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AssaultCube Radio
Greetings denizens of AC,
I've recently decided to start a project that has been done before but will be done again. I am starting my own AC radio. I will hope to accomplish providing news, member feedback, spotlights on member music, member interviews (devs would be a plus :D), mapping and modding reviews, and an environment to talk loads of smack for all you trolls out there.

ACR will use skype and will be broadcast by me as often as I can get enough material to make a full broadcast.

I will rely on community input to make this a success. I will also be contacting a few people individually to make the first full broadcast but if you have something to share, PM me here on the forums, contact me on IRC (quakenet or gamesurge) or email me at pbandjwaflles [at] gmail [dot] com (note the misspelling of "Waffles").

ACR will use Skype to set up calls. You will have my skype name as soon as you contact me with interest. Partially, I will contact you but i intend for this to be the voice of the people and it will merely be hosted by me.

You can listen to the intro, and subsequent casts, here

Any and all feedback is much appreciated provided it is mildly constructive.

Keep a look out on IRC and here for news of the first live broadcast.

EDIT: I apologize in advance for the Ads at the site.

EDIT 2: The intro is just a joke and is no way meant to be maliciously offensive.
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Hawt. Creds also go to some of my eQ boyz, Nuk and Aekom
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Sounds good. Hope all works out great! Maybe make a weekly newspaper?

X-Ray_Dog calls dibs on newspaper idea and will partner with Waffles if the radio gig fails :/

Lol I have confidence that you can do the radio news, don't get me wrong :D
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GJ man, I would definetely listen to this xD
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Good luck!
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Two things stood out to me: the ads, and whatever was playing in the background during the first match.
Other than that, it seemed pretty good. I hope to catch one live sometime.
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Lets all remember the first sexiest host of AC radio Adam who founded the program 2 years ago.
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That was a hurricane/news report playing in the background. Also, that was just a test run of streaming capability. Due to the hurricane, I didn't expect it to record fully. Sorry about the poor quality of that haha. Will figure out how to balance sound better as well. Thanks for the input.
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Other than the background noice i thought it was good commentary on the match, so the the AC community doesn't have to be at the match to see how well players are doing xD GJ
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The first broadcast is coming soon. I've decided to pre-record the interviews and just play them at the time of the live broadcast. SKB is going to allow me to use his sexy stream capabilities to review maps and mods. If you've made a map and want it blurbed/spotlighted/etc. PM me or find me in IRC.

Thanks :D. hopefully video quality might get better along with improvements i've already made to audio.
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If I cannot listen /watch to your radio live,
could I listen to it later (So, are you recording it?)
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:O ...

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Yes @ Dementium
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:OO, I demand gema trick jumps in your video :DD
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see RR's post.

If you provide pre-edited videos to be played that are well done i will.
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Nice optic, i've done an AC radio home hosted with winamp and shoutcast 2 years ago, it was a nice thing then I've moved to a special website for this, if want some help tell me
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(03 Sep 11, 04:15PM)DarKnoT Wrote: Nice optic,

Thanks :D
(mind telling me what for?)

And im sure Waffles needs all the help he can get =]
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Tell me, do you want it home hosted or wanna stay on your website?
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I don't run on win so I use a different method but it's all essentially the same. Ustream has issues with ADs and whatnot so if it'd be possible to move it I'd be very interested. PM me with details and I'll get back to you ASAP.
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Alright it's been a awhile coming but the first broadcast will be on sunday at 6pm EST which is 11pm GMT. There will be an interview with RR and v-man, a map review of ac_cilla, and some news from the community. Hope you all can tune in and contribute in any way. Thanks,

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If you can make a downloadable version of this broadcast ill do it because dialup trolls me and probably wont let me see it :|
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first episode is up for your listening enjoyment. Be warned, it is rather long.

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RR/V-Man interview <3
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Awesome episode! This was very entertaining, enlightening and engaging!
Kudos to Waffles for setting it up and Respect! to Ronald_Reagan & V-Man (and family *ggg*) for their participation!
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Interview me and all ppl will start listening cause theyll laugh at my child voice ;D
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best part: shoutout to the double-barrel shotgun :D
we need more of these! it's awesome to hear the devs community elites :P talking about all the awesome things they are doing with the game.
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Except none of us were devs :>

Just watching the SVN commit messages.
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{BoB} has been kind enough to host a page about ac-radio on the home site. News about programming schedules and uploaded videos will be run through


here from now on as well as the original ustream site.

soon there will be a special broadcast of original music and a TaS league match is already up. thanks for listening/watching and keep your eyes on the site for any new info.

p.s. thanks for the support flowtron and everybody else.
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Im really liking this project Waffles and everyone else involved with the preparations. I spent a a good hour listening to some of the confusing lingo:P, and learned a few things. I think if I listen some more, and explore, I'll understand some of it more GREAT JOB :)
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