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{sN!pE} clan
Hey all,

If you are looking for a clan with good members and who are active join {sN!pE} you can find us on our server. If you are interested tell us on our server you need to be tested first!

Visit our website :

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should be moved to "clans and wars"
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Lol im with ShadowFlameZ you should get a website or a IRC channel either on http://gamesurge.net or http://quakenet.org.
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After you get a website (there are a lot of free ones) you can really start going about ur clan business.
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Troo. A clan without these resources is considered an unimportant clan, or a nooby clan. I.e. Like in politics.
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We already have a site!
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Then let us know what it is in this thread :)
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Ok do u have an IRC?
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So what about with the monkey clan, Gorilla? o.O


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why do people have their clan name in their username?? just wondering :D
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So they can then ask an admin to remove it ;)
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when they leave it ;D

By the way, their site is: http://www.snipeclan.tk

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(30 May 11, 06:39PM)Spookyfish Wrote: So what about with the monkey clan, Gorilla? o.O


That was a long time dead! We were .:ExR| but one of our leaders Warp7.7 destroyed it! :(
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{sN!pE} is not starting out to HOT. I see your clan has already stolen maps and called them their own.... not cool. {sN!pE}DEEP_SHOTZ huh, well to bad someone made this map before you :S

I could care less about {sN!pE}camper@camper_2... I just LOL.

type /newmap
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Lol vern. That's gonna kill your rep, Gorilla.

Err... a memberlist on THESE forums would be good. It's a quick reference. Good luck!
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