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[Image: lainio.jpg]

CLA, known for being the thugs they are, have really done it this time. THEY HAVE STOLEN THE RARE AND FAMOUS MONA LISA RIGHT FROM UNDER EVERYONE'S NOSES!!! After news of the terrible crime surfaced, RVSF was determined to get information as to where the where abouts of the Mona Lisa the only way they knew how, by force! The lines have been drawn, the attack has been launched. Will justice be served? Will the Mona Lisa be returned to its original place? Only time shall tell.

Download akimbo
Download quad

This map is made for small games, like 3vs3, or 4vs4. It should work in most all modes (only one that wasn't tested was last swiss standing). It is for the contest.
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Great map :D I'm definitely digging how unique the texturing looks.
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Love the backstory. <3
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Backstories for the epic win!

But the painting should have been a...
* MykeGregory puts on sunglasses
Cubist painting.

F*** yeah!
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Just for the record, the back story, the painting, and the newspaper were all a pun
SnooSnoo (who was making the painting textures) and I were wondering what other painting we could do and finally we were like "screw it, CLA stole it!" and it became an epic story involving the Mona Lisa (only because it had been stolen so many times before).

So I ran with it and even did the newspaper as the screenshot. Which obviously has a picture of the police on the scene of the crime
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Background Stories FTW!

And, a Pi_Halo, what about loading it on Akimbo.in?
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well, when i was trying to upload it, akimbo wouldn't let me upload and quadropolis was down, i'll upload it to one or the other later
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Wow, great job! :D
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That is the shabbiest art museum ever. Great map though. :D
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Halo is Halo, no way.
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(29 Sep 11, 12:25PM)Andrez Wrote: Halo is Halo, no way.

wait what? what exactly is that suppose to mean? :P
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(29 Sep 11, 04:05PM)Pi_Halo Wrote:
(29 Sep 11, 12:25PM)Andrez Wrote: Halo is Halo, no way.

wait what? what exactly is that suppose to mean? :P
That's supposed to be a compliment :P

Just like "Just Halo makes maps like Halo, no way" :P
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i have uploaded it to akimbo and fixed my original post with the download link for it on akimbo
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Well Halo, you commented on mine. I'll comment on yours :3 You know exactly what I think! I love every detail, and I think the layout is as equal as a map can get. The bases seem to have vantage points near by for enemies, which aren't too difficult to be dealt with. It's equally offensive and defensive <3 You know my dislikes though. ;) One, you can't shoot through the tree. That's not your fault, however. What I also don't like is... WHERE THE HELL IS THAT MONA LISA?!
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WHY CLA WHY? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE MONA LISA? if anyone has any information that could lead to the where-a-bouts of the mona lisa please let RVSF officials know such information.

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Halo, I gained some information from a top secret person that I held captive! They said that rumour has it, the mona lisa lies in ac_power!
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[Image: skin.jpg]
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(01 Oct 11, 07:28PM)V-Man Wrote: [Image: skin.jpg]


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By the way, Halo. I figured out the issue of why you have so many downloads :p I clicked download and it refreshes a hella load of times. Went from 577 to 610 xD
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Yep, that's really mad :D
I don't know if it's a error of the vault, or if it's really that much.
I hope it's the second case, cause that would be so awesome :D
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Can't seem to download it
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it is now on quad, i will update my post above with a link to it
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Link to the AKIMBO Vault is >>> Here <<<
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Played it yesterday in a BoB server, I must say that it's one of those maps where even though spaces are bigger than the official maps, it's lots of fun to play. It can become hard for both teams to capture a flag, kind of like depot, except here there are 3 main routes in this map. Only downside is the fact that CLA has a huge advantages on their right side where they are above RVSF base and can snipe us like ducks.
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Eeeh Wolf I disagree! That upper area is accessible by both teams and can equally be used as a snipe point :3
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both bases have a vantage point (point higher then the flag is) that could be used as cover fire or to fire at the enemy, its all about who controls what spot
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Keep the flag... We have Mona Lisa.

EDIT: Just in case you don't believe us... We don't talk shit!

[Image: monac.jpg]

Now find it... If you can!
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Cleaner, you are so much win, snoosnoo and i wanted to hide the mona lisa in another map, can we borrow that? :P
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I dont think so, from what I see he is finding a map to hide it in.

"Now find it..."

Maybe that is the map :O
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* Orynge waits for a secret room in the 1.1.1 version of ac_arctic.
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