09 Dec 11, 01:01AM
No, it's just that everything (except the actual disconnecting) is bound to the cn, not just on the server, but on the other clients as well.
--> -->
Poll: What should be change about the voting process? You do not have permission to vote in this poll. |
Lower the numbers of votes to pass ( 50% ---> 45% ) | 1 | 10.00% | |
Vote will be activate EVEN IF that person who is about to be kicked or banned is not there ( AS LONG AS VOTER STARTER IS THERE ) | 6 | 60.00% | |
Disconnect/Reconnect will not let you revote | 1 | 10.00% | |
No Changes needed | 2 | 20.00% | |
Total | 10 vote(s) | 100% |
* You voted for this item. | [Show Results] |
Normal Voting Progress
09 Dec 11, 01:01AM
No, it's just that everything (except the actual disconnecting) is bound to the cn, not just on the server, but on the other clients as well.
09 Dec 11, 01:22AM
09 Dec 11, 07:59AM
master ;]
09 Dec 11, 10:41PM
I say no votes should count as F1, if you decide not to vote the results should not matter! You can even explain that on top of the voting score with a little timer, something like:
V-man called a vote: You have 1 minute to vote, simple majority wins. 0:59 - kick ElCrema, reason: he is too good, must be cheating! Could work I guess...
09 Dec 11, 10:50PM
10 Dec 11, 12:48AM
there you go
I don't know how but this is this sort of problem we must try to repair:
Example: 14 players on a server 1 teamkiller someone vote to kick him 6 votes F1 1 vote F2 7 players don't give a fuck, they didn't get teamkilled yet vote not passed fuck If there is more than 4 votes (F1) and if the difference between F1 and F2 is obviously unbalanced (ex: 5 F1 and 1 F2 is obvious) at the end of the vote, the vote should pass.
11 Dec 11, 04:16PM
You're assuming those players who did not vote don't care. I don't F2 any votes any more unless my vote will be the one to kill it.
The current voting process should stay the same. When you give preference to passing a vote you open the door a little farther for abuse. Everyone here complains about necessary votes failing but I see a large number of unnecessary votes passing. If you make it easier to pass a vote you will increase that number.
11 Dec 11, 05:54PM
Am I mad, or has this already been addressed to some degree. I'm sure I've been in situations where the vote has passed without receiving a majority, eg., 8 players: 3 yes, 0 no. Have I imagined this? Is it in the code?
11 Dec 11, 08:27PM
(11 Dec 11, 04:16PM)Mael Wrote: You're assuming those players who did not vote don't care. I don't F2 any votes any more unless my vote will be the one to kill it. There would be no abuse if people actually vote for what they want or don't want. I'm sorry but if you don't vote one can only assume that the outcome won't matter to you, caus all you have to is press F1 or F2. Give a time frame and let everyone know that simple majority wins, after a while players will start to vote. The only sort of "abuse" is people voting stupid shit and it passing caus the server is full of morons when that happens is time to leave...
11 Dec 11, 08:30PM
@Jamz, you are the first with Lucas and other who saw the kick/ban reason list? That was funny i think. :p
11 Dec 11, 09:55PM
I never understood why players are capable of F2ing(Aside from admins canceling votes); it's the same as not voting.
(11 Dec 11, 08:27PM)ElCrema Wrote: There would be no abuse if people actually vote for what they want or don't want. I'm sorry but if you don't vote one can only assume that the outcome won't matter to you, caus all you have to is press F1 or F2. Give a time frame and let everyone know that simple majority wins, after a while players will start to vote. The only sort of "abuse" is people voting stupid shit and it passing caus the server is full of morons when that happens is time to leave... You reiterated the problem I described in my post above and your suggestion would make it easier for them. You're banking the success of the new voting process on a player's ability(And cooperation) to learn to vote but something like 80% of players download the game, try it, and leave it. We have a constant influx of new players that must be taught to vote. I don't know if we can expect that to work.
11 Dec 11, 09:57PM
Once the time is up on the casted vote, the result of pass/fail should be taken from the total number of players that decided to vote. A lot of the time, I've seen like 6 F1s, and no F2s... In this result, it should be a passed vote..
11 Dec 11, 11:18PM
![]() ACBlows called a vote: ban player WAKUP, reason shit: ==== 7 yes vs. 2 no And the vote finally passed, fuck off.
11 Dec 11, 11:23PM
What I don't like is having know-nothing or non-caring players counted as though they had carefully considered the vote question and hit F2 -- when it is not likely they are even aware of a vote occurring.
15 Dec 11, 09:59PM
It is pointless to talk about the voting progress as long as the most Voters are idiots.
Example: Get teamkilled 8 times in a row -> vote ban this guy -> voting fails -> teamkiller starts a ban vote against me -> 8:1 votes and i get banned. Yeah thats makes sense! It doesnt matter how you configure the vote system.
15 Dec 11, 10:51PM
(15 Dec 11, 09:59PM)[OMS]WeedBernd Wrote: Yeah thats makes sense! It doesnt matter how you configure the vote system. No that not make sense, configuring the vote from the "treshold" (i'm saying right?) is a fail, because a robot can not juge. Sometimes i'm unlucky and i make 2 teamheadshots, the server should auto-ban me? the server should not allow me to vote if there is a real teamkiller? The real answer is that, the server only know numbers. Sometimes it is not just at all, but it's like that. I though about a permanent vote like CS:S. Vote kick CN and there is a list of votes in a menu, the kicking process list stop at the intermition, then you choise to vote during the game who you want to kick. Maybe it's hard to code, but i'm sure than i've never seen a voting process better than this one.
15 Dec 11, 10:55PM
Thats not the point. Again: as long as the gamers are stupid idiots it doesnt matter how u configure it.
The server can do it better. 3 Teamkills in a row? Kick. Teamkiller comes back, do it again -> ban.
16 Dec 11, 10:58AM
Wait, that's an idea in the making:
Disallow teamkillers from calling votes or voting. I would like that very muchly. It would make defensive teamkilling less of an option, too.
16 Dec 11, 12:21PM
16 Dec 11, 05:08PM
(15 Dec 11, 10:55PM)[OMS]WeedBernd Wrote: Thats not the point. Again: as long as the gamers are stupid idiots it doesnt matter how u configure it. How...can...the...server...know...it...is...intentional...or...non-intentional...team...kills...? Have you ever spamed a bad nade?
16 Dec 11, 07:53PM
Instead of whining about the purely democratic voting progress, create a vote to pause and another one to concede.
16 Dec 11, 08:33PM
14 Feb 12, 05:16PM
All of the screenshots that is posted on this thread with my name is removed due to lack of storage in my account.
It will NOT be added again. |
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