In order to use Armory, you must have Java SE 6 or higher installed, and it is suggested that you have an AC home directory set up (also see the --home commandline argument).
To run Armory on Windows, you can simply double click on the Armory.jar file.
To run Armory on Linux, you can use the terminal command "java -jar Armory.jar".
To run Armory on Mac, simply double click on the Armory.jar file.
The first time you run Armory, it will ask you to designate your AC home directory. However, you can also select the folder in which you installed AC. If you are a mac user, you should select what you double click to run the game. If you wish to change your AC home directory later, select "Change Home Directory" from the file menu.
The purpose of Armory is to help you easily organize, install, and remove mods for AC by largely automating the progress. It works like this:
1) Choose "add a mod" from the file menu
2) select the mod you wish to add (.zip file) and enter the mod's name
3) hit "add mod"
That's it!
The selected mod will now be added to your "mod library", which contains all the mods you have currently in Armory.
Once you have the mod(s) added into your mod library, choosing which one you want to use is a easy as selecting it from the corresponding drop-down menu.
If you would like to go back to using the default hudgun, please just select "default" from the drop-down menu for that weapon.
To remove a mod from your mod library, select "remove a mod" from the file menu. Choose the mod you wish to delete, and click "ok". This will completely remove the mod from Armory, and will remove it from use in your home directory.
A few notes:
-the program might pause for a second or two when adding, switching, or removing mods. This is completely normal; the program is busy switching the files.
-If you find a mod that doesn't work, please upload it somewhere so I can look at it and find the problem. I have tried to make the program as flexible as possible, but a mod must still follow the basic packaging rules. Kudos to the good people over at Akimbo for enforcing these rules and making this project possible!
-Here is the source, for those interested (includes NetBeans form file): <Download>