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Gamma change?
Whenever I start up AC, or switch from fullscreen to windowed and vice versa, my brightness will always drop from the setting I have it at (140, in autoexec.cfg and saved.cfg) to something quite dark. I have checked the numerical value of gamma upon this happening and see no change from 140.
Yet, when I do
/gamma 140

my brightness will go back up again. This only happens under the conditions stated above.

I use Mac 10.6.8 Snow Leopard, and have an ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro card.
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This happens to me when I switch from fullscreen to windowed and back as well, though not when I start up AC...

I got a Mac too.
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This is common with many graphics card drivers. Many of them have issues just when switching out of fullscreen in any program, let alone dealing with gamma values.
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I use windows.
When i minimize the game from full screen then open it again it resets the gamma to 100 again.
I just type /gamma 100 *press enter* /gamma 150, that fixes it for me.
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