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I need a favour
So, I'm a freaking DnB lover, and of course, 5 years ago I got the MSX FM radio station from GTA III. The problem is, that the MC speaks too fast, and also, in English (which isn't my primary language). What I'm asking is... Can some good soul write the lyrics about this?


It's about 25 minutes, and the MC speaks almost all of the time.... I know it's a long and hard thing to do, but this thing has been bugging me for 5 years.... +100000 internet to anyone who helps me...
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Oh geez, I can understand why you cannot understand him.

Top comment: "anyone know what the fuck this guy is saying. if u do, your on drugs."
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Well, the point is that I understand some parts of the text (at least I think so):

<101.1 MSX FM at your manor>
<some of the Liberty City's finest>
<MSX FM, drum and the bass>
<?...home grown style>
<for real we don't mess about, yeah it's like this>
<woah gosh>

And some other stuff I'm not sure about. :/
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This is the backing track for the first video (I think.)
but cant find the lyrics, you COULD contact Rockstar games (The GTA Devs) and they might be able to tell you
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R* games, lol (lolface).
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I found an MP3 and played with it, trying to filter out sections of the instrumental noise or low frequencies, but I couldn't get it into a comprehensible state. I've transcribed some difficult audio but this one is beyond me. :(
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If you have the instrumental, you could try to inverse that and lay it over the original track.
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Wow, I couldn't think it was really that hard..... Well, thanks anyway! ;)
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