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Winning is Easy Clan
Hello, I am making a clan called Winning is Easy (-WiE).

Clan Tag - -WiE-
Clan Name - Winning is Easy
Location - International (must speak English)
Site Url - http://winningiseasy.iftopic.com/
Site Chat - Skype

To join, you must:
1. Have a skype account.
2. Pass our 1v1 test.
We are looking for someone who can make servers, too.

See you ingame!

EDIT: There has been a WiE (exactly the same) made before, by Salohcin. Well, I am Salohcin... :P I am remaking the failed WiE.
Thanks given by:
GL and most importantly, HF!
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Google sites. Tried those b4. I can't stand them.
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(22 Jun 11, 10:59PM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: GL and most importantly, HF!

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Gl, HF, don't let the trolls troll you too hard
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Good luck, I'll give the same advice I always give, make sure you recruit like minded people that are willing to help, putting to use their talents.
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Thanks for the advise.

Also, I am going to make a forumotion site for us, which will be better than google.
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hf gl
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Good luck mate.
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Thanks everyone!

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We now have a server! Woo! :)
Haha, double post!
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GL, HF, DS, DW! :)
Make sure that the people you recruit are decent. Unless you are going for a completely competitive clan, you want to have friendly, easy to get along with people in your clan.
I would suggest spending some time trying to get to know people that apply.
EDIT: Let's not "Makke sure" :P
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MakkE sure that you makkE sure you have people in the clan that you've already maddE sure you can trust.

After all, who doesn't want to makkE sure that they have a clan full of friends they can get along with?

Just makkE sure you do these things, and I'm sure things will go swimmingly
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lol... You people are crazy -.-
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Just a little note so you can make sure this clan stays alive for a long time. Don't recruit people randomly just to get a lot of players (that's exactly what new clans do and it never works). A strong clan is built up of quality, not quantity. Decide a player limit you want in your clan right now (8-12 is a great range) and make sure you get the best players you can in those limits.
Create an application system, decide the requirements for each player to be able to join your clan, and make sure you test them and get to know them well enough before letting them join!

Good luck.
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