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I love... in-game chat!
Hello fellows! I just wanted to point out that for the last few days I´ve encountered such greatness through the in-game chat that I had to tell the world how much I enjoy it. Today I was called awesome (XD); yesterday I was proposed marriage, was told someone read my threads and was called n00b-faggot-namechanger by an LSS n00b (which lightens my existence btw); the other day I encountered a famous T-Bagger and a famous Troll in-game, my first time ever, and had such a great time; I always enjoy nice talks in GEMA servers over a lot of different things and have found great friends (Fredrik my boy!); Ive learned a lot of things by asking to older players what this does or how to do that... All in all a beautiful existence and its all thanks to you, my AC companions. So next time you see me in game, lets have a chat!!
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Yeah, screw the whole game built around that awesome chat!
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You've heard of IRC, right?
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Please, stop making threads.. I mean, too much is too much.

(and yey chat)
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@XFA I know IRC its the cubicle where I ask my n00b questions regarding Forum issues, I dont find it appealing as its not crowded (that I see) and I do not always receive response...

@titPT 9 threads in 23 days. I see why you would ask, but lets get into detail shall we...

- The truth about... yourself. 3 Oct. Offtopic. 30 replies (4 mine) :
A well thought one which I needed to post as its explained on the same thread.

-New !!!!!LSS-Minimap-Brasil!!!!!! LSS game mode. 4 Oct. Clans & Wars. 7 replies (2 mine) :
A post were I explained a mode to play with my fellow LSS buddies whom to which is more difficult to get through in-game chat as there is always more than one or two people who either do not speak english or do not care to follow "dumb" rules.

-What entertainment systems do you own? 11 Oct. Offtopic. 21 replies :
Following my last post talking about videogames which I think is something we all in this forum have in common.

-Naruto 559 (SPOILER ALERT). 12 Oct. Offtopic. 2 replies (1 mine) :
If you read Naruto then you would understand this one. I wanted to see if there were Naruto followers around. Seems only 1.

-Help identifying gun. 13 Oct. Offtopic. 19 replies (4 mine) :
Self explanatory, my curiosity was fulfilled thanks to this post and the awesome fast response. I have a MG ya know XD.

-Halloween is coming... Monster Madness IS happening. 15 Oct. Offtopic. 7 replies :
If you did check it out then you could probably understand why I wanted to share this with you all. If not, I will again point out that James Rolfe is one of the best Internet celebrities out there and EVERYONE should know about him, or so I felt.

-Texture glitch - memory corruption occured - why? 21 Oct. 23 replies (3 mine) :
I found this too rare not to mention it.

-New PC!!! 23 Oct. 19 replies (6 mine!) :
Well, dont blame me for wanting to know the opinion other people who have better knowledge of computer hardware than me have about my PC.

-I love in-game chat... 26 Oct ...

So, yes, I post a lot. I don´t know why its such a pain for you, maybe if you explained I would understand. Too much would be, IMO, if i posted one liners or such, but I try to put effort into the things I write as I think it improves my english and I learn a lot of things in the process (like spelling, knowledge, friendship...). So be welcome to explain me why you dont like my posting! If its regarding moderator issues then Im sorry, I could try to refrain myself a bit more...
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I never knew an in-game chat would be so great o.0. Oh and I realized you registered on my birthday :P. Have you ever heard of Xfire: www.xfire.com check it out if you really want an in game chat. Tis what I use sometimes.

As for your posting, I like to keep my ratio of days registered and forum posts >1 a day.
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XD you are .095 now :) ! I know Xfire by name , clan ED uses it, but have never used it. When I enter a clan, ill have to check it out! And, also... I was born the 23rd of march! We are both Aries! Hehehehehehehehehhehehehe :3
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I love the chats on gema servers to! We should indeed make a thread with quotes only from gema servers, it'd be as popular as the original one. (if a mod didn't already delete it 5 minutes after it was created, because it was about something as terrible and horrible as gema, that is) Also, dont bother titi, he/she (can't tell wich) is just mad cuz ur closing in on his postcount (his main goal in life is to get the highest post count on AC forums)
If u ever need a clan, find me in-game mate
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(26 Oct 11, 01:53PM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: ...the other day I encountered a famous T-Bagger and a famous Troll in-game...

Me? Troller?
I remember talking to you. GG.
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Seeing as your first thread was in my birthday, i concur <3
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@Myke You, troll? Noooo! What I meant was that there were two different people: a t-bagger and a troll! Sorry for the misunderstanding!

@titiPT :) Aries alliance FTW!
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<insert standard AC is an IRC client with a built in game joke here>
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(27 Oct 11, 12:16AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: <insert standard AC is an IRC client with a built in game joke here>

too bad it's harder to ddos people using people who are bad at ac than it is with people who are bad at using irc.
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You only have to figure out how!
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RonaldReagan is one of the best IRC players. :p
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^^ True

The fps side, not so much
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(27 Oct 11, 02:22AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: ^^ True

The fps side, not so much

like playing UNO... hehe
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Oh yes, I am beast at uno. Happens from running two uno bots :>
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