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Cannot Connect to servers on Ubuntu 10.04
Alright, I would like to preface this by saying that I am definitely a linux noob, having only installed ubuntu this week. I decided to install AC so I downloaded it off the official site and followed the installation instructions found here, being sure to download the neccessary dependencies first. After running install_desktop_menu.sh I opened it via the application bar, and it ran fine. However, when I choose "join a server", it cannot connect to the masterserver (echoes "master server not replying") and no servers appear in the server list.
Okay maybe I don't have a problem. I just tried it on Vista (dualboot) and that is having the same problem, despite working perfectly just a few days ago. The issue (I think) is with the network I am using. I am away from home, and am using a guest network at a college; I assumed that since all my other internet stuff worked that AC would too. I will post here once I try AC from my home network, and I apologize for this whole thread :D
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I'm going to go with network filtering too. Assuming you posted this from the same network, there's been no attempt to contact the MS from your IP, so something is being blocked somewhere.
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Yep, I am back at home and I was able to connect to the MS and servers. In fact, AC even runs faster than on vista :D

However, a few miscellaneous issues popped up, and I figure it would be better just to use this thread than to start a new one.
1) this one isn't really an issue, just something I noticed. when I go to start AC using the applications bar, the menu item for AC says "AssaultCube SVN" despite the fact that I am running version 1104 (and when playing it is clearly the last release). My guess is that somebody forgot to change line 28 of install_desktop_menu.sh (Name=AssaultCube SVN) before releasing it officially.
2) I am not allowed to increase my screen height beyond 726, despite my screen resolution being 1280x800 (width is working fine) so I end up with the game being centered in my screen, with black bars above and below it.
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(20 Aug 11, 11:21PM)Lantry Wrote: Yep, I am back at home and I was able to connect to the MS and servers. In fact, AC even runs faster than on vista :D

However, a few miscellaneous issues popped up, and I figure it would be better just to use this thread than to start a new one.
1) this one isn't really an issue, just something I noticed. when I go to start AC using the applications bar, the menu item for AC says "AssaultCube SVN" despite the fact that I am running version 1104 (and when playing it is clearly the last release). My guess is that somebody forgot to change line 28 of install_desktop_menu.sh (Name=AssaultCube SVN) before releasing it officially.
2) I am not allowed to increase my screen height beyond 726, despite my screen resolution being 1280x800 (width is working fine) so I end up with the game being centered in my screen, with black bars above and below it.

Off course it will run faster on linux, M$ is horrid ;)

1) That's just due to the "install as shortcut" thing not being updated, if you like you can right click > Edit Menu and edit the shortcut yourself, or as you said update the shell script

2) I've never had the same issue, most likely video card drivers, is your resolution on linux set to 1280x800?
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yeah, it is, and I am in fullscreen mode. I haven't tried using windowed, but I don't think I will bother. It's not really a problem.
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ok well i have had the same problem as the original post. Except i just installed ubuntu on my laptop and I know that it works fine on my desktop. I was wondering if anybody has an answer to this before i make a new thread. Thanks, Eloc
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