Elf Yourself!
So a stumbled across this last year and decided to give it another try... but Meme style! enjoy.

Elf Yourself

What do you think?
And if you make your own, post it here!

EDIT: it looks way better with acctual faces, this is one i made earlier with me, my girlfriend and trollface.
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Eh, I did a noob job.
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Ohey Vermi
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:( flowtron's avatar was too small, the app couldn't zoom out far enough.
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I almost want to make one with goatse
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only "almost"? you must be getting old.
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haha nice one
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Goatse is old.
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Thought i recognised the image.
Charlymurphie sure can dance!
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You copied the ellipsis'd URL instead of the full URL.
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