Hi Friend, it should be as simple as running the server.bat file, found in the root AC folder C:/program files/AssaultCube - This one is just a guess, I'm a Linux user.
To change the settings in the server, like the MOTD and what not, you have to edit the text files found in the conifig folder - Found in your root AssaultCube Directory, see above.
The documentation is fairly straight forward, your main files you'll be editing are the "maprot.cfg, serverpwd.cfg and servercmdline.cfg/txt"
The Maprot.cfg is for, if you hadn't guest it, changing what maps your server will use and also what gametypes would be used.
The serverpwd.cfg is used for setting the admin/s passwords also there are a few other options, which you can find out just by opening the file.
The servercmdline.cfg/txt is used for setting your basic funtions for MOTD, how many people can connect and your server description. What I do is create a section down the bottom of my text file, with all MY add-ins to the file.
Here is my example:
// example servercmdline.txt file (1.1)
// to use this file, add -Cconfig/servercmdline.txt to your servers commandline
// * you can't use cubescript here!
// * everything after '//' in a line will be ignored
// * one commandline parameter per line only
// * you have to use the '-' characters for the switches
// * you can separate the switch and it's argument by whitespace
// see docs/commandline.html for full parameter descriptions
// commonly used commandline switches:
// -o // MOTD
// -n // server description
// -n1 // custom server description prefix
// -n2 // custom server description suffix
// -f // port, 1..65534, default 28763
// -c // max client number, 1..20, default 6
// -D // number of demos to keep in RAM, default 5
// the switches o, n, n1 and n2 support coloring and character escaping; 'o' also supports escaped newlines
// the available colors are: 0: green, 1: blue, 2: yellow, 3: red, 4: gray, 5: white, 6: dark brown, 7: dark red
// example multiline MOTD: -o line 1\nline 2\nline 3
// example colored server description: -n \f3red\f1blue
// change these, if you don't like the defaults:
// -k // kickthreshold, -1..-100, default -5
// -y // banthreshold, -1..-100, default -6
// -r // server maprot file, default config/maprot.cfg
// -X // server passwords file, default config/serverpwd.cfg
// -B // server IP blacklist file, default config/serverblacklist.cfg
// -K // server nickname blacklist file, default config/nicknameblacklist.cfg
// -P // voting permission string (read docs/commandline.html)
// k kick players
// b ban players (and remove bans)
// m change mastermode (open/private)
// f force a player to the other team
// a enable/disable autoteam
// s shuffle the teams
// r record a demo of the next game (if autorecording is disabled)
// c clear all demos on server
// d change server description
// e vote for coopedit mode
// p vote for a gamemode that is not supported by the map (default: no one can)
// w vote to kick/ban without clear reasons
// default: fkBMASRCDEW (lowercase: a user can vote for it; uppercase: admin role is required to vote)
// -M // sendmap permission string (read docs/commandline.html)
// c create new map (initial map upload)
// u update existing map (same or newer revision)
// r revert existing map to older revision
// d delete map (default: no one can)
// default: CRU (lowercase: any user is allowed to do it; uppercase: admin role is required)
// -Z // sendmap/incoming limit in MB (default = 10MB)
// -I // serverinfo text filename prefix, default config/serverinfo
// -O // MOTD text filename prefix, default config/motd
// rarely used switches:
// -p // serverpassword, for passworded servers
// -N // syslog identity string
// -F // syslog facility, 0..7, default 6
// -x // adminpasswd, don't use, use serverpwd.cfg instead
// -W // demopath, path & file prefix to store recorded demos at
// -V // verbose logging (enable this via commandline, until you're sure, there are no errors in your config left)
// -C // import commandline options from file (can be used recursively)
// -T // Add timestamps to every line of the console and file logs.
// -LF // Sets the logging level for file logs (0..5), default 2 (Win & Mac) or 5 (Linux)
// -LS // Sets the logging level for syslog logging (0..5), default 2 (Linux) or 5 (Win & Mac)
// The following levels can be selected (-LF & -LS):
// 0 DEBUG: logs all messages
// 1 VERBOSE: logs all messages of level VERBOSE and above (same as console log, when using the -V switch)
// 2 INFO: logs all messages of level INFO and above (same as console without -V switch)
// 3 WARNING: log only messages of level WARNING and above
// 4 ERROR: log only messages of level ERROR
// 5 do not write to the log
// -A // Restricts voting for a map/mode to admins. This switch can be used several times.
// don't use these switches, unless you really know what you're doing:
// -u // uprate
// -i // ip, only for machines with multiple network interfaces
// -m // masterserver URL (exception: use "-m localhost", if you don't want AC to register at a masterserver at all)
//@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@THIS IS WHERE I TYPE MY STUFF******
// This is the message of the day
-o Hi and welcome to this server.
//This sets the maximum players that can join
-c 12
There are plenty of other commands to use with the servercmdline.cfg/txt and they are all there in the documentation.
REMEMBER: In most of the files they have examples there for you already, so if you want to edit the MOTD easily, just check the servercmdline.cfg/txt and edit the example.
I hope this helps and PM me should you want my IM for help or even asking questions :) Good luck with your server, it's always exciting hosting your own stuff.
Cheers. LNX - The Power of Linux!