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my first mod Sniper scopes
it is 4 dif scopes 2 night vistion 2 normal i made a speacial 1 also its crossed between night vistioon and normal vistion dowload it here http://www.mediafire.com/?5mlx2sk1x8yb727

here this screenie [Image: j6phqp.png]
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any 1 gonna check out my mod -_- .
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Step 1: Show screenshots

Step 2: Upload to akimbo.in

That way people will look at it
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(29 Jul 11, 02:01AM)Reaper668721 Wrote: any 1 gonna check out my mod -_- .

1) Be patient. Not everyone is at your bidding.

2) There's a view counter on the forum index. You'll get an idea if people saw this post.

Do what Mai said. Also, post screenshots. No one will download something they can't see, or don't have an idea. :/

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Cemer said it best. Don't be impatient, man. And do the screenshots please. This will help your mod gain popularity if people can see it, which saves many the trouble to install it and uninstall it.
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(29 Jul 11, 02:45AM)JamJamTheCalcMan Wrote: Cemer said it best.


* Achievement Unlocked *
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idk how to upload screen shot to here
mmzz it seems no 1 has even attempeted to look at it -_- im new idk how to upload photos and shit so give me a break please its my first mod geeze and it took for ever so if any 1 would be kindenogh to look at it it would be much apreaciated
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In-game, you can take a screenshot by pressing F12 (default). The screenshot saves in the \screenshots\ folder. You can upload that picture at any of several fine image hosting websites such as http://tinypic.com , http://photobucket.com , http://imageshack.com , etc.
Find the "thumbnail" image option and post that here in the forum with "[img]" tags. (In the full text editor on this forum, there's a nifty button that looks like a tiny picture of mountains. You can click that and put in the thumbnail URL.)
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thanks V-Man btw yal this is the best 1 i made in my eyes i made 4 but i relly dont feel like uploading 3 more pics --- yes i no im lazy well i hope yal like its my first mod ever
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I did tried to have a peep at it...

[Image: image2tz.png]

Plus you know what Reaper668721 ? I won't even bother reading your posts no more...

Your writing is all chinese to me, you have been told several times to use decent grammar and some punctuation.

Furthermore you are not listening to the people here trying to give clues and you carry on doing things when you don't even know how to, I don't appreciate this rudeness at all.
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ok that just hurt and since every 1 seems to hate my mods and or just like to make infront of me screw makein mods T.T screw all this i just wanted 2 be like the dudes that made alsome mods such as slow old man or the dude who made dragonove and im not even gonna bother checkin it any more god dam and rudeness its not rudeness im trying my hardest to get better at my punchuation but it dont help when i got peps sayin that i write like a fkin chinese and rude i might be rude on this post but its pretty mested up when i sit the for a hour tryin to make a mod and put it into a archive and even what u tube vids how to upload a dam folder 2 to fking media fire and u no what ddude i dont appreciate when i work hard on something and i get put down about it so screw it ill mod but not for any 1 ever again if im gonna be treated like this damit
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You'll need a thicker skin if you're going to share a forum with Cleaner. He wasn't actually abusive (so no warning points), but I can see how his "advice" could be taken the wrong way. Don't give up here, just pretend that he meant to encourage your grammatical endeavors.
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u relly think so ?
thanks v-man ima keep on goiin but i got a qestion how do u fix the error he got
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How did you zip that/those file/files?
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i relly have not a clue i just added archeive i still havein problems
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Download 7zip?
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Uploading to mediafire causes problems like that often. Use akimbo.in for all your AC modding upload needs. :D
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The eerie green light in the middle of my screen would be annoying if I'm trying to quickscope some newbs. It is too thick. At least make the green cross hair glow thinner. Seriously it hurts your eyes too >.<
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Here you go.



Might as well practice to get Cleaner on your side.
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The crosshair is offcenter slightly
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