gif]
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great work Cleaner, thank you :)

edit: i don't know if i will use that tombstone for Elise, since i don't like the idea to run with weapons over a grave with that stone. ;) maybe i'll find a good way, because it looks awesome.
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(29 Dec 11, 11:14PM)kleinkariert Wrote: ...i will use that tombstone Fur Elise, since i...

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For those whom may feel emotional about having our Elise in there here is a little change to it...

Download link has been updated and you now have a choice between 2 different skins.

[Image: frit0.png]
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nice one :) actually i am not emotional about Elise because i didn't know her, but i just don't want to make a map which hurts someones feelings.. you never know ;) thanks Cleaner for spending your free time to make that mapmodels. :)
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"here lies Frito, Good ridance"
Should say here lies Plenas.

Mapmodel idea... Bus stop?
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