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Snoosnoo modifications!
[Image: skin_hands.jpg]
[Image: skin_weapon.jpg]

Simply rename the current file to something like skin_hands_orig, and save this as the name it previously had. Made for me.. Up to you if you want to use. xD Any requests and I'll see what I can do. (Don't expect me to make models.) If I make enough 'mods/skin edits' I'll change the topic name and post them here. :3

Edit; This made me wonder. Would it be possible for the hand skin to be different depending on team? This could reduce team kills! XD

These are modifications of makkE's "skin_hands.jpg" and "skin_weapon.jpg", as such, these modifications are licensed under the same license they came with, which can be found here: http://actiongame.svn.sourceforge.net/vi...icense.txt
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No, sorry, but this isnt possible...
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And I have many doubts about your release. I mean, changing the hue of an already-existing mod doesn't make it yours.
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Lol at u. http://www.upload.ee/image/1726674/no_u.jpg .... Go find the 'existing mod' Andrez. I challenge you to find one that I edited. OH WAIT. I edited the default one. GG
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My bad for the already existing-MOD. But gg for saying you edited the default one. It's still an original thing where you only changed the hue. GG again.
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If I was to 'only' change the hue, it'd be the default but a different colour. Obviously I got a camo and cut it out (poorly in some areas but that doesn't matter), made the glove tips different and added an outline around the sleeve.

Just hush and don't use it if you don't like it.
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Meh, do as you want. I don't give any f:D:Dk about your mod, but where there still is a pixel originally made by makkE, this is not totally a mod of yours. Deal with it.
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The image is different, thus it is a modification of the skin, thus it is a skin mod edited by moi, thus it is MY mod. y u stoopid?
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(12 Oct 11, 04:42PM)Snoosnoo Wrote: The image is different, thus it is a modification of the skin, thus it is a skin mod edited by moi, thus it is MY mod. y u stoopid?
Let's just remind you that makkE gracefully allow you to mess about with his materials but NOT with licenses or credits that still belong to him in this case, therefore I suggest you swallow back that false pride and arrogance of yours and humbly rephrase it all like "Hi guys look I have modified makkE's skins_hands file, what you think of it? "

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OR... Snoosnoo mods (feat. makkE)?

EDIT: i think it looks quite nice, but i will keep the default.
oh yeah, and as for "reducing team kills" just look at the top right of your screen.
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What's this smell?
No wait, it's Snoosnoo burning from the inside.
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Oh guys, calm down.
Just say him friendly, that he should have given credits to makke for the skins :)
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Huh what? It's my modification. It's not MakkE's. It's a modification of MakkE's work. IT'S A MOD BY SNOOSNOO. I forgot how dim some people can be on here. >_> Those JPGs above are mine. I created them with MakkE's content. Perhaps you guys should go look for a definition of modification. There is no pride and arrogance in what I'm saying at all, I'm merely telling you that it's my mod. That's like saying D1551D3N7's mod isn't his. Quite plainly it is.
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not being biased or anything here, but snoosnoo is actually correct

Quote:mod·i·fi·ca·tion (md-f-kshn)
1. The act of modifying or the condition of being modified.
2. A result of modifying.

meaning he isn't taking credit for the entire image, only stating it is a mod of an existing image done by makkE

now, on the other hand, he does need to give credit to makkE (i.e original (item being modified here) done by makkE, modification done by snoosnoo)

i'm sure if someone asked nicely he would put some licenses in there saying that the original work was done by makkE and that he only simply "modified" it
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Okay Snoosnoo, maybe I have been less calm than I should have been. It seems we are 50% right and 50% wrong, so sorry if I didn't look kind, I didn't mean to be so.
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Why do we have to ask nicely something that should have been done in the first place?

Anyway I suppose Snoosnoo got the message, no need for aggro.

EDIT: btw about team hands, since the full uniform can already be changed I don't think hands will change much for enemy recognition.
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if i read this correctly i think you and some others were the one being aggro? no need to handle the community with an ironfist here, not everyone is completely up on licenses and mods, maybe explaining it before you go over the top and rage on someone for creating a mod without license should come first, and if it isn't fixed, then rage alittle, just some words of common curiosity here in as little of a biased way as i can possibly make it
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Cleaner, my theory of the team hands wasn't to do with enemy recognition, more 'figure out what team your on' xD In the hazy eyed heat of battle, I'll admit that a couple of times I've been changed team and just killed the colour I thought was my enemy. Noob moment, but once I've held left click with smg... I'm not letting go! xD
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(12 Oct 11, 06:56PM)Snoosnoo Wrote: That's like saying D1551D3N7's mod isn't his. Quite plainly it is.
I hear my name! Quite clearly Snoosnoo has stated in the title "Snoosnoo's modifications"
Although he could have said that his modifications were to maKke's hands mod. Okay now can we just enjoy it and stop fighting about it?

Edit: Pi_Halo has stated this already and I agree with his post.
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Snoosnoo, that's why you have a "friendly" crosshair.
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It was rather a casual joke, Cleaner... It'd still be a visual improvement, either way.

Yes, you're right, one who I cannot pronounce your name. (D1551D3N7) <3
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to be honest, i don't think it is a completely terrible idea either, but i'd like to expand on it alittle, like having the hands match the current playerskin you are wearing, however i know doing such would be heavy work from modding the hand skins multiply times to actually coding it to allow such a thing, having solid black gloves for every skin does get alittle boring and mixing it up sometimes isn't completely out of place
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Snoosnoo its l33t for Dissident ie. rebel
Pi_Halo I'll get that if you make it :D
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i could do the modding of the hands, but i'll leave the coding to someone else, i couldn't code my way out of a wet paper sack, lol
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OIC. GJ 1337 pr0.

As would I. xD (Calls out for someone to do this.)
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(12 Oct 11, 08:52PM)Snoosnoo Wrote: Cleaner, my theory of the team hands wasn't to do with enemy recognition, more 'figure out what team your on' xD In the hazy eyed heat of battle, I'll admit that a couple of times I've been changed team and just killed the colour I thought was my enemy. Noob moment, but once I've held left click with smg... I'm not letting go! xD
That happened to me once and I massacred all 7 of my team-mates. :|
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Sooo, I've decided to make a matte package of the gun skins, and have started off with the sniper. Here's the link; http://www.upload.ee/image/1796207/skin_weapon.jpg

Note that it's twice the size as the others. Thanks MakkE for the default skin in which I modified.

Here is an ingame picture (Although this one is slightly different since.. It's my personal one. :3)

[Image: ufufu.png]
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Excuse me Snoosnoo, but in terms of licensing, you're very wrong. All items in AssaultCube should be considered copyright (i.e. you can't redistribute them), unless there is a license specifying otherwise. Quote from http://assault.cubers.net/docs/license.h...irepackage

Quote:PLEASE NOTE: This license is for the entire UNMODIFIED AssaultCube package(s). You may choose to disect, and use or redistribute, etc. pieces of AssaultCube, instead of the entire package(s) if you wish. HOWEVER, you must adhere to the license specified for that particular data. If no license is specified, you MUST assume that the data is COPYRIGHT and you are NOT allowed to redistribute that data outside of an UNMODIFIED AssaultCube package(s).

In this case there is a license for these files. Please follow the terms of the following license.txt file, which specifies how you may redistribute the pre-existing weapon skins/models: http://actiongame.svn.sourceforge.net/vi...iew=markup
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I know how to distribute them. But for the sake of players who want to SEE the skin before downloading it, extracting it, and then seeing it, I've decided not to package it. I above have given credit to MakkE.
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Snoosnoo, redistributing them, requires you to follow the terms of the license. Packaged or not. A simple notice at the end of the post would be plenty to fulfil that.

Although you've attributed the author, until you declare otherwise, the skins are copyright of yourself, which the license doesn't allow for, so you need to declare they are redistributed on the same license as before, I'd suggest linking to the licenses and simply saying "the following works are redistributed on the same license as they came which can be found here".
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