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AssaultCube world records
nicely done itsBRITNEYb!tch. What extactly does it mean by "in a row" and "in a round"?
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(05 May 13, 07:19AM)pkkiller Wrote: nicely done itsBRITNEYb!tch. What extactly does it mean by "in a row" and "in a round"?

simultaneous gibs in this case I would think means "fast, numerous gibs in a row".

"In a row" gibs: 2+ gibs w/o dying.

"In a round" That varies upon game mode:

Lss: Most gibs within a round (once everyone dies, and before the next round starts)

Tdm, Ctf, etc.: Amount of gibs in the ENTIRE match.
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(05 May 13, 11:19AM)D3M0NW0LF Wrote: simultaneous gibs in this case I would think means "fast, numerous gibs in a row".
Basically 1 made gibbing multiple opponents at once.
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(05 May 13, 03:49PM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote:
(05 May 13, 11:19AM)D3M0NW0LF Wrote: simultaneous gibs in this case I would think means "fast, numerous gibs in a row".
Basically 1 made gibbing multiple opponents at once.

Ah ok, ty for correcting me. :)
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I'm sorry [SODA]D3M0NW0LF



Highest numbers of head shots in round: 38
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lol stop this record duel ^^
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(05 May 13, 04:11PM)pkkiller Wrote: I'm sorry [SODA]D3M0NW0LF



Highest numbers of head shots in round: 38

Just givin' me all the more reason to try harder. :P
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Imagine if real competitive players were posting here on this thread...

funny boys
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(07 May 13, 01:21PM)AtoMikK Wrote: Imagine if real competitive players were posting here on this thread...

funny boys

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Is this a record?

[Image: 20130512.jpg]
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[Image: 37098939.jpg]
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(09 May 13, 08:14PM).ExodusS* Wrote: Is this a record?

[Image: 20130512.jpg]

This is a real record, gj Exo!
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no its not. i did 163 suicides the other day. too bad i dont have a screen. challenge accepted.
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lmfao these records
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is there a record as to who can uninstall ac the most
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(09 May 13, 11:04PM)kleinkariert Wrote: no its not. i did 163 suicides the other day. too bad i dont have a screen. challenge accepted.

You can't beat this:

/alias suicideloop [suicide; sleep 5010 [attack]; sleep 5020 [suicide]]
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If you kill your teamate faster than this at least one time you'll beat the record no ?
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(10 May 13, 08:19AM)$t4R W4r5 Wrote: If you kill your teamate faster than this at least one time you'll beat the record no ?

Server thesholds will not appreciate it IMO.
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1204 ratio with cut and touchpad... Easy XD
[Image: mini_39384220130517215503acelevationBTDM.jpg]

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[Image: 20130515.jpg]
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:( GG
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just did a match on douze for training snipe :)
at first i am called Callejon because i only wanted to train ^^
it had been 60 headshots if i counted them right :)
date : 27.05.2013
server : =ACSF= France #1
my ip : http://www.mediafire.com/view/plyd51dqa0...ze_CTF.jpg
screenshot : http://www.mediafire.com/view/q90nylm5u8...ze_CTF.jpg
Demo : http://www.mediafire.com/download/06y3y2...7_0147.dmo
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So, the only way to keep up with this crap is to claim it and show proof? Kinda self-indulgent. Ugh. Are there plans on implicating a system that will keep track of this stuff for us? I know a lot of these records can't possibly be the best.
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These are only considered the "best" because not many people (such as those who could easily break these records if they tried) care enough about these records to try to break them, in my opinion.
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I could probably claim most PF kills but cbf doing so. So much work.
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(30 May 13, 04:55AM)DrauL Wrote: I could probably claim most PF kills but cbf doing so. So much work.
What's your point?
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Old pic about the most ratio+flag (CTF) on public server:

[Image: 825491RATIOFLAG.jpg]
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[Image: 20100511.jpg]

no demo, ask pwnage, if he can get the demo, i only play with knife/nade and my only death is a suicide
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[Image: 2sb37ty.jpg]

Is this a record?
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no demo, no record.
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