23 Mar 11, 06:32PM
bind MOUSE1 [attack; if (|| (= (curweapon) 1) (= (curweapon) 9)) [autoreload 1] [autoreload 0]]
...or something along those lines... :P
--> -->
23 Mar 11, 06:32PM
[SELECT ALL] Code: bind MOUSE1 [attack; if (|| (= (curweapon) 1) (= (curweapon) 9)) [autoreload 1] [autoreload 0]] ...or something along those lines... :P [SELECT ALL] Code: autoreloadpistol = [ if (|| (= (curweapon) 1) (= (curweapon) 9)) [ autoreload 1 ] [ autoreload 0 ] ]
Works beautifully Gibbeh... TY!
TY 2 Bukz ;)
It's the exact same thing, and I took two tries to get mine right! (stupid $curweapon vs (curweapon)).
Last thing for tonight, telehaha! Telebots is a command that teleports a bot to you, and it will always be the same bot. Put it in a recursive alias for some fun. [SELECT ALL] Code: telehahable = 1
24 Mar 11, 04:59AM
(20 Mar 11, 02:05PM)V-Man Wrote: @Yarukinasu: How would accepting negative numbers (something you can't do for logs) be useful?
24 Mar 11, 05:41AM
I made something useless again... The script looks ugly at the moment, and I may change some parts for efficiency, but I can't think much.
http://pastebin.com/CGKebfYn To make this work, type /rave and if it's not clearly visible, type /fog 64 (24 Mar 11, 04:59AM)Viper Wrote: How would accepting negative numbers (something you can't do for logs) be useful? Accepting negative numbers will be for "n00b-pr00f" and if a negative number is entered, it should print something like... "no negative numbers pl0x~" or something.
Before you go too far with that, check out the one I made. XD I think Bukz made one that uses your concept of "building" a randomized hex value as well. Regarding taking negative numbers, yes, I prefer that the tools be crafted in such a way that, when they receive nonsensical values, they return sane responses instead of spamming error messages, misleading results, or even throwing an exception.
24 Mar 11, 04:08PM
(This post was last modified: 24 Mar 11, 04:08PM by DeafieGamer.)
I want to have script that auto-ban the user if it's below -10 and kick user if below -8
if you have admin on a server (and tools.cfg),
[SELECT ALL] Code: alias autoban [loop p 21 [if (<= (at (pstat_score $p) 1) -8) [if (<= (at (pstat_score $p) 1) -10) [ban $p] [kick $p]] []]]
27 Mar 11, 08:34PM
Is it possible to make a script that will use a "Hit" crosshair when you hit your enemy?
Like in Sauerbraten, there is a different crosshair for when you hit your enemy from when you miss.
27 Mar 11, 09:01PM
27 Mar 11, 09:05PM
(27 Mar 11, 08:34PM)Grouchy.Sal Wrote: Is it possible to make a script that will use a "Hit" crosshair when you hit your enemy? No, you have to modify your client to do that. It's impossible just with CubeScript. However, you can activate the hit sound in menu-->settings-->Gameplay Settings.
27 Mar 11, 09:16PM
Ok, thank you!
I've always wondered if that was possible.
27 Mar 11, 11:32PM
it is possible.
28 Mar 11, 12:27AM
macm you poor cheater :D
28 Mar 11, 12:52AM
(27 Mar 11, 11:32PM)macm Wrote: it is possible. [SELECT ALL] Code: listen_for_hit = [ Use the addcheck_msa listen_for_hit if the tools.cfg is available, or type add2alias mapstartalways listen_for_hit in the game.
28 Mar 11, 01:08AM
I was gonna say, it is possible to use the accuracy script for input by listening for changes. I started to make a script that would automatically switch to pistol after you hit someone with sniper, but i realized somebody would probably call it cheating.
28 Mar 11, 01:10AM
(28 Mar 11, 01:08AM)Lantry Wrote: I was gonna say, it is possible to use the accuracy script for input by listening for changes. I started to make a script that would automatically switch to pistol after you hit someone with sniper, but i realized somebody would probably call it cheating. Also, weapon switching must be keybound, so you'd be hopeless anyways
28 Mar 11, 01:19AM
yep. great ideas are almost never practical ones.
28 Mar 11, 02:23AM
28 Mar 11, 06:01AM
Very busy. XD
Keep it up, though, I'm curious as to how many lengthy scripts the conloop can handle before slowing down or breaking.
28 Mar 11, 04:06PM
IF My guess is right, it will be about 30000 scripts or less
28 Mar 11, 10:34PM
Prove it. XD
30 Mar 11, 12:51PM
Can anyone give me a script that resets my accuracy after every end of a game.
30 Mar 11, 12:54PM
Go into AC and type
[SELECT ALL] Code: /add2alias start_intermission [sleep 500 [accuracyreset]] The sleep is there in case you have autoscreenshot enabled. I like it when my accuracy stats are in my screenshots.
30 Mar 11, 07:36PM
^Type that every time you load AC.
Otherwise you can put it in your autoexec.cfg file.
And watch as your saved.cfg mysteriously continues to grow and grow and grow! XD
...but really you should do some sanity checking even for something simple like this, add: [SELECT ALL] Code: if (! (strstr $start_intermission accuracyreset)) [add2alias start_intermission [sleep 500 [accuracyreset]]] ... to your /config/autoexec.cfg
Oh. LOL!
I thought it was "addcheck_si" XD Get the tools and it will look like this: [SELECT ALL] Code: addcheck_si [sleep 500 [accuracyreset]]
30 Mar 11, 10:44PM
Better to have it in maploadalways really...
[SELECT ALL] Code: /addOnLoadAlways [accuracyreset] |
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