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hello , first sry for my langage , i'm french

the question

how i can convert my map's create on old version of AC please ?

i can't vote they

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Hi cartouche.
It's not a problem of converting your maps.
In version 1.1 of AssaultCube, certain requirements were added to stop extremely high or wide maps from being made.
Read about it here.
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ok thank

it's bad , now i coming change my map's :'(
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If you change your maps in the proper way, the changes will be improvements. :D
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yes , thanks for all ,) and good playing
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i change my map
no 10.000 cubes
no pickup next to
and flag are 30 cubes away

i send the map to serveur and after i vote it , the server say me "sorry , but this map does not satisfy some quality requisites to be played in Multiplayer Mode "

how i can see WTF on my map and change it ? please

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Type /showmapstats in-game.
The mean height is: (should be less than 20)
The max area is: (should be less than 10000)
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thank you so much , i can have 3 maps / 15 with this

other are more of 20 heigh and 10.000 max area

one map => "titanic" is at 88.000 0.0 ( is not a map for play but for nice see ;) )
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cartouche, can you show us your map ? :D I am very interesting in your output. :D

It is 4th or 5th thread in this chronology("discussion about restrictions" -> "new account" -> "thread solving the restriction") in AC history, it cannot be random. :D i doubt new count response what i talked about the week in this forum. I would like see the reason. At worst case i am too paranoid. :D
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!assaultcube!barrage , by-punk<= my old pseudo ;)

!assaulcube!titanic (the famous titanic héhé )

!assaultcube!moonwalker ( travel on the moon lol )

!assaultcube!gare ( my first map )[img] http://cjoint.com/?AEzpgK7AQOb [/img]

!assaultcube!prison ( real )

!assaultcube!village ( my village )

!assaultcube!gang-bang (clic for sex lol )

!assaultcube!gema-cartouche ( if you can modifier this map for me on new protocol is so good and thanks very much )
whith the new "restriction" they map are dead :(
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I will try to do it for ya.

I brought back my old gema map in same way.....

it is better than before! :D
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merci bugboy

i do it but the mapstats down 19 heigh and 10144 max case :(

i close a wall and now it's

21,35 heigh and 10144 max case 0.0

WTF ? lol
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so good
i can vote the map now


thanks all
the map now i can vote is


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