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{TGC} Recruiting! [NEW CLAN!]
Working on an official server, cause I'm having trouble with that. BUT!
Go on over to...Clan Recruitment Form and Website And fill in the form! Shortly after I can test you in an empty server, due to the lack of an offical one, and you can wear the tag of, The Good Company. (TGC)

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Welcome xD
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Thanks? :P
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What? Can't handle a greeting?

Lol ,good luck with the clan!
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Good luck, have fun, bbq.
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lol good luck and have fun. this is a rare thing, your clan already has a site and an irc chat room. i remember many clans that were created, where the members had no clue what an irc client was lol. best of luck to you! off to a promising start!
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Thanks guys! :D
And I can handle a greeting, I just didn't know if she was welcoming me, or saying, "Welcome," in response to my, "Thanks, Luke." lol
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good luck and have fun
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Thanks guys!
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