Have you tried either one?
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altaction_4 will (in 1.1) perform the alternate action alias'd in the SMG (not the sniper), so at least that much needs to change (to altaction_5).

Bukz is right about the weapon changing; you'll need a script that requires a second click to switch back. I think I made one somewhere around this forum.
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I've tried with 'altaction_5' but i allways get these errors
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probably you enabled the old sniper script in scripts.cfg, that no longer works,

now sniper has got this options:

scopesensscale [x] (multiplier for sensitivity when zooming)
autoscopesens [0:1] (when set to 1 the sensitivity of the zoomed sniper will get adjusted to the zoom applied for a perfect sniper feeling, it bypasses scopesensscale, i personally recommend it ON)
setscope [0:1] (when using sniper, setting this to 1 enables the zoom)

there is no more aliases for sniper it's all hardcoded.
if you didnt get what i mean show me your script and i'll try to fix it for you.

EDIT. Remake of the zoom-script, no longer need to wait for bukz :P
//ZoomWheel-Script by Kirin
if (checkalias dscopefov) [] [
dscopefov = $scopefov;
echo (c 0) Zoom Script by (c X) Kirin (c 0) successfully injected!
autoscopesens 1
scopefov $dscopefov
alias delta_game_zoomwh [-= scopefov (* 10 $arg1)]
alias altaction_5 [ domodifier zoomwh; scopefov $dscopefov; setscope 1; onrelease [ setscope 0 ] ] // Sniper
works for AC (/me doesnt want to make it for older patches)
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Not, I have the version want to know because on having pressed click right when I have the sniper this failure goes out for me someone can help me that I have to do to solve this thank you
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because the "zoom" alias left out in scripts.cfg no longer works in 1.1
you have to use setscope instead of zoom OK??
in your custom bind substitute every instance of zoom with setscope
and all will be fine
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Ok but since can I eliminate the failure of this zoom thank you?
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alias zoom [setscope 1; onrelease [setscope 0]]
and ffs keep your 1.0.4 files separate from your 1.1 files!
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Heh, this explains why I successfully ported everything from 1.0.4 except for the stef zoom script. ANOTHER THING I CAN BLAME ON STEF :>
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does that script claim admin status work on 1.1?
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(27 Aug 10, 02:13PM)BrickSquad Wrote: does that script claim admin status work on 1.1?
Claimadmin works great in 1.1
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on the other hand, "aban" and "akick" (without kick/ban reasons) might see some difficulty in 1.1.
Bukz and DrauL made a script that adapts to that.
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But neither of Bukz scripts claim admin automatically and neither did my original.
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oh... I should've mentioned, it is easily adapted to claim admin automatically. :-P

I've updated the Animated XHair -- thanks to Ronald_Reagan for this update.
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O.o You uploaded it! Wow...
* Ronald_Reagan tests to see if V-Man removed the bugs
* Ronald_Reagan pales when he finds that V-Man didn't rename his aliases. Btw, I tend to "shorten" my aliases. I try to keep each word in the alias name around 3 letters. Just so ya'll know.
please please please dont be offended...
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pah! aliases schmaliases.
Only issue was that I had to hunt down all my old ones in saved.cfg and kill them. :-P
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alarm script
for someone who easely looses track of time while playing :)
have fun, tell me what you think :P
/////ALARM script made by =SA=macm//////

newmenu "alarm"
menuinit [echo " 2set the alarm time in (H)H:MM:SS format, 1example: 12:34:56 or 1:02:03"]
menuitemtextinput "set alarm to: "   ""    "alias ala $arg1"
menuitem " 2     [ set ]      " [echo (concat " 1you set the alarm for: 3" $ala); alarmcheck]
alias alarmcheck [
if (strcmp (timestring) $ala) [
   alarmmsg; alias oldgamma $gamma; gmlp; sleep 2000 [gmlp]; sleep 4000 [gmlp]; sleep 6000 [gamma $oldgamma]] [sleep 1000 [alarmcheck]]
alias gmlp [gamma 30; sleep 1000 [gamma 300]]
alias alarmmsg [alias tmst (timestring); echo (concat " 3ALARM: 1it's now" $tmst)]
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GJ macm.
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Have you tried the new color tags?
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I need help with those v-man. I dont quite get how those work :P
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echo (c 0)This is a color-tagged line. (c x)
echo (c 1)Notice how words on the right-hand side of the tag can touch it. (c x)
echo (c 9)However, words on the left-hand side of the tag need a space before the tag. (c x)
echo (c 6)Tags can (c 4)arbitrarily change the color (c 5)without needing a closer. (c x)
echo (c 3)Tags don't always need to be closed, either.

Note: I had to reinstall AC, and now I cannot find the latest version to test this on. I wonder why the thread announcing that ac_client.exe replacement was obliterated...
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Hm, did you mess up your right and left hand sides?
Thanks Btw, thats what I needed!
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* V-Man double-checks
No... The text on the right-hand side of the color tag can touch.
The text on the left-hand side of the color tag should not touch the color tag.
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Hm, well then.
I think the (c 0) is touching "This" and (c x) is not touching "line."
Would it be this?
echo (c 0) This is a color-tagged line.(c x)
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The text on the right of the (opening) tag in your example is not touching.
The text on the left of the (closing) tag in your example is touching.
You can just play around with it in-game to test for yourself (I can't).

Animated XHair, safe version
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You can delete all of my comments about this now. I just misread his sample. I thought it was the actual text body that you were talking about :P
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I wish I could delete your comments. :-P You have control over them.
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I cant delete them though. Unless its some weird command not being seen by me.
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You can change them to say happy things about unicorns and butterflies!
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I'm guessing the only mod that checks this thread is DES|Bukz, and I have a feeling that he doesn't do anything, unless forced to.
I cant say anything happy about them, cuz I killed them all when the new shotgun came out.
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