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=By3= Return !!!
Despite what they say or fail to say, by3 never ceased to be a great clan, we are coming revolt of the envious!
And we came here to show that we can win everything and everyone!
Members: Leader: = by3 =.EnTy^
SubLider: =By3=Clown

I hope with your support!

Community : http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#Community?cmm=115141717
IRC : Constrution

[Image: ilogo10e.jpg]

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lmao GL and HF
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In 2 days, that's the 2nd time I'm saying good luck to your clan, you deserve an award :D

Anyway, I hope you'll have fun in this new-old clan :)
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i await the return of |QU4KE|
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Cool story bro, in what chapter do you shut the f**k up?
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(12 Jun 11, 10:20AM)Shorty Wrote: Cool story bro, in what chapter do you shut the f**k up?

Well its in the middle of chapter 23, but you can go right to the epilogue and see what happens if you'd like.
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Hope this one lasts at least a week. GL and HF.
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LOL In 1 week he made a clan, left the clan applied to fR left the app, apped for BC left the app and brought back By3... yeah good luck and have fun.
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It's like he's fathering an alliance of clans...

We have a situation here.
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Good Luck EnTy clan very Good ^^
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he's bringing everyone else down.
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Time to consult the experts I think!

[Image: 161_NpAdvSinglePhoto.jpg]
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Congrats Enty, you've officially made, and brought back more clans than me!
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Duckett please learn to use commas.
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Gibarix learn to make important comments, do not bring your infant childish fights and arguments to the AC forum.

Anyways, Plenas has a new "alias" nick hahaha and GL EnTy, hope you stay in it ;)
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(12 Jun 11, 06:48PM)Duckett Wrote: Congrats Enty, you've officially made, and brought back more clans than me!


(12 Jun 11, 04:16AM)EnTy Wrote: SubLider: =By3=Clown

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[Image: parisbreizh.gif]
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So lol?
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(12 Jun 11, 11:38AM)ShieldyBear Wrote: LOL In 1 week he made a clan, left the clan applied to fR left the app, apped for BC left the app and brought back By3... yeah good luck and have fun.

Like I've said before, time travels faster on the internet!
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inb4 another clan within a week.
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Site : http://by3clan.webs.com/

Community: http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#Community?cmm=115141717
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You have a community of your own?
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(12 Jun 11, 10:06AM)Undead Wrote: i await the return of |QU4KE|

Haha, me to (or |3H|, #sH. RyL ANG3L , InReal etc..)

Enty,Plenas,HeRa etc create a clan per week with same members!!

Enty and Plenas(Clown) gl ,( that lasts one more week)

PS: See you next week ^^
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c00kie the by3 you know that is our home, do not be jealous that we be less than your clan!
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I talk the English very very good.

has =By3= gone ByE By3 yet?
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I don't think so, but wait for it.
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(15 Jun 11, 01:32PM)EnTy Wrote: c00kie the by3 you know that is our home, do not be jealous that we be less than your clan!

yes, I'm jealous.

[Image: risada3_1280436983.jpg]

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