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The times are changing
There's a push going on, to break the stand-still reached with shotgun-balancing - the final piece we've been constantly delaying the release for.
Once that the shotgun is properly configured, the AntiCheat updated and no known critical bugs in the SVN:trunk anymore we will release the v1.1.1.0.
This will also be my last release as project leader and - at least for quite a while - as a member of the dev-team.

And because this goes along with that change we will also be moving the server to a new hoster. This means you might be experiencing some outages of the website and/or masterserver during the next week; we will endeavour to keep them to a minimum and to times when their services are least in demand.
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Some good and some sad news :( why are you quittin?
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Hes not quitting, just for quite a while he said.
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Nice to see 1.1.1 is coming out! However its sad to hear the Flow is departing from project leading for the time being :( Good luck mate, hopefully you come back in the future and lead the project again!
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(30 Jul 11, 10:59PM)flowtron Wrote: This will also be my last release as project leader and - at least for quite a while - as a member of the dev-team.
Yeah yeah! How many times have we heard that from members of the community? There is no escape from it flowtron, AC is more addictive than any drugs on the market... Even so addictive that a warning should be given prior downloading the game! So I'll put my hand in the fire that we'll see you around in a near future.

GL to you in the meantime ;)

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will i still be able to play
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(19 Sep 11, 05:39AM)Jg99 Wrote: will i still be able to play
Until the 1104 MS is shut down, yes.

Great and sad news. You've done a lot for the project, Flow.
Anyway, it's nice to know that 1110 is about to come out. :)
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Yay for closing in on finishing balancing the shotgun + new release! :D
Booo for Flowtron leaving. :O

Will a new project leader be announced? :p
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they're changing masterservers again?
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yes...this happens once a new version comes out and not just and update

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Thanks for all your efforts, dev team, they are greatly appreciated! And thanks for all your work flow, hope to still see you around now and then.
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Oh, sh*t, I knew it :(

*Playing patriotistic music*

So, thanks for all you have done for AssaultCube, and also thanks for AC :)
Still the best free game out there, and also, my entry into the modder scene..
Good luck for you, and I hope, we will see you again, sometime...
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Quote: AC is more addictive than any drugs on the market... Even so addictive that a warning should be given prior downloading the game!

Quote:Taking place in realistic environments, with fast, arcade gameplay, it's addictive and fun!

You said it.

A game is a lot of work, gl in the future.
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* Cemer votes to induct flowtron in the Pantheon of AssaultCube

Wait, he should be there already...

* Cemer votes to raise flowtron's status in the Pantheon of AssaultCube
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I couldn't be happier. Thank you dev team, not Bukz though, he noob \:D. In all seriousness, you guys deserve it. The last release was November 14 2010. This game needs all the new updates. I just hope everyone will support our developers. I fully support you guys. I tip my hat to you good gentlemen.

Now hurry up.

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SourceForge.net: Project Donations: AssaultCube
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Good luck with whatever you do next flowtron, sad to see you guy.

Thanks to the devs who've put so much time and effort into this game
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Search the page for "jamz_26things", see how many hits.

I know the next lead dev :>

Sad to see you going, but nice to have the reassurance that Cleaner put into words.
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Good luck in your future endeavors post-AC Flow. Your legacy will be felt here for time to come.
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There was a little problem there, related to this thread. The forums had been backed up to the new VPS, all ready for the domain to be transferred, but then disaster struck.

To cut a horrible story short, we've lost a couple of days of forum posts, but everything is now active on the new VPS. Once domain transfer and DNS changes are fully propagated, all will be back to normal.

So, sorry for the interruption. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Thank you for everything flow. ;)
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(23 Sep 11, 12:10PM)jamz Wrote: To cut a horrible story short, we've lost a couple of days of forum posts, but everything is now active on the new VPS. Once domain transfer and DNS changes are fully propagated, all will be back to normal.

I lost my recent pm messages and an important download link :/

Lol, well gl to you guys and sorry to hear there were problems
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I'm hoping that, save for a few backward ISPs who need better DNS servers, everything should now be back to normal. There have been a few problems with the forum while the VPS plan was upgraded, but that should now be fixed.
We're very sorry for the loss of service, and will be issuing 10% refunds on your purchase price to everyone.
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yayayay refunds.
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10% refund only? What a rip off!
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(27 Sep 11, 10:03AM)jamz Wrote: We're very sorry for the loss of service, and will be issuing 10% refunds on your purchase price to everyone.
No new profile spammers for a couple days, that's enough of a refund for me. But unfortunately, it looks like their DNS entries have updated too :P
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I am happy to know that changes will be made ​​in
This proves that all the many complaints about shotty,
were not in vain.
Something had to be done about it.
You sure to balance the power of weapons.
Happy finally to see some good news :)

Noob's not more "splarted" me '-'


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the shotgun is fine.
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(02 Oct 11, 02:43AM)adam Wrote: the shotgun is fine.

stop lying
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your just too noob to handle it.
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