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AC_Douze is ruining things?
[Image: overplayed.jpg]

Go on, tell me this map is not overplayed.
I have just joined 3 seperate games, played for about 1 minute then some noob will vote in AC_DoucheDouze - CTF.

This is not a dig at the map itself or the creator. i just finnaly feel that this map is REDICULOUSLY overplayed and something needs to be done.
Does anyone else feel the same?
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I have had this conversation before, with atleast 1 dev

The map isn't a bad thing for the community, that is, if it were done in a way to not allow every Tom, Dick, and Harry to get "pro scores" on it. I have suggested in the past that the map needs an overhaul. I am aware this would take away from the original nature of the map, but with that being said, the original nature the map was intended for is not suitable for the Assault Cube gameplay/environment, atleast not with those flags being there. The map was intended for arena purposes, and its anything but that in Assault Cube, quite frankly, its a joke. The flags allow for anyone that can use a keyboard and a mouse to feel like they have done some great justice. Removing the flags and redoing the par at best spawns would allow for better playing styles on this map, and who knows, maybe even less vote spamming of it. I would also suggest redoing some light ents (as there are quite a lot and really does cause some high WQD levels that may or may not lag on certain machines). Maybe also looking into the pickups would be worth it also.

These are all suggestions and opinions. Some of you may feel different, I am sure. Its just something that I, and others, have had a real negative opinion towards and a way of fixing what seems to be an every increasing issue with a certain fan base.
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(11 Nov 11, 10:56AM)MykeGregory Wrote: This is not a dig at the map itself or the creator. i just finnaly feel that this map is REDICULOUSLY overplayed and something needs to be done.
Does anyone else feel the same?

theres nothing you can do if this map is so popular.. i think all cubers like this very shoot-n-run map....
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No. Nothing should be done about it. If you can show that a group of players is going around bully voting maps into play then those players should be reprimanded. By the looks of it people just want to play ac_douze, just like they wanted to play Ezjemville, and ac_desert before that. As for your specific experiences, chalk it up to luck, fate, karma, etc.
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i don't think it all has to do with so called luck Mael. With all do respect, you can open Assault Cube and any given time and see multiply servers that currently have ac_douze in capture the flag playing. Its impossible to govern vote spamming on every single server. There will always be a certain level of map/mode vote spamming, I know that much. The least we can do is to govern how it effects the community as a whole, by that, I mean the Ezjemville maps got map restrictions enforced. Something needs to be done to stop vote spamming of ac_douze.
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i always see.. too many people ask for just ac_douze... maybe cause most of cubers are beginners and they want to learn something by a non-tactical map like it... other maps need some brains while on this map its like just straight bullets..

just guessing..
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I think the flags just need to be removed, it is not a good CTF map, no tactics, no multiple rush points. This map is OSOK/DM/SURV/LSS not a team or flag map in my opinion.
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that reflects back to my first post, but i feel that i must throw in my 2 cents. Nothing to assault cube takes rocket science to play. all the modes are pretty straight forward, its not a challenge to learn how the controls work either, pretty basic for your normal fps.
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I had sometimes only that map to choose to play on, once I saw twelve servers with that map on (funny, douze in french means twelve).

All I have to say is that it doesn't represent at all what the community has worked so hard for and when newcomers connecting on the MS and see the amount of time it is displayed they must think that it is the top notch map to play on and thus disregarding the others.

I don't see much what can be done tbh, apart disable voting system.
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disabling voting system would issue an entire new set of problems, you and i both are aware of that one cleaner ;)
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i suggested a while ago to make this map clan and FFA only.
not sure how that would be implemented though.
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(11 Nov 11, 11:14AM)Mael Wrote: No. Nothing should be done about it. If you can show that a group of players is going around bully voting maps into play then those players should be reprimanded. By the looks of it people just want to play ac_douze, just like they wanted to play Ezjemville, and ac_desert before that. As for your specific experiences, chalk it up to lucky, fate, c4rma, etc.

In my opinion douze should be played as a 1v1 map, if you enjoy playing maps with certain structures like des3 and shine and the teamplay that surrounds that type of map, then it is natural to dislike douze. Bring back hi skill
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teamplay in a public game? whats that.
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(11 Nov 11, 11:36AM)kingCHUBBY Wrote: teamplay in a public game? whats that.
O.o You know not shooting your the blue dudes if your wearing a blue jacket and not shooting the red dudes if your wearing a red jacket....
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Halo, are you still working on ac_douze(halo)?

(11 Nov 11, 11:14AM)Mael Wrote: ... chalk it up to lucky, Fate, KaRma...
Sorry, had to do it.
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my post was deleted but no wonders:)
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thats a negative orynge, i had sent it to makke after i had finish with it and i got very little reply as to what he thought about it other then he didn't like the texturing job
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(11 Nov 11, 12:11PM)Pi_Halo Wrote: ...

Oh well.
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Yes, it is ruining everything. Pi_Halo summed up exactly what I wanted to say. This is particularly frustrating for people like myself (Australians) who already have very few servers to play in, let alone when 90% of those servers are douze.
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Halo, I asked you for a version with only the item changes like you had intended them, but you never got back to me.
I am aware that the map is bs for CTF.. removing the flags would be an option.
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(11 Nov 11, 11:29AM)Vermi Wrote:
(11 Nov 11, 11:14AM)Mael Wrote: No. Nothing should be done about it. If you can show that a group of players is going around bully voting maps into play then those players should be reprimanded. By the looks of it people just want to play ac_douze, just like they wanted to play Ezjemville, and ac_desert before that. As for your specific experiences, chalk it up to lucky, fate, c4rma, etc.

In my opinion douze should be played as a 1v1 map, if you enjoy playing maps with certain structures like des3 and shine and the teamplay that surrounds that type of map, then it is natural to dislike douze. Bring back hi skill

Basically, this. I honestly have no idea how anyone ever thought it would be good for anything other than that, but then again, I'm not entirely sure why it's an official map since it doesn't exactly fit all of the requirements that have been set for what a map needs to have in order to be official.
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Flags: Make it the more popular 'noob' map choice, even over @camper seen in Myke's screenshot.
Failspawns all MakkE's fault rage MakkE: Kills non-flag team modes, you get spawnkilled instantly whether it's tosok or team survivor/deathmatch. Assault Cube =/= Cube . <3 btw.
TOSOK: overplayed mode that also kills pubs.

Love douze, but it's junk outside of FFA modes in it's current state.
when we voted tosok douze in an inter, Viper started suiciding every spawn. When a map&mode is causing suicidal tendencies to players, that is never a good thing. :'(

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(11 Nov 11, 12:04PM)Orynge Wrote: ... chalk it up to lucky, Fate, KaRma...

You nab..i hate Douze..no matter what mode it is
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dusit, did you just translate my post in Japanese then to Russian then to German then back to English all of this using Google translator?
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Douze being played constantly is just a symptom of players' desire to play on maps that are reasonably open, allow some fast paced sniping skill, and aren't dominated by shotgunners. Since the map restrictions were introduced, Douze is the only map that people can play on if they want that type of gameplay. This leads to the two obvious solutions:

1) AC shouldn't allow that kind of gameplay, so limit douze to no more than about 4 players, and lose all the people who like that type of gameplay.

2) relax the map restrictions so that there will at least be some variety in the open, arena-like games that the majority of casual AC players seem to like (curse them and their free will).
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Or you can just play on servers which either do not run the map often or restrict it alltogether (hint: most good servers don't play it often in their maprots).
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That's not always possible Viper, example look at the OP.
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Riverside for official map? Douze is fine but you can't tell me it's better than riverside. Ya'll have failed big time.
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I like ac_douze.
6 or fewer opponents.
What makkE said, just take out the flags and everything will be better.
For now, just leave servers that have ctf douze going.
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When I said chalk it up to luck I was referring to Myke's experience of joining a non-douze server and seeing douze voted in. Just a minor clarification but thought I'd put it out there.

As for editing the map I could understand very minor changes(Pickups, spawns, etc.). But blocking it outright or removing flags is too much. You will have taken away much of the appeal of the map as it is most often played in flag modes. If ladder servers are being abused to inflate scores then the owner of that server can block the map. If you're smart enough to run a ladder server you're smart enough to create a sensible maprot.

The issue of too many players on the map is not entirely a map issue; if server owners don't learn to reduce the size of their server and simultaneously push maps meant for small-medium teams(READ: Every map in AC) you end up with an overcrowded game regardless of map.

All that should be done is minor tweaks if it's really necessary and server owners who do not wish to support douze block it from their server.
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