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THE WALL ( no pink floyd :D )
sry again for my english

when "close room " for stop the max area "system "

i wan't say

have 2 room " 9000 area "

i split they room and how many case can open ( for doors <= no jim morrison :D )

4 case ?
with traducteur ;)

How to separate room for indeed etre in standard of V.1.0.4

Is it 4 compartments?

Otherwise explain I how it crosses(spends) it because if in the daytime a newmap 7 it is deja not in standard height of / showmapstats is 27 ^^

see the image


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um, which translator did you use?
Maybe post in your original language here (use good grammar and spelling!!) so we can use other translators to figure it out.
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(en francais ) traducteur utilisé => reverso

ok V-Man , je voulais dire , quel sont les conditions a remplir pour séparer les salles afin que le nombre max de case (10.000) soit respecter .

est-qu'il faut fermer les murs et ne laisser qu'une ou 2 ouverture de portes de 4 cases ?

regardez la photo , quand je lance une newmap 7 , et tape /showmapstats ca me dit que la hauteur est de + de 27 0.O , donc la newmap 7 n'est pas aux norme requise de la V. ?

j'aurais besoins de quelques explication pour le mapping , notamment pour la la hauteur ,

sur une de mes cartes j'ai baisser le niveau du plafond et rajouter des mur pour baisser les stats mais au contraire le stats plafond a augmenter , WTF ?

merci encore pour tout

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I'll try here.

First paragraph:
What are the conditions so that the maximum of cubes allowed (10,000) is met.
How can he meet the conditions regarding the max number of cubes.

Does he have to close the walls to have doors only 2 to 4 cubes wide?

When he makes a /newmap 7 and does /showmapstats, it says that the height is more than 27, does /newmap 7 break the requirements of 1104?

He needs some explanation about mapping, especially with the height. He has lowered parts of his map (ceilings) to try to meet the requirements, however it increases the stats (I assume average height).

Thanks for all.

Hope my very rough (google aided) translation helps.
Feel free to correct me anyone.

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* HyPE|Darkside thinks this thread SHOULD be about Pink Floyd... just sayin >_>
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First- Your biggest room cannot be larger than 10000 cubes max area. Try adding solids to fix this problem. Or, make your walls thicker in places.

Second- Not understanding. You can make your doors or walls as big or as small as you choose.

Third- You can make a map in sizes 6 - 9 no problem. Anything higher, and you run into trouble. aka client crashes.

Fourth- Lower all of your ceilings until you have reached the 30 cube limit.

Make sure that you are using solids for your walls and not bringing the floor up. You must use solids.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you still need help. :D

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Yes -- there is a difference between a low "wall" and a "solid" wall.
The low wall is made by raising the floor up. It does not count as separating rooms when the game calculates room size.
The solid wall is made by selecting "solid 1" (I believe keybound to your "6" key). It is counted as a separator.
I think the way the game figures out the 10,000 cube limit is by seeing what rectangles can be drawn that don't contain any "solid 1" cubes. So, for example, having a hallway 20x400 cubes connected to a room 40x200 means that a rectangle could be drawn in there 20x600, 12,000 cubes. So, even though both rooms are under the limit, the open rectangular area shared by them is too big. (In this case, if the doorway is narrowed to ten cubes, for example, then the shared open area is only 6000 cubes and does not break the requisites.)

I'm not sure if the mapstats are correct in 1104 if it says that a newmap 7's average ceiling height is 27. XD

I don't know about the ceiling height problem, I'm working on a map that can't pass it. XD
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j'espere un jour pouvoir voir vos maps ,

j'adorait le mapping sous la version V.0.0.1 mais la c'est plus difficile ....

je suis sur une map " pirate " mais mon bateau est trop haut :-(
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une autre question ,

comment se fait-il je voit le sol dans le mur en face svp ?

regardez l'image

normalement c'est ca

au fait j'ai une nouvelle map , mais je croit elle lag :( dommage elle est joli est on peut pas aller sur les coté des bateau a coause de hauteur des murs )

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