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SP Clan [SP]

Me and my Friend Doctapper have decided to make a clan called SP, it stands for Stressing People

Kind of a bad name? Right?

But it is what we do! What we do is we kill everyone on the game, then we mess around and pretend to fail, it really makes people rage at us but we just think it is funny, 2 people so far (found by Doctapper) but when doctapper said it was him, they did not believe it and only said that Jontecool98 (me) is real, so this is why we are here, to show those 2 and other people that we are REAL, and we mean buisness (making people stress) so if you want to piss people off on AC (sorry for swearing) then join us! (http://spclanac.weebly.com/ ) and have a lot of fun! Sorry for the free hosted website Weebly, but we just didn't want to pay and that day we didn't feel like spending a few hours coding so we decided to use this, I'm not really sure it's much of a problem! :)
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Website will be up soon when I'm finished with some Signup bugs!
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Good luck have fun :)
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lol gl hf :))
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Good luck!
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Have Fum!
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gl HF
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(09 Sep 11, 05:13AM)V-Man Wrote: Have Fum!

That's what it stands for? :P

GL & have fun.
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This sounds like fun.
GL, HF, GL, HF, DS! >;3
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Stressing or stressed? Or both?
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Chum is Fum!

anyways GL and HF
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