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ACWC Ban Incidents
(09:50:15 PM) <Lucas> undead will be kicked of the tournament for disturbing games and disrespecting referees and me and daytlixx

first it was castiel now it's undead. it has become obvious that this is a plot - most likely thought out by lucas - designed to weaken the australian world cup team, so that france can win easily.

for a recording of the commentary that (supposedly) is the reason for Undead's ban go here

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This was always going to happen, Australia is destined to win.
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to answer what you say :
if i wanted to make australia team weaker (lol), why would i have only decided to forbid undead to play against north africa ?

But seriously. I've spent hours and hours on acwc; You're so disrespectful towards me, daylixx, referees, and players... you disgust me. I'd really like to give up because of bastards like you (sorry but i can't find other words), i'd like to give up everything about ac because of your behavior. ppl who can't do anything interesting or say anything constructive. But for the others, i'll continue. This is also true or for undead and jason. You're useless.
I won't listen to you anymore. I won't answer to you anymore.
You're a pain. Shame on you. Please leave us, we want to have fun. We don't want flame wars. Thanks.
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(15 Aug 11, 12:54AM)Luc@s Wrote: I'd really like to give up because of bastards like you

Warning points muuuuuch?

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shouldn't people get punished for behaving as children like he does ? when they're disrespectful like he is ?
seriously why do i keep wasting my time for ppl like them..
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Unban Undead.


Warning Points: 60%, I'm used to it lucas.
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They ask for arguments and this is what you get. No point on discuss they are always right or never listen.

It was obvious that if brazil A got disqualified for bad behavior whoever acting the same way would get punished too, what else you need to understand lol.
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Australia are 1338
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(15 Aug 11, 01:12AM)Stranz Wrote: They ask for arguments and this is what you get. No point on discuss they are always right or never listen.

It was obvious that if brazil A got disqualified for bad behavior whoever acting the same way would get punished too, what else you need to understand lol.

you don't even know what happened lol
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Wrong, i was on IRC and saw both games Canada-Spain/USA-Poland on the live stream, I know what they are talking about.

I feel bad for SKB who has to deal with most of the garbage the cast threw around.

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(15 Aug 11, 01:36AM)Stranz Wrote: Wrong, i was on IRC and saw both games Canada-Spain/USA-Poland on the live stream, I know what they are talking about.

I feel bad for SKB who has to deal with most of the garbage the cast threw around.

skb was loling the entire time
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(15 Aug 11, 01:36AM)Stranz Wrote: Wrong, i was on IRC and saw both games Canada-Spain/USA-Poland on the live stream, I know what they are talking about.

I feel bad for SKB who has to deal with most of the garbage the cast threw around.
ok thought you were defending them just to feed the flame. Sorrry i was wrong.

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(15 Aug 11, 01:36AM)Stranz Wrote: I feel bad for SKB who has to deal with most of the garbage the cast threw around.

SKB was loving it, he couldn't conceal his lol'ing, what you chattin kid?
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You guys take shit way, way, way too seriously.
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(15 Aug 11, 02:28AM)Mael Wrote: You guys take shit way, way, way too seriously.

Offtopic: Haha that was your 666th post......

Ontopic: Well were there rules set for him to not do those certain things, if so, I understand. If not then, then well it depends on what he was doing XD

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Please dont use Alert, we have a server set aside for you. With its own admin password.

Due to the lack of organization, I had a fair amount of trouble telling ya'll the password. PM me for it if you want it.


Aug 14 16:03:04 cosmicred AssaultCube[]: [] Referee-CicloN says: 'no admin gg'

yea, no organization, gg.

Due to the fact that you had more non-players than players, you couldn't fit into evergreen. You needed one more slot. Now I can see that. However, you could either:
A) Ask for the slots to be changed
B) Kick one ref (and eventually caster)
C) Not used a B} server

The number of slots is now 16, and I expect to see some use from the server we set up for you.
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I feel that this thread will end up nowhere quickly.

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(15 Aug 11, 02:45AM)Mai Mee Tur Wrote: I feel that this thread will end up nowhere quickly.


i was given permission by a moderator to split this topic off into another thread, because it is something that should legitimately be considered by the community

please stop trying to close every thread involving controversy
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(15 Aug 11, 02:45AM)Mai Mee Tur Wrote: I feel that this thread will end up nowhere quickly.


you'd like that wouldn't you, first sign of controversy - close thread, censor it, get rid of anything bad and fake stability. you're just as bad as new world order and obama srsly. YOU CAN'T CRUSH LIBERTY.
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Naw, this thread ain't horrible yet.

If we closed every thread that would become a flame thread, there wouldn't be many open threads around here.
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(15 Aug 11, 03:12AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Naw, this thread ain't horrible yet.

If we closed every thread that would become a flame thread, there wouldn't be many open threads around here.

The sad truth...

Regarding the ACWC bans I believe the bans so far while controversial (and maybe even a little unfair if you want to call it that), haven't hindered play nearly as much as the overreactions by the community and those who have no say in the issues. If you're not involved you don't need to flame around. Having said that, to those who are involved don't make them discussable in public threads. Form a solution privately, and without nearly as much collateral damage.
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Its a joke, even Drakas says the organization and the way this is run is bullshit.
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Well, when you watch a livestream and you hear little to nothing about the game going on and only hear flaming towards other players (a lot of which I believe should be cause for ban) how can it not?
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@Jason, nothing to do with my views, I just feel this can be taken elsewhere than AC's forums.
And yes, I would very much like that, as I don't care how controversial a thread is, but if a thread is started for the simple purpose of trolling, than why not close it?

I'm coming out and saying out right that's it's trolling, but the wording suggests it: "first it was castiel now it's undead. it has become obvious that this is a plot - most likely thought out by lucas - designed to weaken the australian world cup team, so that france can win easily."

What ridiculous reasoning is this?
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They were supposed to commentate about the game and couldn't even make that right, their behavior was consequence of Undead's removal of the tournament

@thecockynoob: bad cast, mocking players, trash talking, cursing, that sure did help the Referees and host of the stream, maybe you can't see how things are cause on your high horse

You can complain about how this tournament has been done, but the cast has nothing to do with it, there's no plot, is just a random butthurt for something they caused themselves for pushing too far.
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* Nightmare uses fire extinguisher to put out the flames.
Mai ftw.
Castiel's ban was harsh and unnecessary. Easy to see why sabotage thoughts spawned from this.
Undead's ban seems extremely justified.

Ta-Da! [Image: songbird2.jpg]
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Just to sum up:
1. Some people were rude to ACWC admins and were removed from the tourney.
2. Other people were also rude to ACWC admins, and were also rude to other players and were also racist.

The 2nd group of people did not defend the first group of people but feel they are being treated unfairly.

Does that about sum up?
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For anyone who didn't see the stream: http://www.own3d.tv/SKB
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When is this community going to realise there is a group of idiots no more than 5 in number who hijack everything and turn it into there own anti establishment cause. Sadly this is another case, I dont mind debate about the establishment, infact I welcome it but why ruin everything that is attempted in this community.

I believe the people involved here knew exactly what was going to happen and they have been pushing further and further each time until the mods/refs ect were forced to act. Then it becomes about the community and the way it treats them Meh!

Dont let them turn this into some kind of crusade, its not! Its about a comentry that went too far, and now they get a ban for it. If you cant do the time then dont do the crime thats what I say. And further to that, if you disagree so strongly with thsi community then move on go find someone else to troll, or have you actually been called out and its not about that at all, you guys just love the conflict you cause...

My recomendation permanant bans IRC. SERVERS, everything not for this one incident but for the constant attempts to ruin what is good here.
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