I need some help w/ udp setup
i am not a genius at anything on the computer (except for a few things) and i need help w/ setting up a UDP.
First of all,what does a UDP do?
Second, what category can I find it in on a linksys router menu?
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thx that answered one of my questions but i still need to know how to set one up
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Theres a tutorial for linksys routers on the wiki, done by Apollo I believe.
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UDP is a protocol you dont set one up, you can set up pport forwarding which i am guessing is where you are comming from. Try this tutorial http://www.ultrapenguin.co.uk/product-3.htm you might also want to check out the simple and advanced networking pages they give practical advice thats in non tech speak.

regards Linksys as already stated try the Wiki or speak to someone who has one, i know of a few people all seem to of had issues with the port forwarding so good luck my friend!
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portforwarding.com would have port forwarding info. Just check the model number on your router. Most routers are on their list.
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The choice will come up when you select the ports to forward and where to forward them to; you need to pick UDP instead of TCP (the usual default option). Don't use port-ranges as some routers don't do them as well as forwarding the 2 ports seperately. Of course, your local (on server machine) firewall must allow access to those ports too!
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