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Did not know where to put this but to let all know:

I live in a deadzone....because of the geological area of where i live,no highspeed is available to me.I have tried many highspeed ISP to no avail.I will always be dialup lucky.So to all those who always complain about my ping..lay the hell off.It really can be annoying.

kthx :D
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Make ac like you moar, HOST SERVER!!!
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it would give me low ping..yet would give everybody else like 450 ping lol xD
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Feels bad man
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Where are you? If I were You, I would build a tower. ISPs will actually pay you money and free internetz to provide WiMAX to your neighbors, if you have any.
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Do you live underground?
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He told me he lived in Greenland, inside a little cave with his penguin cousins.
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Talk about a dead zone.
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Play gemas when you get upset about complaints!
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Maybeeeeee I can loan you some interwebz
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Try some wireless CDMA modem, I live far from cities and there are forests around me, and this crappy chinese plastic box givin me signal good enough to play around 100 ping.
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This is from me to you.
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its not that it doesnt reach..its that the signal is blocked :|
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Try CDMA, really. Even if you pass 3GB monthly traffic you can still play AC
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where, exactly, do you live?
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a good 20 miles from a city and about maybe less thatn 5 miles from a town that can get highspeed...but the companies for cable are to lazy to have a line on my street...and because of the work place behind my house (surrounded by trees) no wireless can get to the house
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