Shotgun noob here
@ Anderson --- and ten of that guy's team mates hear your shotty go off and surround you for the win!

@ Men4cE --- I've seen that happen, yes. :) Every weapon is point and click though, technically. ;)
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Public game:

ac_elevation shotgun
ac_power sniper/rifles
ac_depot shotgun/sniper/rifle
ac_desert3 rifles/shotgun (or camping sniper)
ac_urban rifles/shotgun/smg
ac_shine rifles/shotgun
ac_sunset rifles/smg/shotgun (or camping sniper)
ac_gothic shotgun/smg
ac_arid shotgun/shotgun/shotgun
ac_mines(1.1) funky splatgame
ac_rattrap shotgun/jokemap/shotgun
ac_arabian shotgun (or camping sniper)
And of course, all maps i didn't say are able to be played with the shotgun cause ther's always close ranges (it's mapping rules).

How can you survive more than 1mn on little maps like gothic or arid with all this shotgunoobs?

I miss the old public.
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(20 Oct 11, 08:38PM).ExodusS* Wrote: ac_rattrap shotgun/jokemap/shotgun

:O Rattrap FTW...
Only in ffa any other mode is bad b/c of the maps size.
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I say make the SG auto with explosive rounds.

Maybe code a little aim assist for new comers.
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(20 Oct 11, 11:37PM)vern Wrote: I say make the SG auto with explosive rounds.

Maybe code a little aim assist for new comers.

yeah the original assaultcube game has a full auto shotgun, so why not this one?
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lol <3

you link to a hack site.

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(21 Oct 11, 12:29AM)Lantry Wrote:
(20 Oct 11, 11:37PM)vern Wrote: I say make the SG auto with explosive rounds.

Maybe code a little aim assist for new comers.

yeah the original assaultcube game has a full auto shotgun, so why not this one?
Original AC game? Stop doing drugs, mang.

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I'm not sure if the first release had the shotgun. Or did it? I can not remember. Their was a weapon it did not have though.
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The carbine was added in the first 1.1 release. So you're probably thinking of that.
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There was one added in around 0.92 or 0.93, wasn't there? I also think that was the shotgun.
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(21 Oct 11, 05:55AM)Bukz Wrote: The carbine was added in the first 1.1 release. So you're probably thinking of that.
No, no I was quite shocked to see that new weapon when I downloaded 1.1 their were only three weapons in the first release.
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(19 Oct 11, 04:23AM)V-Man Wrote: @Cemer: It's spelled YAIYAIYAI!!!

Glad to know that I'm not the only one who runs around like that! ;)
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i think people shall not think that shotguns are making the game bad, cause sometimes when a double pistol man comes, a shotgun cannot do anything before him... and suppose a man has a sniper than only shotgun can save him if he had it..

so it has both adv and disadv and nothing shall be taken... those who make such comments opposing a shotgun or use of sniper are more noobs cause this is what they have learnt after so many years of playing??
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I don't get the "beef" with shotguns either, it's a weapon as any other. It's frustrating when there's a noob who camps round corners, seemingly invisible, only to emerge for half a second, splatter you, and retreat back into hiding - because that isn't playing the game. That is my definition of a "shotgun noob". However, 90% of players who use the shotgun use it masterfully and work it to it's potential - I think on a lot of maps the shotgun is a great weapon, although I use the SMG more, and am training with the AR.
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99% of shotguns are afraid about my little knife, after all the knife is a weapon as others.
Am i wrong {RIC} Lumpaz Sicario DES|Anderson Bouke SuperBike Noobicus Apollo KAZ OPS Lumpaz Corvetti and other [ED] members?
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(19 Oct 11, 01:35AM)Sicario Wrote:
(19 Oct 11, 01:10AM)Nightmare Wrote: Good luck with the shotgun next release. :)
I've seen you on pubs, welcome to the forums!

I am actually looking forward to it. Should be interesting to see how they "balance the weapons" I guess if it is not fair I will move to smg/AR, if it is fair I won't change a thing. But seems to me someone took a look at it when they put it out the first time. I mean it takes time to learn a new weapon and so with that in mind I hope the team does not do anything really drastic. If I used the smg for two hours everyday for two years people would be complaining about how fast they died or who knows what? I guess I am not one to cave to the whiners... But I will respect whatever comes down, it is a free site and they have done a great job creating it so they deserve that. If the shotgun comes back unfair? If noobs are taking me to the cleaners well then at that point I will decide whether to invest the time to learn another weapon or do something else, plant carrots in the garden or something ;)

I love ur attitude, and yes the game is free and has been my belief since I came across it. If you cant win em over with shotty frag em with CARBINE
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(26 Oct 11, 01:48AM).ExodusS* Wrote: 99% of shotguns are afraid about my little knife, after all the knife is a weapon as others.
Am i wrong {RIC} Lumpaz Sicario DES|Anderson Bouke SuperBike Noobicus Apollo KAZ OPS Lumpaz Corvetti and other [ED] members?

you are absolutely right... knife is best weapon for someone who can master in it..

but i am also afraid of knife people:O`
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(26 Oct 11, 01:48AM).ExodusS* Wrote: 99% of shotguns are afraid about my little knife, after all the knife is a weapon as others.
Am i wrong {RIC} Lumpaz Sicario DES|Anderson Bouke SuperBike Noobicus Apollo KAZ OPS Lumpaz Corvetti and other [ED] members?

"Pro knifers always get teamkilled."
"Pro knifers know that slashes don't win CTF games."
xD <3
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Why there is only headshot/slashes montages?
What about a good splats pro montage?
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Drakas did one in the Hi-Skill page a while ago while using the alias of Korn, but I think it doesn't count since its from 1.0
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(26 Oct 11, 07:31PM)jAcKRoCk* Wrote: Drakas did one in the Hi-Skill page a while ago while using the alias of Korn, but I think it doesn't count since its from 1.0

Oh, i thought it was more a joke than a real frag-montage.

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(26 Oct 11, 09:51PM).ExodusS* Wrote:
(26 Oct 11, 07:31PM)jAcKRoCk* Wrote: Drakas did one in the Hi-Skill page a while ago while using the alias of Korn, but I think it doesn't count since its from 1.0

Oh, i thought it was more a joke than a real frag-montage.

Again, as I said earlier in this thread, does anyone have that video?
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How could it have been a joke? He was actually one of the very few players that was good with the shotgun and wasn't known as a pub noob. I consider his video more as a trolling video towards shotgun haters, haha.
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The problem with the shotty and pubs now is not the noobs, I mean, its a bit annoying, but not that much. The problem is that the SG is too powerful now and in some maps (urban, elevation, mines and arid to name a few) when all the players, noobs and good ones, pull the shotty the games flow is no good. You were splattered by....respwan...You were splattered by....respwan....You were splattered by....respwan.... it gets old fast.
SG in 1.04 was very effective for the above mentioned maps, but it was not a no-brainer if you were not versed on the arts of shotty, so not everyone would pick it. Now, if you are half blind with parkinsons you can still do severe damage with it, no skill necessary.

PS. Sorry for those to whom someone dear suffers from parkinsons disease, just couldn't think of anything else related to shaky hands...
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Ok your point is taken ElCrema but the same is true of Douze spawn kills in TOSOK or OSOK same thing spawn, dead, Spawn, dead and also naders with their lets keep throwing them in the base...

And i remember being a noob (some say i still am ;)) and spawning and getting riped apart in miliseconds by a SMG camper in the base, this was especially common on maps such as Shine which was played constantly. So what I am saying is dont abuse someone because they choose shotgun its a weopon just like any other and theer are just as many maps where it loses out big time to AR.

I consider it an insult when some idiot pops in with "Anderson shotgun noob" in fact recently i have swaped weopons when they said that and continued to totally own their ass often choosing a completly inappropiate weopon just to make the point, its not the weopon its because I was owning them.

So come on all, lets put a stop to this stupidity a new release is on its way word on the street says SG will suck in it so be nice, dont abuse people and get on with playing, lets put the fun back into this game eh!
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I use the shotty a lot Andy, always have, now and in previous versions. I love it and for some maps is always my weapon of choice, for both pubs or clan matches. The SG was always the noobcannon and no matter what they do, it will keep being because it's easy to handle, thus widely used by newbies. To me this whole "Shotgun Noob" thing is just some clan players kids trying to sound like pros. Now, who gives two fucks about them?
But I have to admit that in this version the noobcannon is a a bit too powerful.
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Just a little hehe
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The vid was called "AssaultCube noob canon" and i'm sure he deleted it.
But the 1.0 shotgun isn't the 1.1 one.
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Yes, I prefer shotgun and when I have 7 kills in a row they calls me sg noob...
But they just afraid masters of shotgun:)

Also, when I was newbie I successfully used SMG...

> But the 1.0 shotgun isn't the 1.1 one.
Didn't noticed difference.

I played in SVN version and... Even one pistol beats that shotgun:(

Of course, devs trying to make game better, but weapon balance sometimes defines fun of gameplay. 1.0 has its own charm when there was tho nades instead one, better sniper damage, less armor protection. 1.1.0 absolutely new game.
Maybe devs will take this into account and allow users to choose the weapon balance when choosing a server (as is done in Red Eclipse).
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People have cried about the shotgun in 1.0 already a lot. I told everyone at the time that they will cry a lot more when version 1.1 comes out. Boy, was I right. Now you know what is going to happen when the next version is released? They will still cry, probably this time, cause it is too weak.

I am a fun player. I play when I have time and that is not often at the moment. The SG is my weapon of choice on most maps. It is fun to play with the SG and I can rush through the map and raise hell with it.

I think that most people don't really have a problem with the SG. It is more the amount of players using it on a pub. Noobcannon or not you wont see a noob using/playing with the SG on top of the score board. You only get there if you know how to use it.

Crying about the shotgun is already part of the game since a long time. I doubt it will stop anytime soon. Just ignore them and keep playing your game.
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