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Hey guys :D
I made a map...which failed map check...and i tried lowering the ceiling...putting more solid blocks...removing all grenades...but still nothing worked..it still kept on failing map checks...and i am not able to know where the fault is..could anyone of u help me on this ? thanx :)

[Image: thumb_YbHAKa3mS8LcW7zjVz5egqNlD.jpg]

Your Download-Link:Grassy_Holes!.
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the ceiling is ~50 cubes heigh. ~30 are allowed!
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thnx for trying...but if i get i get it 20 blocks below..the map will get destroyed...and i guess the height is not the problem because i have seen maps which have more height than my map and i also tried adjusting height here and there like someplace low and someone place medium in order to make it avg. 30 ( if thats supposed to work ) :(
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No! Just cheat with the map-restriction as Megatowers' mapper made.
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you can lower the overall height by adding very low rooms outside of the actual map ...

... but why dont you just try to make a cool map?
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This map is cool, not made for matches but for fun.
You don't get it Mr.Robtics. :)
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And here we see the gist of the map restriction/requisite war: difference in opinion, over what is "cool". These are the worst kinds of conflicts, as it is impossible to determine which side is actually correct.
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idk why this map reminds me to a turok rage wars map, guess maybe just the colors.
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RE: Grassy_Holes!
No! Just cheat with the map-restriction as Megatowers' mapper made.

How do i cheat withe map restrictions ?
I would love to do that if its NOT called HACKING ! x)

and this is not the only map i have problem with...i have other map also with same problem... -.-

and i make maps which are fun , not the types of official ones.. :P
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officials are fun
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Yea sure they are...my point wasnt that...they arent fun....i meant they are made with precision and stuff...Damn ! i knew someone was gonna point that out..but i didnt feel like changing what i wrote :P
So will anyone teach me the way to make my map work without ruining it ??
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yeah Mr.Floppy :P read this
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(05 Aug 11, 07:27PM)Robtics Wrote: you can lower the overall height by adding very low rooms outside of the actual map ...

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