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Anyone play instruments?
(27 Oct 11, 09:37PM)Benson Wrote: It's all about the combination Guitar + Amplifier + Genre,

take a Gretsch White Falcon into a Mesa rectifier and play Funk with that ;)
Great guitar, great Amp, but the sound might be terrible - the tone will be still good if you can play guitar.

That's actually very true, taking an example more of what I play is sweep picking - I could get the best guitar in the world and the best amp in the world, and my sweeping would sound absolutely awful if I didn't practice. Also tone has a lot to do with fretting hand positions and how you hold the pick, tone is as much down to the person as his equipment :)

also makkE I don't know if you've ever heard of them, but two brands called Sadowsky and Mayones produce phenomenal basses. I don't play bass but I tried out a Mayones bass one time, and liked it so much I decided to buy a guitar for myself....but they're not cheap sadly :(
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I know of those :)
Still when it comes to basses, I prefer passive - since it's just simpler.
I also don't like botique looks with all the exotic wood and all.
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If I had some odd 2000$ to spend, this would be the one:

Played with it every other week at the guitar center store near my place... Awesome guitar!
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I play guitar, sort of play bass and used to play drums.

I own:

ESP LTD EC-50 in Black Satin (Bought it less than a week ago :D)
[Image: EC-50_BLKS.jpg]

And a sort of random crappy Stagg Stratocaster. Don't hate on the guitar though, it may be a b*tch to play but the tone you get is beatiful. Very bluesy (and I'm just getting into blues :P)

I want a Ukulele very badly, but finding one in India is like... finding a needle in a hundred thousand haystacks.

My dream guitar would be a PRS made for me by the man himself, PRSes are like guitar pr0n :3

I recently had my teacher/mentor's cherry PRS SE One for 3 weeks, and what makes this one really special is it's been hand signed by Santana :')
Sort of a dream come true for me.

I plan on building a white SG-shaped kit guitar sometime next summer or during my boards, but it seems like a long term-ish project since the electronics you normall get with kits are shit.

Somebody also recently donated to me a 30-40 year old East German guitar. It's a Musima Elektra Deluxe V, very vintage feel. I have it lying taken apart next to me but I'l try to take pictures when I put it back together. I want to restore it, but it turns out the body is made of plywood (apparently, teh interw3bz sez so), the electronics all have to be rewired and the veneer seems to be snapping off in my hands. Maybe one day I'll get down to actually working on it.

By the next two years, I want to start building a guitar from scratch. Of course I have more serious grades in school and stuff. I'm thinking of a double cut PRS-ish shape, with a blue stain and clear coats.

But then again, all that requires money. :|

EDIT: Amps: I used to use a 10 watt Stagg amp when I messed around, but since that became fond of electrocuting me I have also bought a Fender Mustang 1. Great Amp.

Stompboxes, I have a Digitech Screamin' Blues which I love, and see my next pedal being a Boss DD7, Digidelay or any delay pedal better than the two. Two 'if I get lucky' pedals would be a Digitech Whammy or a Crybaby.

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All types of clarinets (except quarter-tone, not even going to attempt it) and any keyboard instrument.

I want to possibly learn guitar, not sure if I want to make the commitment yet.
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I used to play electric bass (fretless)
[Image: img024qv.jpg]
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@hgf-arg: Why'd you stop? :O
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(03 Nov 11, 02:55PM)Lightning Wrote: @hgf-arg: Why'd you stop? :O

Three kids, and a shitty job....NUFF SAID...But I'll never loose the hope and maybe someday will be playing again.
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Yes i play Mouth organ(Harmonica) and i can make tunes of "The Godfather-Nina Rota" and many russian songs and hindi movie songs... :)

playing an organ makes you un-worried of your troubled life and gives you eternal peace... and you can appreciate yourself that you are so genius:D
btw, i am actually a guitar freak specially electric.. i am a fan of guitar.. but i tried mouth organ because its cheaper to buy .. i wont lie.
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Guitar is my "main" instrument. I have 2 electrics: a MIM Fender Strat and an Epi. Les Paul Standard. I also have an Ibanez Aco/Elec and a Yamaha Flamenco guitar.

(25 Oct 11, 11:26PM)Mai Mee Tur Wrote: But yeah, it's always the G string that detunes :|

That's because you play with G strings so much... xD

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(12 Nov 11, 08:21AM)sgt.d Wrote: That's because you play with G strings so much... xD
Oh gosh.

I got one of these. It's purty.
[Image: FM52_E.jpg]
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Talking about g-strings.... check these lyrics out ;) ;)

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I come from a fairly musical background and am able to pick up most types of instruments and play them decently fairly quickly, but the three instruments I would say I am best at are cello (I've played since I was 8), bass (mainly various types of jazz), and guitar (mostly jazz and prog stuff).
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Play a lot of blues and jazz on my Gretsch kits @ home.
I play the drums if you didn't get.
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