--> -->
How do I remove a messed up mod?
I have installed the crosshair animation mod, but the instructions were for windows, and I am using Linux(a Ubuntu variant, based on 10.10, if that can help). I have the tools.cfg installed into the config folder, along with the xhairanim.cfg in there. Whenever I play, I always get the error message: couldn't load texture packages/misc/crosshairs/greenc/greenc(#).png The # is 1-16 going over and over again. I either want to completely remove it, which I have tried, but it did not work, or figure out how to get it to work.

if you need my autoexec.cfg, then her it is
Quote:// This file gets executed every time you start AssaultCube.

// This is where you should put any scripts you may have created for AC.

exec config/zombies.cfg

exec config/xhairanim.cfg

exec config/tools.cfg
Thanks given by:
remove the line "exec config/xhairanim.cfg" from your autoexec, you will also need to clear the script out of your saved.cfg.
Thanks given by:
(02 Jul 11, 10:46PM)Lantry Wrote: remove the line "exec config/xhairanim.cfg" from your autoexec, you will also need to clear the script out of your saved.cfg.

where would it be in my saved.cfg, because I'm not exactly sure of what to look for.

if you need my saved.cfg, then here it is:

// automatically written on exit, DO NOT MODIFY
// delete this file to have defaults.cfg overwrite these settings
// modify settings in game, or put settings in autoexec.cfg to override anything

name "unarmed"
loadcrosshair default.png
loadcrosshair teammate.png teammate
loadcrosshair red_dot.png scope
fpsrange 30 40
setfont default

gamma 100
lighterror 4
masterupdatefrequency 3600
scopefov 50
dynshadowquad 0
aboveheadiconsize 50
bulletholettl 10000
autoscreenshot 0
showstats 1
mfilter 0.0
soundvol 128
serversort 0
damagescreenfade 125
gibspeed 30
maxtrail 500
gibnum 6
dynshadowdecay 1000
modeacronyms 1
swayupspeeddiv 105
stencilshadow 40
aboveheadiconfadetime 2000
clockerror 1000000
teamdisplaymode 1
reflectsize 8
showmapbackdroptransparency 75
footsteps 1
damagescreenalpha 45
radarentsize 16
scorefont 0
radarheight 50
audiodebug 0
mtwater 1
texreduce 0
hideconsole 0
clockfix 0
localfootsteps 1
texturescale 32
mapsoundrefresh 10
soundschedpriorityscore 100
watersubdiv 4
gibttl 7000
bulletairsoundrad 15
saveshadows 1
shotlinettl 75
dynshadow 40
damageindicatorsize 200
browsefiledesc 1
mouseaccel 0.0
crosshairsize 15
hudextras 0
hidecustomskins 0
autogetnewmaprevisions 1
bulletbouncesoundrad 15
serversortpreferofficial 1
confade 20
bloodttl 10000
hidefavicons 0
scorchttl 10000
hitsound 0
maxfps 200
sensitivity 3.0
hidedamageindicator 0
jpegquality 70
hidecompass 0
damageindicatoralpha 50
soundschedreserve 2
scorch 1
damageindicatordist 500
serversortdir 0
hidehudequipment 0
fullbrightlevel 176
bulletairsounddestrad 8
maxhistory 1000
hudgun 1
bullethole 1
fullconsize 40
smoothmove 75
swayupmovediv 200
maxtexsize 0
shotline 1
damagescreenfactor 7
maploaditemlength 46
mapstats_hud 0
waterrefract 0
animationinterpolationtime 150
blood 1
bulletairsoundsourcerad 8
altconsize 0
hidectfhud 0
sensitivityscale 1.0
musicvol 128
quicknade_hold 0
servpingrate 5000
swayspeeddiv 105
invmouse 0
minimapres 9
waterreflect 1
minlod 60
showminremain 0
maxsoundsatonce 10
serverbrowserhideip 0
showmapbackdrop 0
nosway 0
crosshairteamsign 1
smoothdist 8
clockdisplay 0
pngcompress 9
soundschedoldbonus 100
autoauth 1
damagescreen 1
cncolumncolor 5
mtexplosion 1
serverbrowserhidefavtag 1
screenshottype 1
applydialog 1
oldfashionedgunstats 0
aadynshadow 2
dynshadowsize 5
akimboendaction 0
damageindicatortime 1000
hideradar 0
showonlygoodservers 0
hidevote 0
maxcon 200
autoreload 1
scopesensscale 0.5
gainscale 90
spectfov 110
hidebigmenuimages 0
soundscheddistancescore 5
accuracy 0
showscoresondeath 1
maxservpings 10
consize 6
orderscorecolumns 0
mdldlist 1
righthanded 1
dbgpos 0
nextprimary 6
crosshairfx 1
gib 1
hidespecthud 0
trilinear 1
fov 90.0
maxrollremote 1
networkdebug 0
autoscopesens 0
bulletbouncesound 1
autogetmap 1
maxroll 0
bilinear 1
swaymovediv 200
hidehudmsgs 0
hideteam 0
bulletairsound 1

bind "MOUSE1" [attack]
bind "MOUSE2" [ if $editing [ showmenu editing ] [ altaction ] ]
bind "MOUSE3" [weapon]
bind "MOUSE4" [universaldelta  1]
bind "MOUSE5" [universaldelta -1]
bind "BACKSPACE" [ if $editing [ delent ] [ dropflag ] ]
bind "TAB" [ showscores 1; onrelease [ showscores 0 ] ]
bind "ESCAPE" [ if $connected [ ingamemenu ] [if (= (watchingtutorial) 1) [ showmenu "Tutorial Menu" ] [ if (watchingdemo) [ showmenu "Watching demo" ] [ showmenu main ] ] ] ]
bind "SPACE" [jump]
bind "COMMA" [equalize 0]
bind "PERIOD" [equalize 2]
bind "SLASH" [saycommand /]
bind "1" [ if $editing [ domodifier 5 ] [ primary ] ]
bind "2" [ if $editing [ domodifier 7 ] [ secondary ] ]
bind "3" [ if $editing [ domodifier 8 ] [ grenades ] ]
bind "4" [ if $editing [ domodifier 9 ] [ melee ] ]
bind "8" [vdelta -1]
bind "9" [vdelta 1]
bind "SEMICOLON" [ if $editing [ editent ] ]
bind "LEFTBRACKET" [editheight 0 -1]
bind "RIGHTBRACKET" [editheight 0 1]
bind "CARET" [saycommand /]
bind "BACKQUOTE" [saycommand /]
bind "A" [left]
bind "B" [showmenu Weapons]
bind "C" [copy]
bind "D" [right]
bind "E" [edittoggle]
bind "F" [solid 1]
bind "G" [ if $editing [ solid 0 ] [ quicknadethrow ] ]
bind "H" [heightfield 0]
bind "I" [heightfield 2]
bind "K" [corner]
bind "L" [ if $editing [ showmenu Lighting ] ]
bind "M" [ if $editing [ domodifier 6 ] ]
bind "O" [editheight 2 -1]
bind "P" [editheight 2 1]
bind "Q" [ if $editing [ domodifier 1 ] ]
bind "R" [reload]
bind "S" [backward]
bind "T" [saycommand]
bind "U" [undo]
bind "V" [ if $editing [ paste ] [ showmenu voicecom ] ]
bind "W" [forward]
bind "X" [ if $editing [ domodifier 3 ] ]
bind "Y" [saycommand %]
bind "Z" [ if $editing [ domodifier 2 ] ]
bind "DELETE" [edittex 0 -1]
bind "KP0" [weapon 4 1]
bind "KP4" [edittex 3 -1]
bind "KP7" [edittex 3 1]
bind "KP_MINUS" [conskip 3]
bind "KP_PLUS" [conskip -1000]
bind "UP" [forward]
bind "DOWN" [backward]
bind "RIGHT" [right]
bind "LEFT" [left]
bind "INSERT" [edittex 0 1]
bind "HOME" [edittex 1 1]
bind "END" [edittex 1 -1]
bind "PAGEUP" [edittex 2 1]
bind "PAGEDOWN" [edittex 2 -1]
bind "F1" [ && (vote 1) [ echo "you voted yes"] ]
bind "F2" [ && (vote 2) [ echo "you voted no" ] ]
bind "F3" [ showmenu Zombies ]
bind "F5" [if $editing [ toggleocull ]]
bind "F6" [if $editing [ showmip ]]
bind "F10" [getdemo]
bind "F11" [conskip -1000; toggleconsole]
bind "F12" [screenshot]
bind "LSHIFT" [crouch]
bind "RCTRL" [jump]
bind "LCTRL" [jump]
bind "LALT" [showscores 0; toggleshowmap]

alias "Tstarteight" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundeight; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sroundfifteen" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 15 RVSF medium ]; addnbot 3 CLA best; sleep 65000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo; Teamthree ]; sleep 65100 [ kickallbots; campfragsthree ];

                       sleep 66000 [ Smessagefifteen ] ]
alias "Sstartten" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundten; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Smessagenineteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twenty starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstarttwenty ] ]
alias "Sroundeighteen" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 18 RVSF good ]; addnbot 4 CLA best; sleep 75000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo; Teamthree; Teamfour ]; sleep 75100 [ kickallbots; campfragsfour ];

                       sleep 76000 [ Smessageeighteen ] ]
alias "Dstarteight" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundeight 7; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Dstartnineteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundnineteen 18; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sstartnine" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundnine; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Droundtwentythree" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 best" $s ] ];

                sleep 85000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfive ]; sleep 86000 [ Dmessagetwentythree ] ]
alias "Tmessagenineteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twenty starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstarttwenty ] ]
alias "Troundtwentythree" [ addnbot 23 RVSF best; addnbot 5 CLA best; sleep 85000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfive ]; sleep 86000 [ Tmessagetwentythree ] ]
alias "Droundeighteen" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 good" $s ] ];

                sleep 75000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfour ]; sleep 76000 [ Dmessageeighteen ] ]
alias "Smessageeighteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round nineteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstartnineteen ] ]
alias "Dstarteighteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundeighteen 17; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Tmessagetwelve" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round thirteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstartthirteen ] ]
alias "Sstartfifteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundfifteen; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sstarteleven" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundeleven; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "delserial" [

loop ds $arg2 [

delalias (concatword $arg1 $ds)]]
alias "Droundtwo" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 bad" $s ] ];

                sleep 45000 [ kickallbots; campfragsone ]; sleep 46000 [ Dmessagetwo ] ]
alias "Tmessagefour" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round five starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstartfive ] ]
alias "Droundnineteen" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 good" $s ] ];

                sleep 75000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfour ]; sleep 76000 [ Dmessagenineteen ] ]
alias "Smessagetwentyfour" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twentyfive starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstarttwentyfive ] ]
alias "Tstarttwentyfour" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundtwentyfour; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Troundtwo" [ addnbot 2 RVSF bad; addnbot 1 CLA best; sleep 45000 [ kickallbots; campfragsone ]; sleep 46000 [ Tmessagetwo ] ]
alias "Smessagetwentyfive" [ echo You did it!; Endmessage ]
alias "Dstarttwenty" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundtwenty 19; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sstartseventeen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundseventeen; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Troundfourteen" [ addnbot 14 RVSF medium; addnbot 3 CLA best; sleep 65000 [ kickallbots; campfragsthree ]; sleep 66000 [ Tmessagefourteen ] ]
alias "Tstarttwentyfive" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundtwentyfive; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Troundfive" [ addnbot 5 RVSF bad; addnbot 1 CLA best; sleep 45000 [ kickallbots; campfragsone ]; sleep 46000 [ Tmessagefive ] ]
alias "Droundnine" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 worse" $s ] ];

                sleep 55000 [ kickallbots; campfragstwo ]; sleep 56000 [ Dmessagenine ] ]
alias "killmate" [ tmpdeaths = 0

                 if (strcmp (findpn $arg1) "") [result -1] [

                  tmpdeaths = (at (pstat_score $arg1) 2)

                   result $tmpdeaths ]; if ($tmpdeaths || 1) [ preparebotmatch; Yourmatedied ] [ ] ]
alias "Troundtwelve" [ addnbot 12 RVSF medium; addnbot 3 CLA best; sleep 65000 [ kickallbots; campfragsthree ]; sleep 66000 [ Tmessagetwelve ] ]
alias "Sstarttwenty" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundtwenty; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sstarttwentyone" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundtwentyone; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "campfragstwo" [ tmpfrags = 0

                  if (strcmp (findpn $arg1) "") [result -1] [

                   tmpfrags = (at (pstat_score $arg1) 1)

                    result $tmpfrags ]; if ($tmpfrags || 2) [ ] [ preparebotmatch; Campmessage ] ]
alias "Sroundnine" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 9 RVSF worse ]; addnbot 2 CLA best; sleep 55000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo ]; sleep 55100 [ kickallbots; campfragstwo ];

                   sleep 56000 [ Smessagenine ] ]
alias "Dmessagetwentyfour" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twentyfive starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstarttwentyfive ] ]
alias "Dmessagetwentytwo" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twentythree starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstarttwentythree ] ]
alias "Tmessagetwentytwo" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twentythree starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstarttwentythree ] ]
alias "Sroundtwentyone" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 21 RVSF best ]; addnbot 4 CLA best; sleep 85000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo; Teamthree; Teamfour ]; sleep 85100 [ kickallbots; campfragsfive ];

                        sleep 86000 [ Smessagetwentyone ] ]
alias "Dstarttwelve" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundtwelve 11; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Tstartfour" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundfour; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "killgame" [ loop i 1 [ sleep 500 [ killgame 0 ] ];    //In Game Death Detection

               tmpdeaths = 0

               if (strcmp (findpn $arg1) "") [result -1] [

                tmpdeaths = (at (pstat_score $arg1) 2)

                 result $tmpdeaths ]; if ($tmpdeaths || 1) [ preparebotmatch; Youdied ] [ ] ]
alias "Tstartthirteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundthirteen; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sstartsixteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundsixteen; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sstarteighteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundeighteen; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Troundtwenty" [ addnbot 20 RVSF good; addnbot 4 CLA best; sleep 75000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfour ]; sleep 76000 [ Tmessagetwenty ] ]
alias "Droundtwentyfive" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 best" $s ] ];

                sleep 85000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfive ]; sleep 86000 [ Dmessagetwentyfive ] ]
alias "Droundtwentyone" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 best" $s ] ];

                sleep 85000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfive ]; sleep 86000 [ Dmessagetwentyone ] ]
alias "Sroundone" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 1 RVSF bad ]; addnbot 1 CLA best; sleep 45000 [ Teamone ]; sleep 45100 [ kickallbots; campfragsone ];

                   sleep 46000 [ Smessageone ] ]
alias "Smessagetwo" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round three starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstartthree ] ]
alias "Troundtwentyone" [ addnbot 21 RVSF best; addnbot 5 CLA best; sleep 85000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfive ]; sleep 86000 [ Tmessagetwentyone ] ]
alias "Tmessagenine" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round ten starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstartten ] ]
alias "Dmessagefive" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo The next 5 rounds are another skill level up with even more bots and time! ];

                    sleep 5000 [ echo Round six starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 8000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstartsix ] ]
alias "Sstarttwentythree" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundtwentythree; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "soundqualityalias" [3]
alias "campfragsone" [ tmpfrags = 0

                  if (strcmp (findpn $arg1) "") [result -1] [

                   tmpfrags = (at (pstat_score $arg1) 1)

                    result $tmpfrags ]; if ($tmpfrags || 1) [ ] [ preparebotmatch; Campmessage ] ]
alias "Troundeleven" [ addnbot 11 RVSF medium; addnbot 3 CLA best; sleep 65000 [ kickallbots; campfragsthree ]; sleep 66000 [ Tmessageeleven ] ]
alias "Tmatch" [ sleep 500 [ alias tmp_mode 7; showmenu T-maps ] ]
alias "Dmessagetwentyone" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twentytwo starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstarttwentytwo ] ]
alias "Tstartfive" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundfive; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Dstartnine" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundnine 8; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "whoisall" [loop w 21 [whois $w]]
alias "Smessagenine" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round ten starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstartten ] ]
alias "Tmessagetwentyone" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twentytwo starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstarttwentytwo ] ]
alias "Tmessagethirteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round fourteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstartfourteen ] ]
alias "Droundtwentyfour" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 best" $s ] ];

                sleep 85000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfive ]; sleep 86000 [ Dmessagetwentyfour ] ]
alias "Sstartthirteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundthirteen; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Tmessageeight" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round nine starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstartnine ] ]
alias "Sroundtwenty" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 20 RVSF good ]; addnbot 4 CLA best; sleep 75000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo; Teamthree; Teamfour ]; sleep 75100 [ kickallbots; campfragsfour ];

                     sleep 76000 [ Smessagetwenty ] ]
alias "Teamtwo" [ sleep 20 [ killmate 2 ] ]
alias "Smessagetwentythree" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twentyfour starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstarttwentyfour ] ]
alias "Dmessageeight" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round nine starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstartnine ] ]
alias "Droundthirteen" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 medium" $s ] ];

                sleep 65000 [ kickallbots; campfragsthree ]; sleep 66000 [ Dmessagethirteen ] ]
alias "Sroundseven" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 7 RVSF worse ]; addnbot 2 CLA best; sleep 55000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo ]; sleep 55100 [ kickallbots; campfragstwo ];

                     sleep 56000 [ Smessageseven ] ]
alias "Tmessagesixteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round seventeen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstartseventeen ] ]
alias "Troundeight" [ addnbot 8 RVSF worse; addnbot 2 CLA best; sleep 55000 [ kickallbots; campfragstwo ]; sleep 56000 [ Tmessageeight ] ]
alias "Yourmatedied" [ sleep 3000 [ echo One of your teammates died during the round, sorry. ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Thanks for playing! ];

                   sleep 7000 [ echo Auto game switch, please wait... ]; sleep 8000 [ resetmybinds; rndmapstart ] ]
alias "menutext" [ac_werk]
alias "Sstarttwelve" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundtwelve; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Dmessagesixteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round seventeen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstartseventeen ] ]
alias "Droundeight" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 worse" $s ] ];

                sleep 55000 [ kickallbots; campfragstwo ]; sleep 56000 [ Dmessageeight ] ]
alias "Dmessageeleven" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twelve starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstarttwelve ] ]
alias "listmapname" [ac_werk]
alias "genbotmaps" [

    loop i (listlen $arg1) [

        alias listmapname (at $arg1 $i)

        alias menutext $listmapname (concat map $listmapname)

        menuitemmapload $listmapname (concat tmp_botmap "=" $listmapname ";" [ startbotmap; Dstartzombies;  ] )


alias "mapstartalways" [conloop]
alias "Sroundtwelve" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 12 RVSF medium ]; addnbot 3 CLA best; sleep 65000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo; Teamthree ]; sleep 65100 [ kickallbots; campfragsthree ];

                     sleep 66000 [ Smessagetwelve ] ]
alias "Dmessagefourteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round fifteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstartfifteen ] ]
alias "Sroundfourteen" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 14 RVSF medium ]; addnbot 3 CLA best; sleep 65000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo; Teamthree ]; sleep 65100 [ kickallbots; campfragsthree ];

                        sleep 66000 [ Smessagefourteen ] ]
alias "stoploop" [push $arg1 []]
alias "Tmessagetwentyfive" [ echo You did it!; Endmessage ]
alias "Tstartfourteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundfourteen; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Dmessagetwenty" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo The next 5 rounds are another skill level up with even more bots and time! ];

                    sleep 5000 [ echo Round twentyone starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 8000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstarttwentyone; ] ]
alias "Sstartzombies" [ bind F3 [ ]; bind SLASH [ echo Press Esc ]; bind CARET [ echo Press Esc ]; bind BACKQUOTE [ echo Press Esc ];

                     bind T [ echo Press Esc ]; bind Y [ echo Press Esc ]; bind E [ echo Press Esc ]; bind ESCAPE [ resetmybinds; rndmapstart ];

                     sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready ]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundone; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Smessageseven" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round eight starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstarteight ] ]
alias "Sstartseven" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundseven; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Troundfour" [ addnbot 4 RVSF bad; addnbot 1 CLA best; sleep 45000 [ kickallbots; campfragsone ]; sleep 46000 [ Tmessagefour ] ]
alias "Tstarteleven" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundeleven; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Dmessagetwo" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round three starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstartthree ] ]
alias "curname" [unarmed]
alias "Dstarttwentythree" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundtwentythree 22; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Smessageseventeen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round eighteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstarteighteen ] ]
alias "Smessageeleven" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twelve starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstarttwelve ] ]
alias "i" [7]
alias "Tstartten" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundten; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sstartsix" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundsix; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Tmessagetwo" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round three starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstartthree ] ]
alias "Tstarttwentythree" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundtwentythree; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Dstartten" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundten 9; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "rndmapstart" [ tdm ac_desert; sleep 10 [ team CLA ] ]
alias "Tmessageeighteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round nineteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstartnineteen ] ]
alias "__gibsgore" [1]
alias "gfxqualityalias" [3]
alias "Tstartsixteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundsixteen; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Smessagefifteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo The next 5 rounds are another skill level up with even more bots and time! ];

                    sleep 5000 [ echo Round sixteen starts in 3 seconds with your last teammate! ]; sleep 8000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstartsixteen; ] ]
alias "Dstartsixteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundsixteen 15; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Dstartsix" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundsix 5; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sroundeleven" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 11 RVSF medium ]; addnbot 3 CLA best; sleep 65000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo; Teamthree ]; sleep 65100 [ kickallbots; campfragsthree ];

                      sleep 66000 [ Smessageeleven ] ]
alias "Tstartnineteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundnineteen; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sstartfive" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundfive; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Tmessageseventeen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round eighteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstarteighteen ] ]
alias "rrnd" [+ (rnd (- $arg2 $arg1)) $arg1]
alias "Tstartsix" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundsix; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Smessagetwentytwo" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twentythree starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstarttwentythree ] ]
alias "Dmessageseventeen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round eighteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstarteighteen ] ]
alias "Sroundseventeen" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 17 RVSF good ]; addnbot 4 CLA best; sleep 75000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo; Teamthree; Teamfour ]; sleep 75100 [ kickallbots; campfragsfour ];

                         sleep 76000 [ Smessageseventeen ] ]
alias "Troundeighteen" [ addnbot 18 RVSF good; addnbot 4 CLA best; sleep 75000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfour ]; sleep 76000 [ Tmessageeighteen ] ]
alias "Dstartseven" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundseven 6; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Youdied" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Sorry, but it seems you have died. ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Thanks for playing! ];

               sleep 7000 [ echo Auto game switch, please wait... ]; sleep 8000 [ resetmybinds; rndmapstart ] ]
alias "Troundten" [ addnbot 10 RVSF worse; addnbot 2 CLA best; sleep 55000 [ kickallbots; campfragstwo ]; sleep 56000 [ Tmessageten ] ]
alias "Droundthree" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 bad" $s ] ];

                sleep 45000 [ kickallbots; campfragsone ]; sleep 46000 [ Dmessagethree ] ]
alias "Campmessage" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Camping detected, game has ended. ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Thanks for playing! ];

                   sleep 7000 [ echo Auto game switch, please wait... ]; sleep 8000 [ resetmybinds; rndmapstart ] ]
alias "Teamfour" [ sleep 60 [ killmate 4 ] ]
alias "Tstartseven" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundseven; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Dmessagenineteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twenty starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstarttwenty ] ]
alias "Droundten" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 worse" $s ] ];

                sleep 55000 [ kickallbots; campfragstwo ]; sleep 56000 [ Dmessageten ] ]
alias "Troundthree" [ addnbot 3 RVSF bad; addnbot 1 CLA best; sleep 45000 [ kickallbots; campfragsone ]; sleep 46000 [ Tmessagethree ] ]
alias "Tstartseventeen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundseventeen; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "campfragsfive" [ tmpfrags = 0

                  if (strcmp (findpn $arg1) "") [result -1] [

                   tmpfrags = (at (pstat_score $arg1) 1)

                    result $tmpfrags ]; if ($tmpfrags || 5) [ ] [ preparebotmatch; Campmessage ] ]
alias "Tstarteighteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundeighteen; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Dmessagesix" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round seven starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstartseven ] ]
alias "Sroundtwentyfive" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 25 RVSF best ]; addnbot 4 CLA best; sleep 85000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo; Teamthree; Teamfour ]; sleep 85100 [ kickallbots; campfragsfive ];

                        sleep 86000 [ Smessagetwentyfive ] ]
alias "Dstartseventeen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundseventeen 16; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Tmessagesix" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round seven starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstartseven ] ]
alias "Sstarttwo" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready ]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundtwo; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sstarttwentytwo" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundtwentytwo; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Dmessagefour" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round five starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstartfive ] ]
alias "Smessagesixteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round seventeen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstartseventeen ] ]
alias "Troundnineteen" [ addnbot 19 RVSF good; addnbot 4 CLA best; sleep 75000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfour ]; sleep 76000 [ Tmessagenineteen ] ]
alias "Dstarttwentyfour" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundtwentyfour 23; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Dmessagetwelve" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round thirteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstartthirteen ] ]
alias "campfragsfour" [ tmpfrags = 0

                  if (strcmp (findpn $arg1) "") [result -1] [

                   tmpfrags = (at (pstat_score $arg1) 1)

                    result $tmpfrags ]; if ($tmpfrags || 4) [ ] [ preparebotmatch; Campmessage ] ]
alias "Sroundsix" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 6 RVSF worse ]; addnbot 2 CLA best; sleep 55000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo ]; sleep 55100 [ kickallbots; campfragstwo ];

                 sleep 56000 [ Smessagesix ] ]
alias "Sroundtwo" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 2 RVSF bad ]; addnbot 1 CLA best; sleep 45000 [ Teamone ]; sleep 45100 [ kickallbots; campfragsone ];

                  sleep 46000 [ Smessagetwo ] ]
alias "Smessageone" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round two starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstarttwo ] ]
alias "bloop" [loop $arg1 $arg2 [$arg1 = (- (+ (* (getalias $arg1) -1) $arg2) 1); arg3]]
alias "Sroundtwentytwo" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 22 RVSF best ]; addnbot 4 CLA best; sleep 85000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo; Teamthree; Teamfour ]; sleep 85100 [ kickallbots; campfragsfive ];

                        sleep 86000 [ Smessagetwentytwo ] ]
alias "Dmessagetwentythree" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twentyfour starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstarttwentyfour ] ]
alias "formatprec" [

fp_number = $arg1

fp_mag = (pow 10 $arg2)

*=f fp_number $fp_mag

-= fp_number 0

fp_number = (divf $fp_number $fp_mag)

result $fp_number]
alias "Sstartfourteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundfourteen; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "curscore" [

if (strcmp (findpn $arg1) "") [result -1] [

  tmpscore = (at (pstat_score $arg1) 3)

   result $tmpscore ]]
alias "Sroundsixteen" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 16 RVSF good ]; addnbot 4 CLA best; sleep 75000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo; Teamthree; Teamfour ]; sleep 75100 [ kickallbots; campfragsfour ];

                      sleep 76000 [ Smessagesixteen ] ]
alias "Tmessagetwentythree" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twentyfour starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstarttwentyfour ] ]
alias "Tstarttwenty" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundtwenty; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Teamthree" [ sleep 40 [ killmate 3 ] ]
alias "Droundfourteen" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 medium" $s ] ];

                sleep 65000 [ kickallbots; campfragsthree ]; sleep 66000 [ Dmessagefourteen ] ]
alias "Smessagetwenty" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo The next 5 rounds are another skill level up with even more bots and time! ];

                    sleep 5000 [ echo Round twentyone starts in 3 seconds...! ]; sleep 8000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstarttwentyone; ] ]
alias "Dstarttwentyfive" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundtwentyfive 24; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sroundfour" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 4 RVSF bad ]; addnbot 1 CLA best; sleep 45000 [ Teamone ]; sleep 45100 [ kickallbots; campfragsone ];

                     sleep 46000 [ Smessagefour ] ]
alias "Smessagesix" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round seven starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstartseven ] ]
alias "Troundnine" [ addnbot 9 RVSF worse; addnbot 2 CLA best; sleep 55000 [ kickallbots; campfragstwo ]; sleep 56000 [ Tmessagenine ] ]
alias "Droundfive" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 bad" $s ] ];

                sleep 45000 [ kickallbots; campfragsone ]; sleep 46000 [ Dmessagefive ] ]
alias "Troundseventeen" [ addnbot 17 RVSF good; addnbot 4 CLA best; sleep 75000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfour ]; sleep 76000 [ Tmessageseventeen ] ]
alias "Sroundfive" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 5 RVSF bad ]; addnbot 1 CLA best; sleep 45000 [ Teamone ]; sleep 45100 [ kickallbots; campfragsone ];

                     sleep 46000 [ Smessagefive ] ]
alias "poniesmodeon" [0]
alias "Sstarttwentyfive" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundtwentyfive; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Droundseventeen" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 good" $s ] ];

                sleep 75000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfour ]; sleep 76000 [ Dmessageseventeen ] ]
alias "Droundtwelve" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 medium" $s ] ];

                sleep 65000 [ kickallbots; campfragsthree ]; sleep 66000 [ Dmessagetwelve ] ]
alias "Smessagetwelve" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round thirteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstartthirteen ] ]
alias "Tstarttwelve" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundtwelve; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Dstartfour" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundfour 3; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Dstartthree" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundthree 2; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Tmessagetwentyfour" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twentyfive starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstarttwentyfive ] ]
alias "Smessagefour" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round five starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstartfive ] ]
alias "Tstartthree" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundthree; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Droundtwenty" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 good" $s ] ];

                sleep 75000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfour ]; sleep 76000 [ Dmessagetwenty ] ]
alias "Tmessagefifteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo The next 5 rounds are another skill level up with even more bots and time! ];

                    sleep 5000 [ echo Round sixteen starts in 3 seconds with a new teammate! ]; sleep 8000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstartsixteen; ] ]
alias "Troundtwentyfive" [ addnbot 25 RVSF best; addnbot 5 CLA best; sleep 85000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfive ]; sleep 86000 [ Tmessagetwentyfive ] ]
alias "resetmybinds" [ bind F3 [ showmenu Zombies ]; bind E [ edittoggle ]; bind SLASH [ saycommand / ]; bind CARET [ saycommand / ];

                    bind BACKQUOTE [ saycommand / ]; bind T [ saycommand ]; bind Y [ saycommand % ];

                     bind ESCAPE [ if $connected [ ingamemenu ] [ if (watchingdemo) [ showmenu "Watching demo" ] [ showmenu main ] ] ] ]
alias "Dmessagefifteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo The next 5 rounds are another skill level up with even more bots and time! ];

                    sleep 5000 [ echo Round sixteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 8000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstartsixteen; ] ]
alias "Dstartthirteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundthirteen 12; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Teamone" [ killmate 1 ]
alias "Sroundtwentyfour" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 24 RVSF best ]; addnbot 4 CLA best; sleep 85000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo; Teamthree; Teamfour ]; sleep 85100 [ kickallbots; campfragsfive ];

                        sleep 86000 [ Smessagetwentyfour ] ]
alias "Smatch" [ sleep 500 [ alias tmp_mode 7; showmenu S-maps ] ]
alias "Tmessagefive" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo The next 5 rounds are another skill level up with even more bots and time! ];

                    sleep 5000 [ echo Round six starts in 3 seconds with a new teammate! ]; sleep 8000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstartsix ] ]
alias "Dmessagenine" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round ten starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstartten ] ]
alias "Sstartthree" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundthree; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sstartnineteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundnineteen; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Dstarttwentyone" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundtwentyone 20; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Smessagefive" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo The next 5 rounds are another skill level up with even more bots and time! ];

                    sleep 5000 [ echo Round six starts in 3 seconds with a new teammate! ]; sleep 8000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstartsix ] ]
alias "Dmessageseven" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round eight starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstarteight ] ]
alias "Dstartzombies" [ bind F3 [ ]; bind SLASH [ echo Press Esc ]; bind CARET [ echo Press Esc ]; bind BACKQUOTE [ echo Press Esc ];

                     bind T [ echo Press Esc ]; bind Y [ echo Press Esc ]; bind E [ echo Press Esc ]; bind ESCAPE [ resetmybinds; rndmapstart ];

                     sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready ]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundone 0; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "askquit" [1]
alias "Tstarttwentyone" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundtwentyone; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Tmessageseven" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round eight starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstarteight ] ]
alias "Droundeleven" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 medium" $s ] ];

                sleep 65000 [ kickallbots; campfragsthree ]; sleep 66000 [ Dmessageeleven ] ]
alias "Dmatch" [ sleep 500 [ alias tmp_mode 7; showmenu D-maps ] ]
alias "concatlist" [

tmp_cnclist = []

loop cncl (listlen $arg1) [tmp_cnclist = (concatword $tmp_cnclist (at $arg1 $cncl))]

result $tmp_cnclist]
alias "Tstartzombies" [ bind F3 [ ]; bind SLASH [ echo Press Esc ]; bind CARET [ echo Press Esc ]; bind BACKQUOTE [ echo Press Esc ];

                     bind T [ echo Press Esc ]; bind Y [ echo Press Esc ]; bind E [ echo Press Esc ]; bind ESCAPE [ resetmybinds; rndmapstart ];

                     sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready ]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundone; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Tstartnine" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundnine; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Dstartfive" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundfive 4; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Smessageten" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo The next 5 rounds are another skill level up with even more bots and time! ];

                    sleep 5000 [ echo Round eleven starts in 3 seconds with a new teammate! ]; sleep 8000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstarteleven ] ]
alias "Troundsixteen" [ addnbot 16 RVSF good; addnbot 4 CLA best; sleep 75000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfour ]; sleep 76000 [ Tmessagesixteen ] ]
alias "Troundthirteen" [ addnbot 13 RVSF medium; addnbot 3 CLA best; sleep 65000 [ kickallbots; campfragsthree ]; sleep 66000 [ Tmessagethirteen ] ]
alias "Smessagethree" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round four starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstartfour ] ]
alias "Dmessagethirteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round fourteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstartfourteen ] ]
alias "Troundtwentyfour" [ addnbot 24 RVSF best; addnbot 5 CLA best; sleep 85000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfive ]; sleep 86000 [ Tmessagetwentyfour ] ]
alias "Droundsixteen" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 good" $s ] ];

                sleep 75000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfour ]; sleep 76000 [ Dmessagesixteen ] ]
alias "Droundsix" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 worse" $s ] ];

                sleep 55000 [ kickallbots; campfragstwo ]; sleep 56000 [ Dmessagesix ] ]
alias "Endmessage" [ sleep 3000 [ echo You have reached the end! ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Thanks for playing! ];

                   sleep 7000 [ echo Auto game switch, please wait... ]; sleep 8000 [ resetmybinds; rndmapstart ] ]
alias "Tstartfifteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundfifteen; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sroundeight" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 8 RVSF worse ]; addnbot 2 CLA best; sleep 55000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo ]; sleep 55100 [ kickallbots; campfragstwo ];

                     sleep 56000 [ Smessageeight ] ]
alias "Droundtwentytwo" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 best" $s ] ];

                sleep 85000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfive ]; sleep 86000 [ Dmessagetwentytwo ] ]
alias "Tmessageeleven" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twelve starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstarttwelve ] ]
alias "Dmessageone" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round two starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstarttwo ] ]
alias "Troundsix" [ addnbot 6 RVSF worse; addnbot 2 CLA best; sleep 55000 [ kickallbots; campfragstwo ]; sleep 56000 [ Tmessagesix ] ]
alias "Dstartfifteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundfifteen 14; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "campfragsthree" [ tmpfrags = 0

                  if (strcmp (findpn $arg1) "") [result -1] [

                   tmpfrags = (at (pstat_score $arg1) 1)

                    result $tmpfrags ]; if ($tmpfrags || 3) [ ] [ preparebotmatch; Campmessage ] ]
alias "Sstartfour" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundfour; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Troundtwentytwo" [ addnbot 22 RVSF best; addnbot 5 CLA best; sleep 85000 [ kickallbots; campfragsfive ]; sleep 86000 [ Tmessagetwentytwo ] ]
alias "Tmessageone" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round two starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstarttwo ] ]
alias "Dmessagethree" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round four starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstartfour ] ]
alias "scopesens" [ *f $sensitivity $scopesensscale ]
alias "Tmessageten" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo The next 5 rounds are another skill level up with even more bots and time! ];

                    sleep 5000 [ echo Round eleven starts in 3 seconds with a new teammate! ]; sleep 8000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstarteleven ] ]
alias "Dstarttwentytwo" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundtwentytwo 21; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Droundseven" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 worse" $s ] ];

                sleep 55000 [ kickallbots; campfragstwo ]; sleep 56000 [ Dmessageseven ] ]
alias "rrndf" [divf (+f (rnd (*f (-f $arg2 $arg1) (pow 10 $arg3))) (*f $arg1 (pow 10 $arg3))) (pow 10 $arg3)]
alias "Smessageeight" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round nine starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstartnine ] ]
alias "Dstarttwo" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready ]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundtwo 1; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Tmessagefourteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round fifteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstartfifteen ] ]
alias "Tmessagethree" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round four starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstartfour ] ]
alias "Dmessageten" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo The next 5 rounds are another skill level up with even more bots and time! ];

                    sleep 5000 [ echo Round eleven starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 8000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstarteleven ] ]
alias "Tstarttwentytwo" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundtwentytwo; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Troundseven" [ addnbot 7 RVSF worse; addnbot 2 CLA best; sleep 55000 [ kickallbots; campfragstwo ]; sleep 56000 [ Tmessageseven ] ]
alias "Tstarttwo" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready ]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Troundtwo; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Smessagefourteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round fifteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstartfifteen ] ]
alias "ifbind" [

bind $arg1 (concat [if] $arg2 (concatword "[" (if $arg4 [result (keybind $arg1)] [result $arg3]) "]") (concatword "[" (if $arg4 [result $arg3] [result (keybind $arg1)]) "]"))]
alias "Sroundten" [  sleep 50 [ addnbot 10 RVSF worse ]; addnbot 2 CLA best; sleep 55000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo ]; sleep 55100 [ kickallbots; campfragstwo ];

                    sleep 56000 [ Smessageten ] ]
alias "Droundfour" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 bad" $s ] ];

                sleep 45000 [ kickallbots; campfragsone ]; sleep 46000 [ Dmessagefour ] ]
alias "Dmessagetwentyfive" [ echo You did it!; Endmessage ]
alias "Dstartfourteen" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundfourteen 13; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sroundthree" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 3 RVSF bad ]; addnbot 1 CLA best; sleep 45000 [ Teamone ]; sleep 45100 [ kickallbots; campfragsone ];

                    sleep 46000 [ Smessagethree ] ]
alias "Smessagetwentyone" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round twentytwo starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstarttwentytwo ] ]
alias "Sroundtwentythree" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 23 RVSF best ]; addnbot 4 CLA best; sleep 85000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo; Teamthree; Teamfour ]; sleep 85100 [ kickallbots; campfragsfive ];

                          sleep 86000 [ Smessagetwentythree ] ]
alias "Tmessagetwenty" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo The next 5 rounds are another skill level up with even more bots and time! ];

                    sleep 5000 [ echo Round twentyone starts in 3 seconds with your last teammate! ]; sleep 8000 [ preparebotmatch; Tstarttwentyone; ] ]
alias "Troundfifteen" [ addnbot 15 RVSF medium; addnbot 3 CLA best; sleep 65000 [ kickallbots; campfragsthree ]; sleep 66000 [ Tmessagefifteen ] ]
alias "Sstarteight" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundeight; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Sroundnineteen" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 19 RVSF good ]; addnbot 4 CLA best; sleep 75000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo; Teamthree; Teamfour ]; sleep 75100 [ kickallbots; campfragsfour ];

                       sleep 76000 [ Smessagenineteen ] ]
alias "Droundone" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 bad" $s ] ];

                sleep 45000 [ kickallbots; campfragsone ]; sleep 46000 [ Dmessageone ] ]
alias "Droundfifteen" [ alias j (+ $arg1 1); alias s $j; loop u $j [sleep (* $u 100) [alias s (- $s 1); addnbot "1 medium" $s ] ];

                sleep 65000 [ kickallbots; campfragsthree ]; sleep 66000 [ Dmessagefifteen ] ]
alias "Dstarteleven" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Droundeleven 10; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Troundone" [ addnbot 1 RVSF bad; addnbot 1 CLA best; sleep 45000 [ kickallbots; campfragsone ]; sleep 46000 [ Tmessageone ] ]
alias "Sstarttwentyfour" [ sleep 3000 [ echo Get ready]; sleep 4000 [ echo Get Set ]; sleep 5000 [ echo Go! ]; sleep 6000 [ Sroundtwentyfour; killgame 0 ] ]
alias "Smessagethirteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round fourteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Sstartfourteen ] ]
alias "Sroundthirteen" [ sleep 50 [ addnbot 13 RVSF medium ]; addnbot 3 CLA best; sleep 65000 [ Teamone; Teamtwo; Teamthree ]; sleep 65100 [ kickallbots; campfragsthree ];

                        sleep 66000 [ Smessagethirteen ] ]
alias "Dmessageeighteen" [ echo You did it!; sleep 2000 [ echo Round nineteen starts in 3 seconds... ]; sleep 5000 [ preparebotmatch; Dstartnineteen ] ]

sorry if I'm asking too much

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I should put automatic alias deletion on quit for my scripts. Apologies for the lack of foresight.
On the other hand, if you want to actually use this script, just make sure the png files are where the game searches for them.
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I really want to use the script, and I think that the location of the install is in a folder on the desktop, but my maps aren't there, so could the install location also be somewhere else? If the install is located elsewhere, then where should I look? I kind of think that all of the alias's are for the zombie mode, but the one for your script might be hidden in there.
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I'd look in C:\Program Files\AssaultCube_something

EDIT: whoops, can't read apparently
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(03 Jul 11, 07:34PM)tempest Wrote: I'd look in C:\Program Files\AssaultCube_something
it would probably be a good idea to look there, but I'm using Linux.
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If you installed AC in your home folder there should be a folder there.
Maybe its a hidden file. Ctrl + H to show hidden files on Ubuntu.
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I found it, and I created the folders that it was looking for, but it still did not work. I also put the images in there.
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I fixed it by deleting everything that had to do with the mod, including the saved.cfg. I really wish I could have used this mod though...
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(03 Jul 11, 11:32PM).JK. Wrote: I fixed it by deleting everything that had to do with the mod, including the saved.cfg. I really wish I could have used this mod though...

Don't delete your saved.cfg just deletes related scripts/binds/code who were auto-saved at the end of the game.
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I probably shouldn't have deleted the saved.cfg, but I did. It worked, but I had to re enter all of my settings.
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No surprise there, saved.cfg stores all of your cubescript data between sessions, so you deleting it got rid of all your settings/scripts. Next time don't delete it, have someone remove the culprit scripts for you...
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Find the "crosshairs" folder and see if putting the greenc and pbjt folders in there (containing the png files) works.
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Thank you so much, V-Man. It now works.
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What's the point making a readme.txt for? :s
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I am using Linux, so some of the instructions did not work correctly.
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(05 Jul 11, 12:48AM).JK. Wrote: I am using Linux, so some of the instructions did not work correctly.
Wasn't specially directed to you...
a) Some indeed don't even bother read them and I like the fact to call them 'dont_readme' as a human being is so made that confronted to a poster 10 meters wide saying "DO NOT PRESS THAT BUTTON" he'll do it.
b) Any of those creating stuff should include in these files what OS it is designed for.

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(04 Jul 11, 09:52AM)Bukz Wrote: No surprise there, saved.cfg stores all of your cubescript data between sessions, so you deleting it got rid of all your settings/scripts. Next time don't delete it, have someone remove the culprit scripts for you...

Why remove when you can overwrite?
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If his settings and scripts were backed up elsewhere, say, executed via the autoexec.cfg - deleting saved.cfg would cause no harm. I don't get what you mean about overwriting - those scripts need to be removed from saved.cfg, or like V-Man said, scripters could start delalias'ing every alias that doesn't depend on saved.cfg beforehand, to avoid these problems.

Of course, that would still allow those aliases that do depend on saved.cfg to begin building up if the user doesn't manually remove them their self during script un-installations. Probably a minor issue unless they use many scripts.
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Just lock your saved.cfg so scripts don't mess with it.
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but then it might not save my settings, and also, I think that this thread can be locked
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For the life of me, I can't figure out how your OS being Linux is what caused the problem. The instructions should work for any system correct me if I'm wrong.
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// automatically written on exit, DO NOT MODIFY
// modify settings in game
// automatically written on exit, DO NOT MODIFY
// Do not modify anything below, instead change settings in game, or add to autoexec.cfg
// executed at first run, don't change
// do not modify, use
// WARNING: You can NOT use CubeScript in here!!
// WARNING: You can not use CubeScript in here!!
// Do not modify.
// do NOT modify
// WARNING: You can NOT use CubeScript in here!!
// * you can't use cubescript here!
// * everything after '//' in a line will be ignored
// * one commandline parameter per line only
// WARNING: You can NOT use CubeScript in here!!

And mmh wtf? sed 's!#!//!g'
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