New Scripts
Hi guys im wondering of u guys can make 2 scripts:

1) A scripts that changes your clan tag every 5 seconds, but doesnt spam the chat console every 5 seconds. Also be appreciated if it blinks and after the blink it changes to another clan tag.

2)A scripts that changes the weapon model AND skin with a keybinded menu between games.

for exapmle:

Im playing 2 gemas in a row.

1st Gema: Modded Weapons (G36C for AR, Deagle for pistol, etc.)

2nd Gema: Regular weapons with 911 Mega Pack Skins (the original ones)

Thx and hard work would be appriciated. :D
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The second script is practically the same that I requested :D
But thanks for using my G36C :)
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(10 Oct 11, 07:48PM)Dementium4ever Wrote: The second script is practically the same that I requested :D
But thanks for using my G36C :)
np. ;D
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(10 Oct 11, 06:19PM)Link Wrote: 1) A scripts that changes your clan tag every 5 seconds, but doesnt spam the chat console every 5 seconds. Also be appreciated if it blinks and after the blink it changes to another clan tag.

I'm not a scripter (Bukz knows that), but I'm pretty sure name-changes spam the console to other people. And blinking font is impossible, unless you namechange superfast.
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I was talking to you the other day about this. I still think that doing a 5 minute time would be better.
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(10 Oct 11, 09:34PM).JK. Wrote: I was talking to you the other day about this. I still think that doing a 5 minute time would be better.

i know geez
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1) Cemer is right about the console. And I can almost guarantee that a blinking name would not be appreciated. XD
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blinking name annoying.


What you may try to do (only client side) is setting your highlight style. This basically means that whenever your name gets mentioned in the chat, it may be a different color, blinking, or on a whole line all together.

To make your name different red, you would set HIGHLIGHT to this: \f3

Best you can do, sorry :(
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i would have thought the first one was not allowed. Name changing script.

The second one is a cool idea though.
similar to my 'Blood-on-knife-after-you-slash-someone' idea that never acctually happened.
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A name change script that does what you requested will likely get you kicked/banned. So really like RR says, /HIGHLIGHT is your only option:

timeBetColorChanges = 5000 // In milliseconds

highlightChangeLoop = [
  HIGHLIGHT = (c (rnd 10))
  sleep $timeBetColorChanges highlightChangeLoop

if (! (checkalias mapstartalways)) [ mapstartalways = "" ]
if (! (strstr $mapstartalways highlightChangeLoop)) [ add2alias mapstartalways highlightChangeLoop ]

Then every 5 seconds, the color value of the HIGHLIGHT alias would be set to something random. When someone says your name on the console, it will show up in that color.

As far as I know your 2nd request has already been done, albeit a bit cludgy. I'm sure that feature could be hardcoded in eventually.
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Lol Bukz thats going straight into my autoexec.cfg :P
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