25 Oct 11, 02:31PM
What were the 10 best players.
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Top 10. The best players in the history of Assault Cube?
25 Oct 11, 02:31PM
What were the 10 best players.
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me? :D
Just to name a few, Panda, ech0, Harrek, Dam, Jason, @cid, Reedie, rofl, Atomikk, sqlut, Sanzo and a whole lot more. They are just a few of the greatest players? Then theres players like Marreira etc. who don't play anymore. Undead: the inquisitor of all skill in the cubeiverse, carlos juan victor glass, presents: top 10 players AC this is my list based on my matches (over a span of 4 consistent years) with AC's players free of any stupid fanboy bias (lol shorty) overall (all time) 0 - MILLERTIME 1 - Undead ready for any contender 2 - Horus 3 - Sepehr seps got arguably stronger aim than horus (prob me too lol any1 have that desert screenshot) but his tactics lack 4 - harps 0.93 hero but still great 5 - Smack 6 - Analpanda 7 - Ramb0 8 - Vermi 9 - M_Stayla 10 - #jason.eSports while everyone says "lol undead says hes the best so he cant be the best!", think about it for a minute (assuming you've actually played me forum heroes rofl) note: these players are very close together in skill, and thats how it is at a high level. e.g jason has his games where he can smack me around and vice versa could fit loads of quality players under here, arguably some of them can reach into the top 10, but this is what stands out as top 10 to me. snipers (all time) 1 - Undead 2 - L0rdzZ (6 months ago would have put him #1 but hes lost it lol) 3 - Sanzo 4 - Mezzo 5 - M_Stayla (only on depot tho lol) 6 - Davitomon (come at me fanboys) 7 - idk 8 - 9 - 10 - KC special mention to drakas for being tactical genious
25 Oct 11, 02:53PM
25 Oct 11, 03:42PM
1 - unarmed
nuff said
25 Oct 11, 03:48PM
Man, that's hard. Not sure how qualified I am to vote on this being a pretty sucky cuber myself, but I would definetely say Seriffi, Benson, Xiaou and Jason from MyS would be in the top ten, as would Bullet/Undead from oNe. Also there's a player called {BoB}Tugce who always seems to headshot me when I play on the ladder servers so I'd vote for him too. Like I say, I don't know if you guys share my opinion on these players - and there are probably more great ones out there, I just haven't seen/matched/heard of them yet.
25 Oct 11, 05:01PM
Usually I dont go 'he's good' or 'he's rubbish' I just get on with the game and try and have fun but I couldn't help noticing how good marreira was.
25 Oct 11, 05:04PM
1 - ExodusS
2 - Sqlut 3 - Snake
25 Oct 11, 07:31PM
harps and undead
25 Oct 11, 08:13PM
(This post was last modified: 25 Oct 11, 08:16PM by SovietAk47.)
idk all ac players cauze i dont play these game so long ....
but i think one of the best players are : Horus, ech0, Undead, Analpanda,benson, Melone, Marreira, KingChubby, Reedie,Mati ( these is not orded whos best, i just count out )
25 Oct 11, 08:22PM
(This post was last modified: 25 Oct 11, 08:22PM by paulmuaddibKA.)
@titiPT v63
But really... Not me! This could be a very nice topic (it actually is dont get me wrong) but I would manage it under "best (mode) players" as Im sure there will be people who are GOD on certain modes but cant handle others. Take in count there are a total of 12 game modes plus other "hidden ones" like only knife and gemas (and even I would count their mapping abilities, etc.. ) IMO those would have to be taken in consideration for getting the list of TOP 10 players its real merit. And it could be done by merging the final contestants on this post. But thats my opinion and I would love to hear what other players have to say about who they think is best. (Undead still banned I talk for him... MEMEMEMEME)
25 Oct 11, 08:25PM
* Lantry sees thread: Best players in AC
Holy flamewars batman! let's go check it out! * Lantry reads thread wait wut?? * Lantry rereads title: Best players in AC
26 Oct 11, 12:07AM
Undead was by far the best AC player in every aspect, rifles down.
26 Oct 11, 12:37AM
Melone ftw
26 Oct 11, 12:43AM
best gema players: Chris and Melone :)
top players that i can't kill atm: 1 - Sephr 2 - @cid 3 - Fearles 4 - Horus 5 - Benson 6 - Jas0n 7 - Xenon 8 - echo Best snipers: 1 - Melone 2 - Undead 3 - Lordzz
26 Oct 11, 02:01AM
1. Smack
Fuck all the rest.
26 Oct 11, 02:20AM
second that, Smack, that crazy Bavarian (iirc) :D.
And... harps probably, and quite a bunch of |oNe|zies. I'd also mention arbo among the best. Some MyS like Melone when it comes to the younger generation. 1. Smack 2. harps ?. arbo ?. undead ?. emoposer ?. burp (he even improved on 1.1 :/ ) ?. Horse? :D ?. Spartan? 10. Me (almost forgot it.)
26 Oct 11, 03:53AM
2.harps 3.Drakas 4. Davitomon 5.Tachyon 6. Wolf 7. Sanzo 8. CoxA 9. marreira 10. (too many people could get this spot, can't decide) Throught AC's history these are the guys who submit a firm grip on being "the best" in my mind.
26 Oct 11, 07:30AM
Anyone remeber Millertime and CheatersrFags those guys rocked...
I can't put an order to this but here is some names:
JMKane, TheRock, Shadow, Undead, harps, Smack, Blackflag, Nova, Drakas.. There are many more high quality players but those are the ones that pop into my head EDIT: I have always heard about exis being the best but have only ever played one pub with him
26 Oct 11, 10:46AM
Vermi must be also named here, he is more than a man.
26 Oct 11, 11:36AM
(This post was last modified: 26 Oct 11, 11:38AM by kingCHUBBY.)
#1. Undead, because the rest of the "best players" can only play with under 100 ping.
inb4 shitstorm
26 Oct 11, 12:37PM
take him in europe and lets see if he can play with 30 ping.
26 Oct 11, 12:49PM
2-Majikal 3-Rambo 4-Tenshi 5-N0cu 6-Vizard 7-Coxa 8-Drakas 9-Wolf 10-Horus
I'm forming my opinion from the time I played Ac:
1. and 2. place is taken by 4 people as I really don't see skill difference, I'd even love to put all at the first place:D Best players: 1 - Panda and Benson 2 - Chris (my smg idol) and @cid 3 - Marreira 4 - Dam 5 - Horus 6 - Harrek 7 - ech0 8 - YourSister 9 - Al!ve 10 - Jason and L0rdzZ Best mappers: 1 - ExodusS 2 - fundog 3 - Undead Best improvers: 1 - Honor 2 - Gazda 3 - Mystered 4 - Pweaks 5 - Newbie
-Tenshi -Harps -Sanzo -Impaktd + Alpha -Drakas -Tachyon -Wolf -Rambo -Undead -Harrek
26 Oct 11, 02:08PM
Mmmh seriously... a top10 is not possible.
Best players (general). Smack ech0 Tenchi Harrek Marreira Wolf Undead Ramb0 China ... Best snipers. LordzZ Wolf (bl for a reflex shot) ... And others i don't remember atm.
26 Oct 11, 02:19PM
nr.1 |BOT|Hugo / Sanzo
others: Wolf Harrek Ech0 Ramb0 Horus Dam Chris Cockzilla |
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